Avatar of Ojo chan 42


Recent Statuses

5 mos ago
Current Anddddd from 27 to 28, it has become a traditon. Damm, 30 is starting to peek around the corner.
1 yr ago
From 26 to 27. I'm gonna make this a tradition, goddammit
2 yrs ago
And went from 25 to 26. Man. I should really update my status more
3 yrs ago
Ahhh that one time a year I cna update my Bio. From 24 to 25. Getting olddd
3 yrs ago
Have a merry x mas. Naughty kids, be sure to send your wishlist to satan ;)
1 like


Well hello there my name is Ojo and I am a 27 year old dutch girl.

My roleplay range is wide, from vampires to military and fairy's to anime. These are some of my favourite though

-Keltic/ scottish.
-Myth and legends

I can enjoy a good 1X1 roleplay, but if there is a good group rp with lots of active players I am good to go as well. Further do I prefer to take the female roles but I can play males as well ( note that they tend to be flirty or charming towards interesting female chars)

Little bit about myself:
- I am a Forester and a lumberjack. Though I currently work as a lawnmower (with the big machines to do that XD)
-I collect and wear kimono. KIMONO LOVE,KIMONO LIVE
- I am a fanatic LARP'r who goes on weekends away from time to time with the samurai,elven or healers LARP crew I am a part of. (Love the healer char. I have a roller pin as weapon and it is amazing how fearful that thing can be)

- Gotta love anime, you can always strike a concersation with me about that.
- I am a cosplayer, and I love to take pictures of them as well as standing model.
- I am a crazy person, run while you have the chance ;)

Most Recent Posts

400 Yesss

I read your intrest check and just ost jumped when I saw you mentioned wanting to write about acient times. I have a greek RP in mind I ally wanted to try for a.long time. It revolves around the legends of Hades and Persephone.

Also Naruto, nice. Would be interested to hear what you have in mind for that one. Shoot me a pm if you are interested to rp with me :)

Have a nice evening.
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