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But he isn't a sector or even planetary threat unless I go further on the Daemon nonsense.

I think we're getting off topic here. All I ever said was, this didn't seem like a low tier group. I never ever implied anything else beyond that statement, which was directed at the GM about my character concept. That was the only point I was making in response to their statement regarding the potential power of my character concept, was that it's a bit of a moot point considering the current character roster.
@Sophrus@Hank Again, not saying anyone's concepts are bad. But they are anything but mundane and low-level.

Yes, ogryn's are dumb, but they are still ogryns. That makes up for a lot, just because they're dumb doesn't mean they aren't powerful characters. They are at least equivalent in power and lethality to the space marines. If not more so, especially the daemonhost one.
@Andreyich If that happens, sure. If the Imperium decides to dedicate an entire strike force of grey knights temrinators to a specific problem, than anything short of a daemon prince is fucked. And even then it's debatable. So I don't really suspect that will happen all too often.

My point was more, this collection of characters is anything but bottom of the barrel up & comers looking to make names for themselves. We have space marines, two chaos infused ogryns, one of which is also a daemonhost, someone with their own ship and crew (numbering in the tens of thousands at minimum) and another with a rosette that gives cart-blanche to literally do whatever the F*** they want. He might be an excommunicated inquisitor, but it's not as if grey knights will teleport to him instantly the moment he uses his rosette, not that anyone would be able to track such usage anyway. By the time anyone suspected it was really him in the region he could easily get whatever he needed and GTFO. Possibly even condemn a world to exterminatus while doing so.

Now, i'm not saying any of this is bad, that anyone's character concepts are bad or that things needs to change. Far from it, I'm just pointing out that all things considered, an aspiring sorcerer putt-putting around in his own little escort ship with some thralls at his command wont be what tips this group over the cliff's edge of absurdity.

Judging by the sheets im seeing we don't seem to be too far down the Power org chart. Pirate captains, ex inquisitors, a couple of space marines.
Can I make a tzeentchian sorcerer/magister type? Possibly with his own ship (just an iconoclast destroyer or something small) and a cult/crew where he can carry out his experiments and rituals with impunity?
I don't have to do the orky talk for entire posts.... but I want to
Gutsnaga was a git, snekart was a git. Dey was all gitz, every wun uv im. Zagruk reflected on dis truth as 'e sat on his rump behind da low wall an’ fiddled wit' wun uv his buzz bombz. Try'n ta rememba how 'actly 'e was supposed ta use it. Did 'e pull 'da strappy fing? unscrew 'da lid furst? was it supposed ta 'explode? Eventually 'e jus got frustrated an popped up long enough ta hurl ‘da kontaina at ‘da 'umiez ‘n rage. It hit wun unfortunate clean ‘n 'da chest an' knocked 'em back on his ass as 'da kanista finally kracked an' released it's swarm. Well, most uv ‘da swarm. Putt'n a few airholes into 'da kanista might have been a gud idea. But still a dozen or so buzz squigs were claw'n an’ forc'n dere way throo ‘da krack ta breath dere furst fresh breaths ‘n days, an’ eat dere furst meal....

zagruk laughed an fired his slugga wildly at da guardsman 'oo were now swatt'n an scream'n as da buzz squigs descended like... well like buzz squigs! now 'dat was a real kunnin weapon. No fancy gubbinz or bulletz needed. Dat's why it was so kunnin, none uv im otha gitz would know kunnin' if it up an’ bit im ‘n ‘da face! zagruk new wot kunnin' was, den again 'e was a true ork. Not all orks were lucky enough ta be a snakebite like ‘em. Most orks were destined ta be gitz as soon as dey krawled outta ‘da mushroom groves. It was an unfortunate truth dat some orks (snakebites) were simply born betta dan othaz. More loved by gork an’ mork…. a sad truth ‘dat most orks kouldn't handle. 'da greatness dat was a mind an’ body truly blessed by 'da twin Godz. Zargruk almost felt bad for im all.... Den again dey were all gitz an probably deserved it.

his internal musings were interrupted by a lasbolt scorch'n ‘da muscle uv his stabbin arm an squiggly gnaw'n at ‘da harness ‘dat kept ‘em attached ta it's ownaz belt. Empty'n his remain'n clip managed ta only hit wun guardsman, but it took his arm clean off at ‘da elbow an’ wit' a howl uv victory zagruk grabbed his squig, ripped it off his belt an’ hurled it ova ‘da field towards ‘da 'umie.
I'm waiting for my work week to end. Which is today. Then i have all weekend to respond
@Torack Right, so the warp is a dimension parallel too, and fueled by our dimension (aka realspace). It's a realm fed by psykic power, emotion and the strength of souls both living and dead. It is in fact also called 'the Sea of souls', And honestly it helps to picture the warp as an ocean. The Astronomicon functions almost exactly like a lighthouse and ships 'sail' through the warp with the aid of special navigators who can read the these ethereal and sinister 'winds and waves'

A warp storm is basically a dangerously high amount of psykic energy converging within a relatively small area. These storms typically only happen in the Immaterial realm but can sometimes be so violent they tear a temporary whole into realspace. Such a tear can allow daemons to pass through into the mortal realm and even sustain themselves (Daemons can't simply stroll into realspace and stay there permanently. without a source of regular power or a mortal host they will wither and fade back into the warp realm.) as long as they maintain proximity to the storm. However the vast majority of warp storms are only temporary and will fade, and daemons that were using that storm as a well of power to remain in realspace will typically disappear along with the tear.

Again, think of a warpstorm as a sea storm. Because that is the metaphor GW themselves often use. Warpstorms are violent, they can destroy ships caught in them, blow them way of course. They are so dangerous that it's near impossible for navigators to plot a way through them, or for the ship to fight the proverbial waves. Just as it would be similarly dangerous for a modern fishing boat to try and sail through a hurricane. Generally speaking, it will end poorly.
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