Avatar of PerfectThought


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2 mos ago
Current Electricity may go out/stop working for 2 months sometime around Easter. (This sunday)
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5 mos ago
Got a stable place to spend the holidays. Should be around more. Life's hard man, but things are looking up. Stay sane these holidays.
12 mos ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… Biblically inspired vampire shadow cabal and Jewish priest vampire hunters?
12 mos ago
sorry y'all. back from homeless.
1 yr ago
The be callin' me Tom Foolery the way I be getting up to no good shenanigans.
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Hunting for the Perfect Thought.
Apologies for my lateness. Life is busy. Sometimes I struggle to write as well as I want.

Most Recent Posts

Brown L. Cheeseman

Brown blinked. The mysterious girl had vanished. And again, he was alone. In the crowd. He looked around, shocked and dazed. What had he just witnessed? Who was that poor scared girl? Even more isolated than he was, a grieved misanthrope among a field of joyous celebrants. Seemingly the only being in this land not dosed with the euphoric drip of the song...

Maybe all was not as it seemed in this land.

Brown would come to find the truth. For now, he had become separated from his group. The only link he had to his home. He looked around again for some evidence of them, his head peering out above the fair majority of the crowd. Still, he could not spy a single familiar face. Nor his guide. His worry began to grow. He stood, an unmoving rock amongst the flowing river of the crowd. When suddenly, his brow was unfurrowed and his trance of thought was broken. He felt a gentle tap on his shoulder. And he turned.

A small fairy-like gentleman was hovering in his eye line with a smile on his face. Brown noticed the glowing symbol on his neck, and after the being's gesture to follow Brown decided to go with him. Find his compratriots.

He continued examining the wondrous sights in his surroundings. A humanoid being made of twisting shifting abstract shapes. Something resembling a Queztalcoatal. And what appeared to be a moving cloud of flour. He made tried to remember in as much detail everything he took in as they passed through the city, going up and up towards the palace.

Finally, he arrived, the huge doors opening with the sun shining directly through them, casting his silhouette across the opulently decorated floor. He arrived just in time to see an amphibious girl, who if he recalled correctly was Audrey, take the hand of an elegant woman of an otherworldly (even for here) nature. He blinked thrice, staring down at his group, and the various courtiers and spectators.
Should be getting up a post ASAP! If not before work, after work. B)

Happy with the assassination of the mech pilot, Stafford righted himself and gave his person a brisk dusk off. He released a slight grunt as he stowed his rifle. Old age had treated the man well, but the wear of combat inevitably would take a toll. He engaged his suit to a brisk, yet comfortable pace as Queen called for the squad to rally for extraction.

He was skirting past the ship's fore on his way back to the DPV when he was made aware of the incoming blast, whilst desperately trying to disengage his suit without breaking his legs, he slowed in time to be caught in the first stage of the high explosive blast. Knocking him back just far enough away to not be pulled into the second more lethal stage of the explosion. He landed painfully on his large rifle, and a gruesome crack sounded below him. Unknown if the sound emanated from himself or his prized rifle. A secondary bolt of pain from his lightly armoured calf shot up through his person. After the short patter of spall from the ship against his visor he looked down, spying a gnarly hunk of rusted hull poking out of his leg.

His hand made its way to his belt, where he drew a pen-sized autoinjector from a pouch and dosed himself with expert precision. The ringing in his ears sounded, disorientating him. He searched for cover, not knowing fully what was going on. He spied a cavity under the main deck interior, presumably a ballast. He dragged himself over and took account for him person, drawing a revolver with one hand and unslinging the rifle with the other. He started by applying a thick sterile bandage over his suit, wrapping it carefully around the violently red piece of earthen metal. As the powerful stimulants he had injected himself with began to wear off, Stafford's vision began to dim and he felt his body go limp as he blacked out. For the short amount of time he was out, by the time he had awoken he was surrounded by the din of combat. Sadly it looked like he had missed the majority of the fight, but he was just in time to pick off a few straggling opfors with his heavy revolver, the heavy pop of the weapon being dulled by his apparently damaged hearing.

