Avatar of Polaris North


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Welcome to my Bio, random person. Yeah, my name is pretty redundant (Polaris - North Star, North... well north.)

Things you need to know about me?

I live in the Philippines. I'm a student and life gets a bit hectic so please understand if I suddenly become more sporadic when it comes to replies.

I'm involved in a lot of fandoms (mostly anime) and as long as it gets my interest, I'll join. My range is from free to casual [or well, as long as I can get it from the post I'm replying to]. I'm more of a fantasy kid than a slice of life but I think I can join something like that. I'm not much of a romance writer so I keep myself to PG-13 and not exceed anything else.

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Other Party Floor
Interacting with: Hangyeol, Seoyeon, Julius

Lilly was relieved - a little bit - to know that the ambulance is on the way and that someone would take this load off of their hands. Nothing like the end of their first week to suddenly drop this massive bomb onto them. The girl wasn't getting any better - not even a bit. Sure she had stopped bleeding but something still was wrong and she couldn't tell anyone what it was. Hangyeol, despite everything, tried to reassure him but he seemed to choke up in the middle of it.

Reassuring, definitely.

There was nothing more she could do but wait until someone else came - someone more qualified than a bunch of students who were throwing a wild dorm party and may or may not be drunk and/or high from everything. She could feel her head pounding and she was sure that it wasn't from the vodka that she had drank from earlier. Her panic was dying down, giving way to exhaustion and she sat down on the ground. She could feel herself shaking and she wanted nothing more than to have another drink and crash onto the bed.

She decided to use that time to try to check in with Alex but he was nowhere to be found. Maybe he went investigating outside. Before she could even stand up to check where he was because she was not going to deal with a missing floormate after this one, Julius burst into the room. He was already saying something about first aid and an ambulance and Lilly had her second wind. She was up on her feet in a flash. She clenched her fists and her nails dug into her flesh - the pain a familiar feeling to keep her grounded instead of flying in another panic.

"We called an ambulance for her." Lilly said as she gestured over to the female who was on the couch before she headed towards Julius. "Is there another? We need to call another ambulance. God, this uni is going to be painted in red and blue by the end of the night." She growled the last part under her breath. But who might the other victim be and were the circumstances the same or different? She didn't know how to interpret the look on Julius's face if he was shocked because of the once bleeding girl or because he saw the same thing with whoever the victim was on his part.

Other Party Floor
Interacting with: Alex, Hangyeol, Seoyeon

Perhaps she was glad that the three had come with her, because it was what kept her grounded since they were moving. Others seemed to still be in shock and she wanted to strangle someone but her floormates were more than enough. Enough? Yes. They were. Alex had turned to the crowd to find a medical student or at least someone who had recorded what happened so they knew what was happening. She was vaguely aware that Seoyeon had run back to her dorm to get her phone to call the ambulance, thank the good Lord for that. Hangyeol kneeled down beside her and draped the jacket over the woman. Okay, they were starting to get some control over the situation.

Someone had offered to carry her over to the couch and put her there so that her legs were propped up at the couch. Seoyeon had come back and she acknowledged the Korean with a nod. "What else do we need Hangyeol?" She questioned the one person who seemed to somewhat know what they were doing. However, as soon as she asked this, the girl seemed to be waking up with a small groan. She didn't seem like she was bleeding - even though it seemed like she was sweating it earlier - but she was looking like shit. "Hey, how do you feel right now?" No reply. Of course. She noticed that the girl was curling her fingers inward - and it seemed to be enough to pierce her skin. Carefully, Lilly reached out to the girl's hands to uncurl them to prevent herself from harming herself further.

Hiroyuki Duma

It was going rather well, which surprised Hiroyuki. Song had decided to keep silent just like him and Hikaru - finding no particular reason to jump into action. In fact, it would be more suspicious if every single one of them went to talk. To keep on agreeing - it would seem like they were pushing for them to be believable. He stuck his hands inside his pockets as he shifted his weight to his other leg, growing a little impatient. However, the guards believed the story and told them to keep an eye out for the fugitives. He mutely nodded before making a move to walk out of there.

However, one guard - the aggressive one in particular - turned back and headed straight up to Song. And she was recognized. The fight back at the prison must have been enough to sear her face in his mind. The firebender was quick on her feet as she walked up to the guard and seems to be trying to bribe the guy into letting them go quickly. This could go either way - the bribery could be seen as a suspicious act or if this guy was greedy, he would just let them go. Nevertheless, Hiroyuki prepared for a fight but tried to not make it obvious.

