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    1. Norschtalen 7 yrs ago


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I see. If the slab is meant for us to fall into the fungi, than there is probably something off about them. Kyra would warn the others about this of course, and inform them of her own misgivings about the mushrooms. Is there another path we could take? Ideally one that doesn't have us go through mushrooms?

I rolled a 15 for perception. Kyra will be looking the same place as everyone else.

I don't think I saw anything for Catarina. Did she manage to hit the assassin with her bow or not?

Dulga Tarata

"These dumbasses..." A groan of increasing discomfort came from Dulga as she watched the two duke it out. If they wanted to pick their fight in one of the training rooms Dulga wouldn't have cared, but seeing them go off at each other without doing that much made Dulga aware of how high emotions are right now. Hitomi and Mamoru ran off to find teachers, with Mamoru tossing her shield to Dulga. She knew how it worked so Dulga knew how she'll use it. It was then that Roy managed to knock Jett down and pulled out a bow made of light. It was time to intervene, but it seemed like a few of the others stepped in. Kaida, Yukari, and even Tomoe called them all out. Not long after, Miss Mako appeared and disarmed Roy. It was safe, for now.

Dulga walked calmly towards the scene, pointing the shield towards Roy in case he tried any more attacks, but kept her eyes on Jett. Sure, Dulga saw Roy throw the first punch, but she knew all too well how using words can goad people into making mistakes like that. Jett should know it all too well; that tactic is exactly what Dulga used in their villain study class to make Mako go after her, by goading her and everyone else in class into trying to come at her first. Roy was a fool and let his emotions get to him, but Dulga was fairly certain Jett knew and wanted that reaction anyways. This wasn't simply a case of miscommunication, he was looking for a fight and Dulga did not accept that.

"The show is over. Everyone needs to leave, now. Before things get worse." She says sternly. She knows that everyone is going to want to start talking up and try to make excuses for Roy and Jett, pick sides, or just vent emotionally. But Dulga really, really wanted to deescalate this situation before it becomes an even bigger argument than before. To do that Dulga put her hand on Kaida's and Yukari's shoulders since they were closest to her. "C'mon you two. Let the teachers handle this for now. There is something I'd like to talk to you two about, if you have some time." Dulga gently tries to guide them away from the scene and out towards the dormitories just to be safe and away from the drama.

Kobolds came flying out from the cave, immediately spotting Orchid and Torus. She cursed quietly under her breath but remained hidden, drawing the arrow on her bow. Torus, for some reason, cased a spell that summoned forth a thick cloud of fog that completely obscured her vision. While this might send the kobolds in some disarray, it wouldn't do Kyra any good. She could only vaguely make out the position of the kobolds and she wasn't sure if that was because they were moving around or because of their wings. "Tch." She was especially concerned because she was certain she saw a few more kobolds running away, possibly to warn others. She knew they were hiding among the mushrooms, which still gave her much to worry about. If what Parum said was true, it's possible that the kobolds set these mushrooms as traps for the uninformed. If nothing else, giant mushrooms were not normal and should be avoided.

Putting that thought aside for now Kyra simply drew her arrow and awaited at her hidden location to send an arrow into any kobold she saw, be it from the cloud or from the mushrooms. She'd also shoot any other threat that might come around such as other cultists or beasts.

Dulga Tarata

As Dulga was carrying Acion out from the training room, she overhead Roy shouting at Jett. She was aware that Roy was one of the many students who got attacked by mysterious villains a week ago. She wasn't sure what Jett had done to provoke him, but if she had to guess whatever he said had to do with the attack. She scanned the area and noted the others who were here. Tomoe and Kaida were closest. This made Dulga sign with annoyance. She was all too aware of how close Kaida felt for Roy and Jett. If this was suppose to be some sort of dick measuring contest between the two boys, Dulga's apathy towards them would take a steep decline. Hitomi and Mamoru was here too. Dulga doesn't expect any trouble for Hitomi, but Mamoru might feel the need to involve herself. Normally Dulga wouldn't even care and just go her own way, however in this instance she felt a need to act. To minimize collateral damage and limit the amount of people who gets involved.

