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There are heaps of people that RP in private and I can visually see the numbers of public and private posts, so the activity is there.

What you may find that even though a lot of people are home in isolation and quarantine, they are still living busy lives and aren't exactly in a holiday mode. People aren't going to the movies, aren't going to holiday destinations, and even in some places aren't leaving their home except for groceries. That all hinders creativity greatly as you are physically limited in activities and have to stay within your home.

There have been studies and checks done to show that people have generally become more laxed and lazy while at home during this period, and people have been sleeping more often as there's no reason to rush to get to a workplace by 9. There's home schooling aspects too which reduces free time as well. Those who are still working, me being one of them, are dealing with so much workload that it is physically exhausting.
Everyone flipped their lives and still dunno where they stand.

So I don't think the site is kinda dead, I just think that people have been distracted with other events in the world and it's taken a toll mentally and creatively. We're not in a bubble immune from the world and if people are struggling to work out what to cook for dinner for the 10th night in a row as no take aways are open, they're gonna struggle to RP.
Hey Nadia and welcome, even though it's not your welcome thread, but that's all good.

If you're look to start a roleplay what you could do is add some details on what sort things interest you or maybe even a few sample plots you would like to play out. Help narrow down some of those interest and it might make it easier for people to see if you're right for them as well.

Have you also had a look at others' interest checks?

As for having a chat, my inbox is pretty much open all the time. You can also catch me occasionally on the discord server along with many others. We're pretty friendly and don't bite... Maybe some will, but most won't. Lol
In Ask an Admin, v2. 4 yrs ago Forum: News
@Inkarnate@Mao Mao Just chiming in cause I can answer these a bit.

Currently the only mods are Legend, Poo and Myself with Stark away with her personal life at the moment. Last I spoke to her both her and her partner were quite busy with their workloads, and since they live in New York there's also an added layer of complexity there at the moment. She does look after the FB side of things at the moment, but she is an absolute wealth of knowledge when she has the time to be around.

Byrd's resignation did also open up a position, however I can say that there isn't specifically a set number/limitation of mods that we have to reach. A good example is the number of dedicated Discord Chat mods we have with I believe 6 being the most we had at one time with the current being about 4.

Time will tell and we'll just have to wait and see how it all goes.
In Site Mod Selection 4 yrs ago Forum: News
(Original post was deleted and moved to a different thread by me)

Actually, are the news mod going to be divided by sections of which site or are they just going to be roaming around?

I assume you mean new, not news?

We don't really have section mods here aside from the persistent world section, which are more GMs. That's mostly due to how some matters can span across multiple sections from roleplays scenarios, to spambot attacks, to name changes, and even resolving reports that come through. I've seen what you're referring to before on other forums with something like an "off topic mod" of sorts, but that's not really how the guild operates.
In Ask an Admin, v2. 4 yrs ago Forum: News
<Snipped quote by Ruby>
To clarify, you mean this is not currently being discussed by staff, correct?

Most, if not all topics are raised to staff in one way or another but we haven't had a need to readdress the rules at this point as they seem to cover most topics, and they have been tweaked slightly over the three years to cover some additional aspects, (eg. The "don't plagiarise" was added in later on).

They probably are due for a reevaluation but that's something that we will have to tackle at a later date when we do have time (oddly enough I myself have been busier at work with this virus than many others) but we do have some new staff members and have had quite a few applications too. My thoughts are when we conclude these we could do a reevaluation and clarity cleanup then.

*Moved to the correct subforum*

Will say however that any suggestions are really just a discussion since Mahz does his own thing and site coding is more of a hobby for him. He'll be back at some point and he does pop up occasionally in the Discord to say hi, but we haven't had any major updates in a while with only a few bugs being fixed now and then.
With the current state of the world and how our lives have all changed so dramatically and drastically, even to a point where many are now quarantined within their homes; I do want to simply remind everyone that your own creativity and positive thinking is the best form of antidote for those uneasy, draining, and confusing internal feelings.

That's why I pose both a question and a challenge of what roleplay or simple premise can you think of which have little or nothing to do with an end of the world situation? No zombie T-Virus, no nuclear fallout survival, Akira fan-fics are off the table... Be creative, but best of all, be positive.

So, what kind of story can you muster?
Not many, but enough to be fun.
Activity comes and goes depending on the year, the free time available to some people, and even as people age and either gain interest or lose interest in writing.
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