Other Party Floor
Interacting with: Alex, Hangyeol, Seoyeon

Lilly had noticed that there was a couple mroe people coming up the stairs with her. It would seem that she wasn't the only one to hear that scream. As she opened the door to get to the stairwell, she was immediately met with Alex who was holding his contribution to the party - she hadn't really noticed him to not have been present but that was a worry for another time - but he also looked like he was going to investigate whatever scream they had heard. She gave him a nod as a greeting and turned back to the door as someone else stepped out - and then another. Hangyeol and Seoyeon.

"Yeah, I am. And looks like we all are now. Come on." Lilly replied to her newfound friend before turning and rushing upstairs - taking two steps at a time in a feat that she normally couldn't do without adrenaline and pure worry pumping into her veins. Lilly remembered that there was another party happening two floors up, the one they aimed to compete against in a friendly sort of manner. The others were insistent. She shouldn't even be too worried about them. They had their own floor manager to cover for them. Nevertheless, Lilly had not hesitated to burst through the door to check the scene.

And what a scene it was.

A girl laid down there - bloodied and in a sort of catatonic state. Her eyes were wide open but she was not looking at anyone at all. Lilly was no medical student but she knew this girl was in trouble. "What happened here?" Lilly questioned the crowd as she neared the girl to get a better look at her. "The fuck..." She muttered. The woman had goosebumps - maybe that explains the shivering - and they seemed to move a little. "Has someone called the ambulance? Fuck, just call the nurse or the dorm mother or someone!" She barked the order as she knelt down. Without any medical training aside from the complete basics, Lilly was not at all qualified to help in any sort of way.

Calm down Lil, calm down. Someone here should be able to help. God why where these guys just standing around anyway? Maybe their floor manager already went to get the nurse or phone the ambulance.

Hiroyuki Duma

In hindsight, perhaps Hiroyuki should have taken the time out of his rather lax schedule to have gone to learn about using water for healing. Quite obviously, a great number of them were injured and it had slowed down their progress out of the town. He had noticed that Song had attempted the healing on the go earlier, but it had failed likely because of the stress they were in earlier. Hiroyuki remembered that the healers would take quite some time to do their craft. It would have been nice if the both of them could aid their group - but such was not the case.

His thoughts were interrupted when the group was stopped by Fire Nation guards. He had turned alongside them. Ryuu had gone ahead to tell them that they were passing by town and visited a few friends and then Rila had followed up with the fact that they were also going to visit some friends over at the next town. It sounded like a solid cover story but Hiroyuki would have liked for them to have talked about it beforehand. Finding no need to add onto that, Hiroyuki had chosen to remain silent as he stood there with a polite smile on his face and merely nodded when Rila had finished.

Hiroyuki Duma

Hiroyuki hummed in agreement to the firebender's suggestion of fake names. If they were to travel together, it would be best to know each other's name just in case they were questioned by some of the guards. It will be easier to slip by that way. That, or tell the most outlandish stories and convince them that you're insane and of no use to them. The worst that could happen was that they kill you, but there is always plenty of time to tuck tail and run away during those moments. "Tikaani. That's what my group has assigned to me." He offered the name for them to use. Bluebird was what the Fire Nation has heard - Tikaani was restricted to only a small circle of teammates.

He followed close behind them after another bow of gratitude towards Takuma. Hiroyuki kept an eye out for any suspicious activity aside from them but there seemed to be no trouble with the Fire Nation soldiers. He'd really rather not get into a fight so soon after their escape. The other firebender seemed to have given his cellmate the crutch she was using earlier. Ah. That's correct. Hikaru had suffered from an injury. It would be for the best to have a crutch around - but what about the firebender? Should she not have a crutch of her own right now?

Dorm Floor -> Floor above
Saturday, 6:00 pm
Interacting with: Seoyeon, Lou

Lilly nodded in understanding. She's heard that those in the Eastern countries had a more conservative outlook in life. She wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. "Well at least you can enjoy one now. Just don't have too much fun." She said with a low voice, obviously mocking an adult. Of course, she often took those words to heart but only because she had to keep herself sober enough to take care of others. It was always a problem when they get too drunk or too high to function anymore or get in trouble, so she figured that she should at least put on an effort to avoid such things from happening. As she was thinking that, she took another sip from her cup.

She tilted her head at Seoyeon and then quickly shook her head. "Well, we usually don't say anything but if you want to, go ahead." She replied with a dismissive wave of her hand before also jumping in surprise with Lou's loud entrance. Lilly offered the guy a small smile as she stepped aside to make some room for Lou. She was glad that the two of them seem to be getting along. Lilly kept quiet as the two interacted - or as Seoyeon gave a fangirl like reaction for the wings that Lou has bestowed upon them. What was said earlier aside, Lilly was probably going to try it out later once she's done making another round.