First Dulga needed to deal with Acion and for that she had a plan that would take two birds out with one stone. Walking briskly as Jett was shouting back at Roy, Dulga walked up to Kaida and Tomoe, handing Acion to Kaida knowing that she was strong enough to carry him. Quietly Dulga spoke so only Kaida could hear her. "Take him out of here. I will take care of things here. Please go now Kaida." Dulga then turned to Tomoe, wanting her to leave the scene before she gets involved too. She spoke softly to her, with a strange kindness that was almost unfamiliar. "Tomoe please help her. Go to the infirmary. I'll see you three soon." Dulga didn't want to have to stand there and explain why she wanted them to leave so urgently, so Dulga simply left Acion with them and headed towards Mamoru and Hitomi. Dulga stood in front of them with her arms outstretched, trying to usher them away from the scene. "You two come with me. We should go find a teacher. Don't get in trouble."

Dulga didn't care what Jett and Roy were doing, but the last thing they needed was for the rest of the class to start fighting one another too. She understood that tensions were high; they've been attacked by villains and everyone feared for their safety. Being teenagers everyone was on edge and just waiting to lash out against threats. But this sort of blind anger isn't going to help anyone. First Dulga needed to get the bystanders safely away from the conflict zone, and then Dulga would see if she could at least make these two boys settle down and stop making a fool of themselves. They were suppose to be heroes, not a bunch of super powered teenagers with attitudes.

@liferusher@Heartfillia@Silver Carrot@Lucius Cypher
I'm still interested in staying if everyone else is.

Dulga Tarata

When Tomoe hugged Dulga, she merely rolled her eyes and patted her head. Gently of course, it looked like Tomoe had some brain damage recently. Didn't want to make it worse. So Dulga looked between the flustered Hitomi and Acion. She had a good hunch some sort of romcom situation was happening before she got here and Hitomi was glad that Dulga could direct the embarrassing attention away. Dulga would roll with it. Back to the topic on hand: a fight. "Of course. Don't worry. I won't use any of my guns. Unfortunately." Dulga seemed disappointed but part of her training was getting used to actual hand-to-hand combat. If she kept relying on her guns for everything she'll become predictable and weak when they won't work. Dulga pointed towards an empty training room so Acion knew where to go when he was ready. Without anything further to say Dulga left just as Mamoru arrived, heading to the lockers to change into some exercising clothes.

Dulga had taken the time to work on her attire. Instead of simply being her hero outfit but unarmored, she wore athletic pants, red running shoes, and a custom design shirt that would accommodate her arms. Add the gloves and her mask and she was ready to spare. Almost instinctively she went to reach for her pistol, only to remember she didn't bring it with her. She'd have to make a mental note to visit the support class for a new pistol as well. "Focus." No more distractions. Dulga went into the training room and sat on the floor, resting her eyes and concentrating her mind on the upcoming fight. She was trying something she's never done before, so she can't let little things distract.

Even with advantage my initiative is still a 9.
With the last of the sentries dead Kyra went to retrieve her arrow, if it was still good, as well as moving the bodies somewhere out of sight. She suspects they have maybe an hour or so before the bodies start to give off a stretch, and hopefully they'll be out of this cave before that happens. Remembering Parum's warning, Kyra focused on looking for enemies and keeping an eye out for any traps or ambushes. The group moved forward and Kyra kept her eyes trained on the shadows. It was then she noticed the fungi. Mushrooms weren't unusual to her, but ones as tall as a man? Surely magic. Kyra bemoaned her lack of nature knowledge; her training was in spells and medicine. For a Priestess of Chauntae, she was woefully lacking in herbalism. Still maybe she could remember something about these man-sized mushrooms from her books. Whether or not they were dangerous or unusual.

But as she was trying to remember her keen elven senses picked up on the sound of wings. Perhaps it was an imp or some other flying sentry; it wouldn't surprise Kyra if these cultist consorted with demons as well as dragons. Either way she sunk into the shadows and drew an arrow, getting ready to attack first.

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