Avatar of POOHEAD189


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Current He's lying
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aw fuck you RoadkilBanana
20 days ago
Kuro is right, Elite. That counts as spam. Please do not do that
23 days ago
I am currently at work but tonight I will be making the proper warnings and reprimands
23 days ago
Alright, we're all going to stop talking about this right now. Any further comment will get a warning, and any comment after that will be reprimanded.


About Me

Name: Ben
Username: The one and only. Dare I say?
Age: 30
Ethnicity: Mixed
Sex: Male
Religion: Christian (Nondenominational)
Languages: English, Japanese (Semi-fluent & learning), I also know some Scots Gaelic, Quenyan (Elvish), and Miccosukee (My tribal tongue)
Relationship Status: Single (Though generally unavailable unless I find I really enjoy someone).

Current Projects/Freelance work

  • I am a voice talent and script writer for Faerun History
  • I have a much smaller personal Youtube channel that I use to make videos on various subjects. Only been making videos for 2 years, but it's growing!
  • I'm the host of a Science Fiction & Fantasy Podcast where I interview authors of the genre.

Interests (Includes but is not limited to)

  • Writing/Reading (Love writing and I own too many books)
  • Video Games (Been a gamer for close to 23 years now)
  • Working Out/Martial Arts (Wing Chun/Oyama Karate mostly. Some historical swordplay as well.)
  • History (Military History is my specialty)
  • Zoology
  • Art (Mostly Illustrations. Used to be good. Am picking it back up)
  • Voice Acting/Singing
  • Tabletop Gaming (Started late in the game. Been at it for 3 years. I was the kid who bought the monster manuals and D&D books just for the lore for the longest time. I've played 3.5e, 5e, Star Wars D20, Edge of the Empire, PF, and PF2.)
  • Weaponry of all kinds
  • Anime (mostly action/shonen. DBZ & YYH being my favorites)
  • Movies (Action/War/Drama films being my go-to)
  • Music (Rock of all kinds, as well as historical folk songs, sea shanties, pub songs, a bit of classical music, etc)
  • Guitar (am learning to play, but being left handed makes it challenging)
  • There's more but if you care enough you can PM me :P

Roleplay F.A.Q.

  • Fantasy, Sci Fi, and Historical are my genres. Fantasy being my favorite and Sci Fi/Historical being close seconds.
  • Advanced / Nation / 1x1 / Casual (only in certain circumstances)
  • I generally write at the 'Advanced Level' meaning 4+ Paragraphs with good grammar.
  • I am usually busy with many projects and RPs, but if you wish to do a 1x1 with me, you'll need to present your case. Those I already do it with have my trust as a Roleplayer.
  • I love many, many fictional universes so me trying to list them all is an effort in futility!


Most Recent Posts

At first, Markus didn't respond when she pulled out the golden armlet. He felt his good mood and hopes plummeting into the chasm of oblivion. He took another long drink of his rum, letting the liquid fully wash down his throat in a vain attempt to keep himself from getting too angry. He knew he had told her they were going to 'fuck shit up' if things went south, but things hadn't gone south and she had stolen from the Duke. What's more, he knew she had likely left a counterfeit piece there, which while it helped in the short run, would only indicate them in the long run since there were only a handful of sorcerers at the party that could accomplish such a thing.

"Emmaline...why the f-"

Needless to say, the snake had not only suddenly come alive before their eyes, but it had saved her drink and slid back atop her slender arm to rest easily once more.

"What in Taal's Timber was that?" He asked dumbly, just as confused as Emmaline. Slowly he approached her and opened himself up to the winds of magic, taking her arm and gazing with what magesight he had to see...almost nothing. There was an elusive quality to the thing, but he couldn't tell. He half expected it to come to life again and bite him, but so far it had remained contented. The sparkle of the sapphire and the glint of the golden armlet on Emmaline's voluptuous body had his drink-addled mind roving, though he blinked it away and tried to concentrate. It seemed others had noticed as well, however.

"Ah, what a beautiful couple you are, il signore." A menacing voice echoed from the street beyond. Emmaline's head popped up as Markus slowly turned to see three ruffians approaching slowly, smiling as they walked. Their black facial hair was roughly shaven and in their hands were long knives. Markus was surprised they were referring to them until he recalled just how decked out they had dressed for the ball. Emmaline's development with her golden snake and this sudden mugging caused him to actually laugh, not able to really comprehend what he should feel so instead he felt a pirate's amusement. Slowly the three surrounded Emmaline and Markus.

