Avatar of prussianblue
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 56 (0.02 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. prussianblue 7 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current Wow. It has been a W H I L E .
6 yrs ago
What did the broccoli say after a tough workout? "I'm steamed!"
6 yrs ago
Did you know? The Cheyenne Zoo recently had an exhibit on baguettes, rolls, and buns. According to a staff member, "These are our last species to ever be bread in captivity."
6 yrs ago
Did you hear about the truck that spilled gourds all over the I-85 highway? They were squashed.
6 yrs ago
I haven't been on in 2 months WHAT HAPPENED
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I don't know how to introduce myself

You're pretty cool for looking at my profile

I love dogs and netflix

Okay, bye

Most Recent Posts

@Zapdos The answer to your question is a bit complex.
Most of New Alaska is largely rural, so a remote location would be easy. If he were to live anywhere in the province, however, he would have to be registered- only certified registered supers are granted residence there.
As of yet there isn't a set location where the RP starts, I will update on that soon.
Also, glad to hear he doesn't sneeze ice cubes!
Thanks for asking! :)
@CrabInATree You are welcome to apply, glad you asked. :)
@ColouredCyan approved, go ahead and copy over to the 'characters' tab. Thank you!
Just as a refresher, here's the character sheet you should use, please and thank you.

Full Name (nickname)
“Quote by or about the character.”

[Portrait of the character if applicable]

Basic information

Legal name (& pronunciation, if necessary):
Nicknames, aliases, and/or preferred name:
Date of Birth, Age (as of Dec. 2017):
City, Province/State of current residence:
*Social Class/Community Status:
***Powers and Weaknesses:

Physical Description

Detailed Physical Description:
Day-to-day Wardrobe:
Typical equipment:


Most Hated/Dislikes:
Education/Special Training (if applicable);
Place/Type of Residence:
Occupation (if applicable) and Work-related Skills:

Additional Notes- don't bother to copy and paste this part.

*social classes closely resembles those of modern america- the 1%, or rich; middle class; poor-- this also includes whether they are registered with the government as a super or not, as that affects their social status.
**Not referring to the typical Good, Evil, Chaotic, Lawful etc. type of alignment, but more along the lines of:
Do they sympathize with the government or detest it? Are they a part of a lesser gang/faction? Would they side with Blue Jays or Vigilantes?
*** Please be VERY descriptive! If you simply say that they have “Ice Powers” I am going to assume they sneeze out ice cubes!
In addition, powers do not have to match/complement the weakness. Someone with fire powers doesn't necessarily have to be averse to water/ice; it is perfectly acceptable to do that, however.
And one last thing- be creative! There's no such thing as a stupid power or a dumb weakness, I swear.
Wakey wakey, eggs and bacey!
@Pathfinder @RumikoOhara @LordofthePies @Jade113 @ColouredCyan @LordLinguinie @HowlsOfWinter @Kidd
@MrSkullFace @Vonghese @Zapdos @Blue2
Calling all Supers is a go, I await your awesome characters to approve!

@ColouredCyan Sometime this afternoon, will update here when it's up. :)
Once I get it posted (likely tomorrow or Friday) CS's will be posted in the OOC section of the RP, @Jade113.
@Pathfinder @RumikoOhara @LordofthePies @Jade113 @ColouredCyan @LordLinguinie @HowlsOfWinter @Kidd
Thanks for your interest, you guys! That's great to hear. :)
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