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@Kuroyomihime: Given the current situation, I say go with the former. The current scene should conclude soon, and then the RP will actually begin.
Tiral followed silently along as the rest of the Knights rode forward, remaining as such as the group scouted out the area... Save for Tyaethe, who seemed to be following some sort of routine. The mage didn't much mind it, though he didn't much care for it, either; religion had always been something respected but not followed for him, after all, and he had no reason to change any time soon.

The elf taking her leave from the group, though, was well appreciated by the knight, who still had the recent incidents of insubordination fresh in his mind. In a way, she snuck out of punishment, but if that sort of reaction actually meant anything, it was probably best to let sleeping dogs lie.

Not like it mattered all that much anyhow.

The Captain's prompt order to start searching for clues was, while a bit delayed, expected enough for him to already be slowly combing over the area for any evidence of anything notable. When she stopped and began to stutter, though, the mage quickly moved over to see what the reason for it all was.

His own reaction, of course, was a sigh as he massaged his forehead.

"...It's necromancy. Bones picked clean of flesh and blood like this are only seen in that line of magic. Another goddamn necromancer," he swore, encasing the bones in ice to make sure they wouldn't spontaneously reanimate. Never hurt to be safe, after all.

"...Well, this is some heresy if I've ever seen one. Raising the dead in a shrine to the goddesses. That's one way to piss off the clergy."
With a nod of his head, Ren handed off the talisman as the electric dashed into the shrine to ring the bell instead. Though he felt particularly bad about leaving this whole ordeal to a complete stranger, Ren himself had no confidence that he could do anything on his own at the moment. The sudden appearance of a girl with... Fox tails and ears... Was more trivial than anything, but--

Hold up, was the one with the brush being overrun?

A few drops of sweat formed on his forehead as he watched the scene, his hands clenched into tight fists before the sound of a bell resonated through the shrine grounds. Ren looked about in confusion as the sound of the bell slowly rang louder and louder with each swing after it was struck, and how what he had assumed to be the skeletons gaining the upper hand was nothing more than an illusion.

So that fox-tailed girl...
Probably a kitsune. God damn it all. Friendly? Didn't quite seem that way.

The sound of the bell seemed to be much larger than what anything of that size should reasonably have been able to create, though that may have been in part due to how much force it was stuck by. The young man instinctively covered his ears as the ringing resonated throughout the shrine, causing the giant skeleton to stop its advance and hold its head in pain.


Could that thing even feel pain?

"I think this is a good a time as any to try, then!" Ren shouted as the ringing of the bell began to die down. "G'luck!"

As that was going on and most of the group was focused on handling the gashadokuro, a magic circle behind the bell began to glow, and soon after a white portal seemed to open on the other side, where an older man was seated, his brow creased in concentration as the portal seemed to waver. A few moments later, though, the gateway seemed to stabilize, and the man let out a sigh of relief.

"To think that this seal would fracture now... In any case, you people over there! Please, hurry and seal that youkai away! As things are right now, it would cause untold amounts of destruction if it made it back to the city!"