The Captain drew his backsword, holding it out to the two men he could see. The subtle changes with his magesight, along with Emmaline's yelp betrayed the man behind him making a move. Markus flipped his sword and stabbed it backwards, impaling the fellow, splatters of blood hitting the pavement. The shock of the kill had given the other two pause, which allowed him to slice the throat of the second. It was only the third who had collected himself that gained any advantage, leaping at Markus before he could fully heft his sword again. The Captain dodged the slash, and the two traded three blows before Markus cut the ruffian across the stomach and sent him to the ground.

"Please il signore! I have three chil-" His words were lost in a gout of blood as Markus' backsword slunk into the flesh of his neck, the swordsman feeling every inch of skin, meat, and bone give way. The man shuddered for a brief moment before dying. It gave the captain a pure satisfaction he couldn't quite put his finger on, but he felt his anger at Emmaline slipping away after having vented his frustrations in what he might call a more 'healthy' way.

"Once we get back to the ship" He said to Emmaline, still looking at the corpse below him. "Tell me everything that happened in my cabin."

"O-Over dinner?" She asked.

He couldn't help but smile, despite himself. It was not a fair sign, but he was somewhat intrigued the clusterfuck they might find themselves in. "Of course, we're still on our date right?"

High above the two, two figures stood in the darkness among the rooves of the Tilean city state. One floated effortlessly above the uneven tiles whilst the other had purchase that no human could hope to match. They were of the Eldar race of Ulthuan, and they had followed the two ever since the Captain and his sorceress had left the festivities. Eerily, Beruthiel's eyes glowed softly as she watched what occurred below.
"It was just as I thought. There's something odd about those two." She told her lover. The Prince stayed silent as she pondered, able to see the magic of the armlet with far more clarity than either of the humans below. Massive waves of winds flowed around the artifact; nearly as large as what she could summon if she uncloaked herself and bore the entirety of her power.

"Will you tell the Duke?" Imladon asked her.

"Will you?" She mused, knowing how important their mission was. Though she could not help but giggle, understanding the Prince just rather not have to return to renew ties instead of worrying over the loss of trust.

"I am here for good relations, but this is not my expertise." He concluded, as seemingly apathetic as ever.

"You did not need to follow me, beloved. It might have been better if this was not on your mind. But for their part, I believe it is one of the old powers taking a fancy in these apes." She concluded.

"Interesting." Was all he added, and it was the truth. Both Elves watched as the two departed into the darkness.
Two Hours Later...

That had turned out better than Markus had anticipated. The fluctuating opinions of the Elves and austere manner of the Tilean nobility had been a dodgy obstacle at first, but somehow Emmaline's collapsed had been an almost cathartic icebreaker to the gentry, as if Markus' quick reaction to his date's sudden fall had garnered their respect and acknowledgement. Thankfully Emmaline had been alright, and Markus half expected it to have been a ploy or plot. He hadn't asked her about it since, content to know she wasn't dying or overheated by the arid mainland air mixing with the coastal wind to created an almost palpable humidity. In fact it had been just after the two of them had returned to the ball that they were met with an applause and the blessing of the Duke to perform business in his city. It took but an hour for Markus to haggle and settle upon a contract to ferry textiles and iron to one of the Lustrian city's along the coast called Skeggi, thankfully situated fairly close to a port Markus had heard tale of called Nuevo Luccini, a notorious den of pirates and thieves. They would simply transport the goods to the former and make berth at the latter before continuing to Ind.

Tomorrow, Markus would speak to Galadel once more before they received Sketti and his gunpowder, and then they embark on a long voyage to the New World. More than satisfied, Markus was now content to walk back with Emmaline under the starry sky as they stepped along the bricked Tilean road that led down the main causeway of the city, back toward the ship. In true pirate fashion, the two had nabbed a few bottles of rum before they had made their exit, both now with a bottle in hand.

Heave a pawl, O heave away...
Weigh hey, roll and go...
The anchor's on board and the cable's all stored,
To be rollicking randy dandy-O~

The Captain sang with the barest slurring of his words whilse Emmaline took another swig. He always had a shanty in his head whenever he had a long way to walk, odd enough. Markus glanced over his shoulder and saw the Estate now out of sight, gulping down a few swills of rum before he wiped his mouth with the forearm of his expensive jacket.