The injured man spied the incoming extraction and propped himself up against the hull of the ship. He placed the butt of the rifle securely into the ground and propped the folded bipod under his arm; he was using it as a makeshift crutch, ensuring no sensitive parts were bashed or the barrel was dug into the ground in the process. He limped his way over to the dropship, giving a disgruntled nod to the team lead as he emerged from his covered position.

Gloomily the elder emerged from his chamber, his crutch shouldered with grim experience. In the end, the mystery crunch in the battlefield did originate, from his wrist in fact. Fortunately, his dominant hand was left intact, but his right hand could not have the same said about it. His left had been through the wringer. With the wound cleared and cleaned, the extent of damage was revealed. Fortunately no major damage to the bone. But that was the only good news. It was a deep, ragged injury that would leave him crutch bound for longer than he would've wished.

He morosely entered the rec room, silently pouring himself a glass of port. He sat himself vaguely towards the back of the room gazing out at the sunset panorama as Skye fiddled away her quaint highland tune. He took a moment took recount his mission. In his eyes a failure on his part, the successes tainted by his lackluster performance after his injury. He was deeply disappointed in himself for letting his team down. As the beautiful melody came to an end he wearily began, "I let you and the team down out there, I should've been able to help more. I'm sorry, old friend."
Sorry for my unannounced absence. Had some life stuff. Should be back now pretty stable.

As the young man groggily regained his balance after the failed de-limbing of the lion man he found that the combat had decisively finished before he could recollect himself to counterattack. The short but powerful burst of stimulants had already exited his system and as he collected his machete from the remains of the ringmaster he tiredly looked around, listening to the conversation at hand.

The strange figure had piqued his interest, but nothing she had said up until this point had really been understandable to his unknowledgeable self. Upon her mention of the book's uncomfortable qualities, he glanced at his robotic arms, then at Yasu beside him. He offered his assistance with wordlessly stretched out his arms; his logic being that a combination of his limited vitae and his cybernetic limbs would prevent him from feeling the effects as much as any of the others. And he could put it back in the classy plastic bag.

Until the second brick hit. His head raised, cocked to one side as his semi-synthetic voice butted in. 'Used it? How did you use it?'
Sorry for my absence. Hopefully back now. B)
Howdy! Just checking in with folks, haven’t heard from anyone in a little bit :)

Been pretty busy. Gonna try get round to something!
<Snipped quote by PerfectThought>

does he make tea

As any good brit would.
Pacific Royal Collegiate & University is still going strong but unfortunately, we've had a player opt to bow out due to real-life obligations.

As the roleplay's concept was designed around a team of twelve, I'd like to fill that role again and am hereby reopening submissions until 1pm EST on April 28th, 2023. Anyone is welcome to submit a character sheet up until that point, after which I will make my selection. Should any additional spots open up between now and then, I will provide an update. Currently, however, there is only 1 spot available.

Players who previously applied but were not selected are welcome to restate their interest. If you wish to be considered using your previously submitted sheet, you need only state such, preferably with a link to the original sheet. If you wish to make any edits, please repost the finished sheet to the OOC.

For all new interested parties, please find the OP here, along with links to relevant information and resources. If you are interested, I ask that you also take the time to read the IC. Your character will be a late arrival, so you'll be jumping into the IC at the point it's at, not retconned in as though they were always there.

The character skeleton can be found here.

If there's still a chance, I'd still be interested in submitting Milo. Changed him up to fit in a little better, but having some formatting trouble. Happy to link the revised sheet. But it's kind of fucked up (formatting wise) at the moment.
<Snipped quote by PerfectThought>

Oh, absolutely. Management and publishing are an integral part of making a living in the business and having a character who works on that end of the spectrum would be tremendously valuable.

Great idea. Hope more people are in this.

I'd imagine because of just how niche it is you might have a bit of a hard time finding people. But it's a very interesting concept. Be patient and I'd imagine you'll get a couple of people interested. Hope I get the opportunity to write up my character for it.
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