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<Snipped quote by Inkarnate>

How do you mean?

People treat it like a duet with both trying to leave their mark, rather than one person as a lead and the other offering information and dialogue support.
Please be aware that guild is a play-by-post roleplaying site and interest checks should be for roleplays that take part in the site itself. We do not allow off-site advertisement.
Just posting because OP getting fired up over an RP having standards is hilarious.

Real talk though, you're not going to fit the wants and needs of every GM neatly inside of 3 sections. Honest bullet points for all the sections would look something like this:

Free: For people who don't take the writing aspect of RPing too seriously and prefer a fast post pace.

Casual: For Free roleplayers who don't mind reading longer posts, and Advanced roleplayers who don't mind reading less-than-perfect writing.

Advanced: For people who want to challenge themselves, take the writing aspect very seriously, and/or prefer a slower posting pace.

The door opened.

There was a faint howl from the hinges as the door opened.

A ten thousand year bloodline of masters and slaves, converging into one entity. It was this entity who would be the chosen one, who would begin their journey of mystery and might; however forces unseen would hinder this ancestral collective. Rust and corrosion — decades of neglect. Though they would struggle this would only be a hump they would overcome. For these people were mighty, they were triumphant, nothing could hold them back as they pushed forth...
...and the door opened.
Who went ahead and cast a necromancy spell for this old topic? Lol

Let people RP with their friends in peace. Yeah there's guidelines for what should be in each section, but demanding any enforcement is like looking at your neighbour's backyard and telling them they must plant roses rather than tulips when your own garden only has seeds.

At least people are roleplaying... Better than sitting around and not doing anything.:3
In Hello 4 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
@Indra unfortunately that username is taken
How do you engage, or become engaged with other player characters at the beginning of an RP? Occasionally we might see people who create loner characters, make the decision to start away from the group/other players, or on the other side of the coin we have players who try to include everyone into their opening post with the aim of drawing them into the collective.

Do want to hear the opinions from both a player perspective and a GM perspective, as well as what you may do when you see another player starting to drift away to perhaps create their own solo storylines.

(The idea of the topic was bought up after remembering an old RP where everyone started in one central hub, but one character by one player was positioned in another town.)
Shit happens. You can't help it if real life gets in the way and sometimes you do need to step away and look at the important things before you can relax and spend your free time writing.

In regards on how to tell a partner, be up front. It's more of a dick move to lead people on in the hopes of something than just being honest.
*Looks at result*
*Looks at comments in thread*

Well.... guess I'm part of the Anne Rice crew.
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