Ren turned his head in surprise at the sudden appearance of a new person, but rather than make a beeline for freedom, instead turned around and gritted his teeth. If worst came to worst and everything fell out, then there was no way he would live with himself. He was the backup, and that was that. No more, and no less.
@Kuroyomihime: Accepted. \o/
  • Name: Motoyama Keita
  • Age: 17
  • Gender: Male
  • Appearance: "Let's get this show on the road, I guess."
  • Personality: Keita's a bit eccentric as far as people go; he's always sharply dressed regardless of the situation, which occasionally makes him stand out in the middle of a crowd of normal high school students. This stands in contrast with his own organization, though, as whenever computers aren't involved, things tends to become cluttered rather easily. Regardless of that, though, he is confident in his abilities to handle whatever comes up... Preferably as a manager or strategist, though. So long as someone else can handle everything on the front-end, Keita's content handling everything from behind the scenes of from afar, even if his own desires inevitably end up with him sticking his head into that, too. It works out well enough most of the time, though, but it can get a bit aggravating to those working with him. He is not egotistical, though; while his pride may interfere with his actions on occasion, Keita will ultimately place finishing an assignment over anyone's spotlight (including his own). He is dead serious when it comes to work ethic, though; he'll pick up the slack if someone falls behind, but after a certain point he'll start ranting nonstop about a peson not doing their part.
  • Skills: Keita's a programmer at heart, so as long as he understands the language and whatever code he's looking at, he should be able to understand how it functions to some degree... Then possibly copy, change, or otherwise manipulate it as he wishes. He also has some experience working with figures and models (which stems from an older sister who loves working with them), but is usually better off working from reference rather than pure imagination.
    In other words, don't make him draw anything. Even his sketches suck.
    He can cook multiple styles of food quite well, though. Cool dad is cool.
  • Equipment: A watch, wallet, smartphone, and keys to his home. If the stuff in his backpack (as well as the backpack itself) counts, then that too.
  • Soul Arts: Con Anima: Keita gives form to an object within his imagination, which he is then able to control with a combination of magical puppet strings or pre-programmed commands. When he is in direct control, the resultant object is much more mobile and powerful than it would be otherwise. The object is limited in scale by his own abilities, though, and at most can only be about 1.5 cubic feet in size at the moment. If enough energy is funneled into an object, it can maintain form indefinitely; the problem is, though, that the consumption rate for that is rather inefficient at best. Once a certain threshold has been reached, though, the object no longer requires energy to exist in the physical sense.
    His slots are hidden on the back of his left wrist, right under his watch.
  • Brief Backstory: Keita was born into a family that was lucky enough to have a windfall of money; his mother was a high-ranking employee in a technology firm, while his father was a world-class chef based within Takezuma City. Even so, while they had no want for money, Keita's parents made sure to keep their children from being too complacent about life just because they had more than others. He and his sister still had to work towards their funds to keep their hobbies afloat, and they had to return results in order to keep that coming, whether that meant good marks in school, creating something in their spare time, doing well at events, or even the usual handling chores in and out of the home. That, in turn, instilled a strong work ethic within him, which led to a consistent desire by other people to work on projects...
    Which tends to backfire when he ends up making the slackers do more work than they would have otherwise.
    Because of said work ethic, though, Keita's life has been fairly active, which means he often goes around to talk and socialize more than one would expect. Some might say that his lifestyle is more befitting an upcoming actor, but Keita himself often denies those claims anyhow.
I don't know why this idea came so fast, but it do.