"So lass," He started, clearly in a good mood. "did you actually fall or were you doing something of nefarious significance?" He asked her.
If my character is accepted, I'm ready^^
The hall was abuzz with activity after the Duke and his wife had entered. The dancing had faltered but as of yet had not altogether stopped. While he ruled the city and made a showing of himself, this was his home and most here had already become at least tangentially acquainted with he and his family. He was an alright fellow in Markus's book, as his arrival had been a good segue for him to excuse himself, though rather than making a B line toward him as many were, he went to grab a drink or two a dozen paces away.

A slim woman presented him with a tray of wine glasses, smiling sweetly. She either wanted to bag a rich man or simply didn't want to lose her job, but either way he didn't care. He took a glass and downed it in a swill.

"Spero che la tua giornata sia stata grandiosa," She remarked, expertly bowing as the tray was held steady in her hands. Markus could only understand about four of the words vaguely, so he smiled and placed a silver schilling on the tray. Her eyes widened as he walked away, deciding to see if the line around the Duke had thinned. Most people seemed to have simply wanted to greet him and try to keep themselves relevant in his memory before slinking off back to their intrigue and business deals. The Captain stood behind three men as they chatted the Duke up, unable to ascertain if they were old friends or lollygaggers.

The Duke had dark features, with an olive color to his skin and a hardiness to his countenance. In fact he seemed like Tobaro personified. Refined but gruff, with a no-nonsense attitude intermingled with a sense of flair and style. The fellow moved aside the last man and held his hand out to Markus, who did not hesitate to shake it. That seemed to garner some modicum of approval from the Duke.

"We have no met before. Are you an...Imperial?" He asked, his accent heavy albeit clearly fluent in reikspeil.

"Yes, I am-"

"Captain Flintbrook!" A voice cried. Both Markus and the Duke turned to see Enrique the heir running to their position, trying his best not to bump into anyone. The Duke regarded Markus and then his son, clearly not used to being out of the loop of something. Markus immediately took note that Emmaline was missing. He sighed, thinking she had gotten into trouble.

"Enrique? You know this man?" The Duke asked.

"Lady Von Morganstern has collapsed, sir. I don't know why. She's alright but-"

Markus's throat closed in sudden worry. "Lead the way" he ordered, hurrying away with him, hoping the next few moments the Duke didn't notice he forgot to add an honorific.
Markus smirked at the Tilean nobles doing their best to act like they understood the Elves when the Asur spoke to one another in their mother tongue. He knew if he continued with a bit more audacity, the gentry would speak about him disfavorably for quite some time, which might harm his chance of any sort of trade agreement. Though that was only a small realization. He was certain he would get what he wanted regardless, and still wanted to have a bit of fun.

It was everyone else's turn to make their declarations of names and titles. The Elven Prince, for he was indeed a Prince of Cothique, was called Imladon the Reaver. He had escorted his lover, sorceress of Saphery Beruthiel Emeraldsea here along with his two retainers, Galadel and Imladrak his cousin. Markus wasn't very learned in Elven lore or geography, just far less of a neophyte than your average imperial citizen, not that it spoke for much.

The humans were a bit more interesting. The surnames of Ralphio Miragliano and Dante Colombo were known to many well read people in the Old World, the former the descendant of a famous inventor and the latter the product of a sire who was a famous explorer. Perhaps Markus could speak to Colombo on any old maps his many great grandfather might have of the western seas. The last fellow was Marco Gattio, and though he had never heard the name, Markus was informed he was quite the skilled painter.

"Might I inquire what your business here is, Master Flintbrook?" The Elven Prince Imladon asked to break the greetings, using 'master' with a small distaste in his mouth. Apparently he was not keen to wait on the female humans to give their introductions. Then again, they might be up and coming wives such as Emmaline could portray.

"I'm here for much the same reason I imagine you are, your highness. I seek to make and maintain contacts in Tobaro for mutual benefit. I do quite like gold, if you hadn't noticed the company I keep." The Captain said wryly, indicating Emmaline. Though it looked as if she had already disappeared. He hoped she would keep a low profile.

"An uncouth ape, though evidently skilled it seems for such low people." Beruthiel the sorceress said in Elvish.

"One needs to be uncouth to be a Captain," He replied back in her tongue, which gave him a very good view of the imperious sorceress's eyes popping wide in surprise. "Some women quite like uncouth, I've learned." He added smugly, though unfortunately that was a step too far. She gasped, offended whilst Imladon and his cousin simultaneously half drew their keen blades. It was Galadel that stepped forward, the human nobles surprised and just about to call out to their guards, unsure of the cause of the sudden threats.

