Avatar of Polaris North


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Welcome to my Bio, random person. Yeah, my name is pretty redundant (Polaris - North Star, North... well north.)

Things you need to know about me?

I live in the Philippines. I'm a student and life gets a bit hectic so please understand if I suddenly become more sporadic when it comes to replies.

I'm involved in a lot of fandoms (mostly anime) and as long as it gets my interest, I'll join. My range is from free to casual [or well, as long as I can get it from the post I'm replying to]. I'm more of a fantasy kid than a slice of life but I think I can join something like that. I'm not much of a romance writer so I keep myself to PG-13 and not exceed anything else.

Most Recent Posts

Hiroyuki Duma

Hiroyuki wasn't one to curse often. And even if he did, he never said it out loud. Though with the current happenings, he couldn't help but utter out a single curse. Despite his best efforts, he couldn't do so much more than deflect a few bits of water droplets which means that Hikaru's makeup was washing away due to the rain which in turn means that she can easily be discovered. As luck would have it, because of course it would, a guard bumped into them and saw the arrows as clear as day. Hiroyuki had instinctively pulled away when he saw the fire burn - and the next thing he knew, Hikaru was gone from his side and was now zipping about while trying to avoid fireblasts.

It took him a moment or two as he ducked out of the way to compose himself. The guards were much too focused on his air bender companion and the others certainly weren't helping. They were more interested in watching them take down Hikaru rather than aiding her. Quickly surveying and taking in the battlefield, he could tell that the firebenders greatly outnumbered them if no one else stepped in to fight. But... but the firebenders were also weakened by the rain. Somewhat. There was a moment of indecision before he decided to do something about it. Hoping that what he could pull was enough, he focused on attempting to solidify the collected water droplets into ice before sending it forward to the guards. No matter what the outcome may have been, he quickly ducked and ran to avoid getting hit.

Forest - ???
It was a good thing that Ebisawa Honami seemed just as eager to get out of this forest as she was. Dropping the cigarette behind her and stomping it out with her heel discretely, hopefully not being caught in the process, she turned her gaze to where Ebisawa was pointing. Indeed, the red torii was completely in contrast with the nature around them - showing signs of civilization. Her mouth twitched into a smile as she nodded. "Sounds like a solid plan to me."

Then the guy finally spoke, Iyasu Kaito. She nodded in his direction to acknowledge that she had heard and understood what he had said. Hiroko reached up to fiddle with the edge of her coat for a moment as she mimicked Iyasu's reaction to their surroundings. Had she known how she got here and that she was fully intending on going here, Hiroko would agree that this was a beautiful place. The kind of place where photographers would go to. Once more, Hiroko merely nodded at him in agreement before turning heel and beginning on walking.

"At least we're not going to be stumbling in the dark." She offered the optimistic thought to the group, looking up to the sky where rays of sunshine were beginning to peek from the horizon. They would have sunlight to guide them in the unfamiliar territory even if they didn't end up finding anyone by the shrine. Hiroko could only think of the consequences of having to travel in the dark - in the woods with three people who barely knew each other.
Faye Nisval

Faye hadn't been at ease ever since the start of the day. The Furred One didn't seem to be too keen in what they were about to do. This was broadcasting to everyone that something was wrong - since they'd be using the guards and also because they would be fighting in the streets. There was no more secretive spy work after this since their enemies would know their faces if they haven't apprehended them by then. It was a very risky task. A do or die situation. If they fail... well, there shouldn't be any room for failure. Becuse if they did, not only have they painted a large target on their backs, but they also would deal with higher forms of secrecy and would thus make their job a whole lot harder than it already is.

Before the operation, Faye had been nowhere in sight - having little contact with her companions if any at all. They had devised a plan already and they only needed to enact it at midday. So she went into meditation in the Radiant Cathedral so as to be able to calm herself and make less mistakes. This whole deal has got her on edge and she was starting to think that her mental state wasn't in the right anymore. Nerves getting the best of her means less control over air. And the less control over air she had, the less she was effective in battle.

At midday, she reappeared at the rendezvous point. "Alright, should we just grab Juan and go? I'm sure his escorts will be forced to come out." She said once she and the others have convened. "We could just send one to get Juan so that we can still get a jump on them if you want to go for a more surprise approach." She continued, waiting eagerly for their input.

Hiroyuki Duma

Hiroyuki hummed but didn't reply. It was inevitable that she would be able to feel the rain if it does start to pour - and there wouldn't be anything they could do about it. It's not like e can bend the rain to stop even though that would have been quite a wonder to be able to do. But he wasn't the Avatar - hell, he wasn't even sure if the Avatar would be capable of doing that. Thankfully, there wasn't any other issue aside from Hikaru's apparent nervousness. Upon arriving at the courtyard, he had held out his hand as he felt the drops of the water and he pursed his lips - moving his fingers to control the droplets in his hands before dropping it onto the ground. So it is raining.