  • Name: Motoyama Keita
  • Age: 17
  • Gender: Male
  • Appearance: "Let's get this show on the road, I guess."
  • Personality: Keita's a bit eccentric as far as people go; he's always sharply dressed regardless of the situation, which occasionally makes him stand out in the middle of a crowd of normal high school students. This stands in contrast with his own organization, though, as whenever computers aren't involved, things tends to become cluttered rather easily. Regardless of that, though, he is confident in his abilities to handle whatever comes up... Preferably as a manager or strategist, though. So long as someone else can handle everything on the front-end, Keita's content handling everything from behind the scenes of from afar, even if his own desires inevitably end up with him sticking his head into that, too. It works out well enough most of the time, though, but it can get a bit aggravating to those working with him. He is not egotistical, though; while his pride may interfere with his actions on occasion, Keita will ultimately place finishing an assignment over anyone's spotlight (including his own). He is dead serious when it comes to work ethic, though; he'll pick up the slack if someone falls behind, but after a certain point he'll start ranting nonstop about a peson not doing their part.
  • Skills: Keita's a programmer at heart, so as long as he understands the language and whatever code he's looking at, he should be able to understand how it functions to some degree... Then possibly copy, change, or otherwise manipulate it as he wishes. He also has some experience working with figures and models (which stems from an older sister who loves working with them), but is usually better off working from reference rather than pure imagination.
    In other words, don't make him draw anything. Even his sketches suck.
    He can cook multiple styles of food quite well, though. Cool dad is cool.
  • Equipment: A watch, wallet, smartphone, and keys to his home. If the stuff in his backpack (as well as the backpack itself) counts, then that too.
  • Soul Arts: Con Anima: Keita gives form to an object within his imagination, which he is then able to control with a combination of magical puppet strings or pre-programmed commands. When he is in direct control, the resultant object is much more mobile and powerful than it would be otherwise. The object is limited in scale by his own abilities, though, and at most can only be about 1.5 cubic feet in size at the moment. If enough energy is funneled into an object, it can maintain form indefinitely; the problem is, though, that the consumption rate for that is rather inefficient at best. Once a certain threshold has been reached, though, the object no longer requires energy to exist in the physical sense.
    His slots are hidden on the back of his left wrist, right under his watch.
  • Brief Backstory: Keita was born into a family that was lucky enough to have a windfall of money; his mother was a high-ranking employee in a technology firm, while his father was a world-class chef based within Takezuma City. Even so, while they had no want for money, Keita's parents made sure to keep their children from being too complacent about life just because they had more than others. He and his sister still had to work towards their funds to keep their hobbies afloat, and they had to return results in order to keep that coming, whether that meant good marks in school, creating something in their spare time, doing well at events, or even the usual handling chores in and out of the home. That, in turn, instilled a strong work ethic within him, which led to a consistent desire by other people to work on projects...
    Which tends to backfire when he ends up making the slackers do more work than they would have otherwise.
    Because of said work ethic, though, Keita's life has been fairly active, which means he often goes around to talk and socialize more than one would expect. Some might say that his lifestyle is more befitting an upcoming actor, but Keita himself often denies those claims anyhow.
@blumenk: Sorry for not noticing earlier. Accepted.
Ren turned around as he reached the shrine, his pace slowing as the absurdity of the entire situation clicked. There was a giant skeleton storming its way to the shrine, the sky was as red as blood, and...

Well, it seemed as if almost everyone else was some kinda youkai or magician or something, save the old man with a gun who had just arrived. Granted, the gun made him feel no less safer near the shrine than he did otherwise, but there was at least something that he could understand conceptually here.

"Sorry, sir, but I have about as much of a clue about what the heck's happening here as anyone else... In other words, nothing at all," Ren said, bounding up the stairs to the shrine itself and opening the sliding door. The place was caked in dust, but a few things stood out in the dim light that filtered through: a metal bell about half his size with a hammer of sorts next to it and a small talisman that seemed to pulse with light every few seconds. The bell seemed to be pretty useless at the moment, but as things seemed to be rapidly making a turn towards the supernatural with every passing moment, Ren decided to grab the talisman and head outside once more.

Squinting his eyes to see the two people fighting the smaller skeletons, Ren watched as they seemed to effortlessly sweep through the monsters as if they were nothing. While he could appreciate the fact that there was protection now, it was only a matter of time before the giant one made it over...

And he hadn't a clue if they could handle that, regardless of how strong they were.

After a moment, the young man noticed that the talisman in his hand seemed to glow brighter the closer the giant skeleton came. With a small gulp, Ren turned to the rest of the group who had gathered near the shrine and held out the object to the others.

"Okay, gut feeling right now, so don't sue me if it flops, but I think that slapping this thing on that giant skeleton might be good for us. I definitely have all of zero experience in fighting this kinda thing, so... Anyone else feel like testing this theory? I mean, 's all I got, unless you guys think you can break it down somehow," he said, waiting for someone else to pick up the slack for him.

The giant skeleton, on the other hand, seemed to be moving marginally faster after scaling the stairs to the shrine; that, coupled with the increasing rate at which the smaller skeletons spawned, definitely added to the young man's anxiety.

"Okay, while this definitely feels like something out of a manga, I'm probably no stronger than a faceless mob character in the background right now. This sucks."
@easy modo: No, but for now let's stick to the shrine for convenience's sake.
I... May have an idea here, actually. Interest.
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