Lou had gone on to speak to the sex doll that was laying down (standing up?) at the wagon and Lilly couldn't help but smile to herself. How innocent. It wasn't soon until Lou had come back to tell them that he was glad she wasn't from their floor. Lilly was unsure whether to play along or not but Seoyeon was quick to reply and ignore it. Lilly had just shrugged it off. Her eyes passed the sex doll again and there was some part of her that was glad that it wasn't being used just yet.

When the two were getting acquainted, she gave a nod to Seoyeon and a pat to Lou's shoulder and gestured that she was going to leave. Lilly was here to take care of everyone, not two specific people. She dropped her cup at a nearby table - it was nearly empty anyway - and she began making another round. She waved at some who called out to her while they were drinking - calling out to her about joining them and she just laughed and moved on. There were a bunch of people (surprisingly including Julius) around the pot brownies and she nodded at them as well.

As she was moving around, alone, there was a scream. It didn't come from their floor - but above. Lilly looked around and it didn't seem like many people noticed. Maybe it was because she was quiet and alone. Maybe it was because she was on full alert for everyone. Lilly knew what she needed to do though. Passing by everyone else in a rush, she moved to the stairs to find out what had happened. At least she was still sober.

Hiroyuki Duma

As Hikaru explained the situation with the Avatar - whom the rebellion were all looking to for possible help - Hiroyuki had reached over for the bandages to wrap his burnt arm. It wasn't anything bad, thankfully. The case of the Avatar disappearing, however, was another thing entirely. It would have helped if he were to suddenly appear before them, but they couldn't keep on hanging onto that hope anymore. They would have to operate how they always have.

"Thank you." He repeated the gratitude that so many have already given. He had accepted the cloak and quickly put it on before running a hand through his hair to fix it. Tachi Dai - that was their next destination it would seem. And just like with Takuma, they were to question those that they needed help from if they wanted to play a round of Pai Sho. If not, leave immediately. He waited by the door, prepared to leave when it is necessary.

Dorm Floor
Saturday, 6:00 pm
Interacting with: Seoyeon

"Ohh..." She drawled out the word in understanding accompied with a nod as she was given an explanation on how to say her floormate's name. "Well, I'll make sure to say it correctly this time." She reassured the Korean with a nod. "Seoyeon." She finalized, mimicking the pronounciation her companion said earlier. It sounded right in her head, hopefully her mouth translated exactly what she said in mind. It did, but there was always that underlying doubt that gnawed in her brain. Her fingers tightened around her cup a few times in an attempt to dispel the anxious thoughts.

She couldn't help but giggle as Seoyeon let out a burp which she covered up rather quickly. That was pretty cute. An amused smile was left on Lilly's face even after Seoyeon changed the subject to avoid getting called out for it. "Highschool not as wild as this?" She asked, tilting her head towards the ongoing party around them. "I think that's good. I remember my highschool had a rager every other week." An exaggeration, but it might as well have been with all the news she kept on hearing about.

As Seoyeon began listing off names that could have potentially been hers, Lilly's amused smile only grew wider. "At least it rhymes." She said first with a light chuckle, bringing up the hand holding her cup to her lips to cover it. She settled dowm a moment after. "It's Lilliana. But people just call me Lilly." She raised her cup towards her and then continued. "I hope you remember it. I am your floor manager after all. I'd rather not have you calling me that when you have a problem."

Hiroyuki Duma

He listened intently to Jia Li as she explained the deal about Pai Sho. It was a brief explanation but it revealed so much for Hiroyuki. That meant that the elders of their revolution were part of this resistance group? It would make sense that they were just a small detachment of a larger party. It was good to know that this seemed to be a more widespread organization.

"Some of my colleagues may be part of this Order. Perhaps I can get some news there..." Hiroyuki said to alert them about the fact that he would be going with them should they choose to search for the Order of the White Lotus. Perhaps he would join as well if need be. Any resistance party is somewhere he's willing to work with. It would seem that the other waterbender does not seem to be too keen in joining the resistance - which also made sense.

As Takuma re-entered the room, Hiroyuki had turned his attention back to him and his eyes turned to the clothes. As he mentioned something about not being the right time, he peeked out as well before backing away quickly. Indeed, there wee guards everywhere. As the attention shifted back to the talk of the Order, Hiroyuki had moved over to the table to grab some clothes for him to wear before turning back to Takuma as he went on to explain what he was doing there.

So it would seem that their guide was indeed part of the Order - and that his role was to help convicts such as them. Fascinating. It was quite a strategic position. They were soon pointed to hallway where they could change. With only a nod, Hiroyuki quickly made his way down to one of the rooms to quickly change out of the prisoner outfits and into more civilian clothing.

With that finished, he headed back to the room with the clothes bundled up into an incospicious set of red fabric. "So bunch these up somewhere and burn them right?" Hiroyuki said as he waved the fabric in front of him with one hand.
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