There was fighting too - over by the Earth Kingdom people. The lot of them were throwing punches at each other and none of the guards were moving to quell the fight. They really don't care about protecting the prisoners. The only thing they had to be worried about was them breaking out or hurting other Fire Nation officials and so they didn't care about the prisoners' wellbeings. If given the chance, Hiroyuki did actually think they would let one of the prisoners die when there's a fight breaking out between them. But Hiroyuki had no business talking with them or stopping them, so he turned - actually intending to go to the other side and "play" with the rain.

He had turned to Hikaru for a moment, about to ask if she was planning on hiding out somewhere, but he had stopped himself when he saw the faded blue lines on her hands. He'd never personally met an Air Bender but he knew well enough what those marks had meant. The girl was an airbender and she was in a Fire Nation jail and now he understood why she had feared the rain in the first place. It was not some childhood trauma - it was a legitimate concern. He could guess that she used makeup to hide her marks as there wasn't any other reason.

He took a deep breath and then raised his hand above them - an attempt to make a sort of barrier between himself and Hikaru to act as a form of umbrella. "Perhaps it would be for the best not to get too close to any of the guards." He whispered to the hiding Air Bender, making sure that no one heard them. He just hoped that he was strong enough and focused enough to be able to keep the water umbrella active so that the makeup wouldn't get removed completely. It would end with disastrous results for his newfound companion and cellmate.

Hiroyuki Duma

Hiroyuki raised an eyebrow at the apparent fear that was in her eyes - as if the rain was something that would kill her. Perhaps she had a traumatizing event happen during a stormy day - or perhaps it was something else entirely. Either way, she didn't like rain and he kept that in mind. "Is that so?" He looked out for a moment. "There should at least be a place where you can take shelter in." He suggested though was unsure if she would be allowed to. Either way, he didn't get to continue on that thought as their door opened.

A couple of guards went through the door and Hiroyuki observed them - eyes steeling when one of them shoved his smaller cellmate to the ground. Wordlessly, he moved forward without any resistance. He was about to offer his hand to Hikaru but she had already stood up. He gave the girl a small comforting pat on the shoulder as he passed her and then proceeded down the hallway and to the courtyard. There was no use getting angry at the guards. It was just going to get them both in trouble. However, he made sure to keep Hikaru in his peripherals as he walked just to make sure that he could help out if something else happens.

Hiroyuki Duma

Hiroyuki often wondered if he would ever go back to the Northern Water Tribe - back to the loving embrace of his wife and the cheerful smiles of his daughter. Of course, he had been planning escape routes just in case he would get the chance to do so, but it never came. Days had turned into months - a painful reminder that it was not easy to escape the Fire Nation. He was steadfast in the belief that he would be able to escape. Eventually, he would get out of this prison and continue his fight against these cruel men and women. But of course, to topple down a kingdom, you have to cut off the head and make sure none grow back.

The morning had come far too quickly but Hiroyuki was up even before the sun rose - as per the usual. He sat on top of his cot and simply meditated. Things went by far more easier whenever he felt calmer than usual. Hiroyuki had rarely meditated before, but when he came to prison, it became an everyday thing. He gradually felt like it helped him. Thinking with a clear head is better than seeing everything in red. Hiroyuki was nothing if not patient and he was biding his time. He already had a plan before but he and a few other war criminals were transferred to Tiánmì de Mèng. It was unfortunate but he knew that his time will come. With so many possible futures, surely one of them would lead to most of them being able to escape the damned prison.

"Do you feel that?" The deep rumble of his voice was befitting of someone of his appearance. However, it was definitely calming with no hint of aggression. His eyes opened and travelled to look at the young thief. "It feels like we may be rewarded with rain." A tight smile appeared on his face as if to ease the younger girl. He placed his hands flat on his knees as he took a last deep breath - relishing in the calmness - but he knew that he they would be released to the courtyard soon. Time was up. The waterbender stood up slowly and then stretched before looking at the prison bars - as if looking at them would melt them away and they would be able to go.

Hiroyuki spoke no more words after that, content with looking out at the object that separated them from the small taste of freedom they were allowed. His thoughts, however, went to the young girl with him. Something as petty as thievery and yet here she was, housed with a prisoner of war. Amusing. She was quite silent though and didn't prefer talking, which was perfectly fine with him. He did often wonder what the girl did to deserve this kind of harsh treatment. She was a thief, yes, but the sentence seemed quite harsh for someone as young as her. Nevertheless, Hiroyuki silently swore to keep her away from trouble ever since they became cellmates. He'd at least like to see her survive and get out of the prison and live her life to the fullest.

Many thanks!


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