"His Asur is quite terrible, I'm certain he meant no offense your grace, my lady." Galadel negotiated in Reikspeil, brows raised gently and hands wide in supplication. Markus was quick to nod, giving a bow. "My deepest condolences. I have been at sea for many months and am unused to such valiant company."

Bowed and staring at the ground, he half expected to be beheaded. He couldn't tell if the excuse worked, but it was at that moment the trumpets at the great door of the room sounded, announcing the Duke's arrival.
I've got the handwriting of a 5 year old
On the northern wing, Markus spotted the Dwarfs speaking to a few very fat rich men, likely merchants. There was a tall man resplendent in robes standing with them along with a small slip of a woman in a sparkling gown. As they spoke, Hugrin held out a rifle to present as Branvaldin gestured his hands for the onlookers to be at ease, all while Sketti scratched his balls, the bulge prominent even under his thick cotton trousers.

"I wish I had my priorities straight like you," He whispered back to the sorceress, planting a small kiss just above her cheek. As he did so, he could see across the hall where various aristocrats congregated in a small group where most of the drinks seemed to be. As much as he wanted something stronger, it seemed the majority of what was being served was wine. Tilea was famous for it, so it didn't irk him nearly as much as it would have were he in Altdorf. Even as he looked, he saw Galadel with his scepter standing next to three other elves among the group in question.

The rakish swordsman slid a hand to rest on Emmaline's lower back. "Let's go over there, make a good impression, then when the Duke shows up I'll have a few words with him and we can get the hell out of here." Emmaline showed she was ready by fluttered her eyelashes with a blank, stupid look on her face. Markus hid his grin. He knew the aristocrats had their work cut out for them.

The two of them made their way over to the group, giving the dance floor a wide berth. Two abrasive couples, both clearly either very entitled or a little drunk, spoke to one another and blocked the entirety of the lane between the wall and the dance floor. They didn't acknowledge Markus nor Emmaline when they halted before them. The women in their fur coats and the men decked in embroidered surcoats and talking business were rudely interrupted and flabbergasted once Markus placed stepped between them and pushed his hands outward so they would stumble out of the way. It made way for Emmaline in her dress and magnificent necklace. Were it not for the shining sapphire they might have been rebuked loudly, but it was just extravagant enough for them to wonder if she and her date were not an Elector Count and his wife from an Imperial province.

Strutting over, the two had expected to be on the periphery of whatever conversation was currently being held. On the contrary, the nobles had noticed the small spectacle and had noticed The Captain and his beautiful date approaching. The Elves had too, it seemed. At their center, a gorgeous elven maiden in robes of saphery regarded them, and it was a long moment before Markus realized she was actually lightly floating over the ground. Her brown hair was long and luxurious, held back by a tiara of silver upon her forehead. Next to her was an Elven Prince, grounded but no less respectable in an ethereal way, wearing red and gold, a saber at his side. They had taken Markus' sword at the door, but apparently the Elf was given special treatment. Beside them was an Elven guard in a doublet, similarly armed, and Galadel.

"Better late than never, eh?" Markus said, speaking to Galadel first.

There was a very pregnant silence that followed, as he clearly should have regarded the elves of higher status, or even the Tilean aristocrats first rather than his old friend. Galadel knew to say nothing, but he smiled. The tension was cut by a mustached Tilean baron who cleared his throat.

"And who might you be, sir?" He said, accent dripping from his pouty lips.

"Yes, I suppose I am being rude." The swordsman replied easily, inclining his head ever so slightly. "I am Markus Flintbrook, heir to the Flintbrook Estate set upon the Lodestone River." He wasn't exactly lying. If his father passed, he might actually inherit a bit of land. Technically Rhinehold Flintbrook was a Border Prince, albeit a minor one. It was a fact he hadn't even told Emmaline yet. He could imagine her reaction once he did, now that he had reminded himself to. No doubt she thought it a full lie now. "And Captain of the Hammer, a sloop of the Imperial navy. This is my date, the Lady Emmaline Von Morganstern. No doubt you've heard the name, as you are people of substance."
She quite enjoyed being called 'witch' in bed, but Markus kept that thought firmly to himself with a smirk. He decided to change the subject from the questionable crime that could lead back to them in some indirect fashion. Glancing about, he hailed one of the tailors to come over to him once the fellow was done, all the while saying. "Nothing from you, Master Dwarf. Truth be told I didn't even know you would be in here with one of my crew. Speaking of which..."

Behind him, Emmaline caught the arm of the tailor and whispered to him exactly what Markus was looking for, so Markus needn't halt his conversation. Rather he just spread his arms to be measured. The Captain continued: "There will be Elves at the Duke's palace. That won't be a problem, aye?"

"Yes that's...regrettable." Branvaldin remarked diplomatically with a sigh, though in truth Markus had been referring to Sketti in particular. The Slayer's eyes widened, whipping to the merchant as if the other Dawi had stabbed him in the back. Hugrin grumbled and chewed on his pipe, but gave no real opinion other than a general look of distaste. "No doubt there to do business, just as we are. I hear Elgi do like to sail."

"Blasted pointy ears!" Sketti roared, causing the tailor measuring Markus to jump.

"You won't provoke them or cause a fight. That's an order." Markus commanded the Slayer, who seemed very close to insubordination when he opened his mouth, before he closed it wisely. Sketti cleared his throat, taking the cloak they has brought him. "Aye Captain..." Though the conversation didn't end there. Markus found out the two Dwarves had known Sketti before he took his oath, citing him as once one of the best engineers in their guild. No Dwarf would stand in the way of another Dwarf and their oath, but they asked him to inspect their current projects and help present their business to the Duke later. Once that was discovered, the three stout folk departed, leaving Markus and Emmaline to their own devices.

Minutes later, Markus stepped out of the back room wearing a newly fashioned coat just shipped in from the Marienburg not a week ago. The brown was so dark and deep in hue, it was nearly black. Gold trim ran along its breadth, with brass buttons along the center. It accentuated his shoulders and added to his rugged good looks, while still being just fancy enough to be granted entry to the party. With his backsword at his hip, he truly pulled off the rakish captain look.

"What do you think, babe?" He asked her, arms out wide and looking down at himself.
@rush99999 True, I miss it sometimes. I'm the same as always. You ever played Urban Shadows before?

@Obscene Symphony@ThatCharacter

Kayden wasn't entirely certain he deserved chastisement from Michail, considering he had gone up to aid in bringing Imogen back. He felt a princely arrogance rising up, but he quelled that immediately. Michail wasn't his Master-At-Arms he could vaguely ward off with royal threats. He merely gave a groan of annoynance but said nothing, following the professor's directives without complaint and joining the group proper with the others. Kayden did give Jorah a grin though, as one might grant a fellow conspirator. Despite their differences, Jorah didn't have a stick up his ass like Auberon.

Hustling back with the other two, the prince had bounced back easily enough. Nothing seemed to really get under his skin, save the ride in the carriage. As long as he could avoid that he would be tremendous. Of course, his mood was a tad challenged when a massive explosion wracked the landscape just beyond the bridge, likely a few furloughs away. Anyone who wasn't immediately staring at the sudden plume of smoke would see Kayden's normally casual look go wide eyed. "I don't think that was in the syllabus," He deadpanned.

Along with the others, he awaited the explanation of the riders and the subsequent discussion by their wise teachers.

Bandits!? The debonair heir felt a surge of elation in his chest. He had been expecting combat, but never did he really think there would be actual fighting. Perhaps the carriage ride was worth it after all, he thought with a growing grin. Images of steel clashing with steel and swashbuckling acts of valor slid through his mind. If there was something Kayden longed for, it was proper combat application, particularly in the midst of slaying foul foes as they protected the innocent! Father wasn't within two hundred leagues either, so there would be no objections for something silly like his safety. With a hearty laugh, he turned around and said. "Do you hear that men? Time to show them what the eagles are made of!" the prince declared.

His teammates had little to add.

Kayden volunteered with a call and a raising of his hand as Michail's question, needing all but five seconds to decide. He turned and approached the wagon to gather his blade, and while he did, he felt a bit calmer and more level headed. Even a tinge of fear crept up, but that was easily brushed aside. The heir to the Empire feared no man, and that was all a bandit was. His training and bookish knowledge of tactics would keep him safe, not to mention the professors and like-minded students at his side. He nearly didn't catch Kellen's kind-hearted assurance to Lienna once he passed them by. He decided to say nothing, but he did have a small smile on his face. Rather he gave Lienna a salute with his sword once Kellen departed, before following after the others as well.
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