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Yep. Thanks for the heads up!

I'm trying to figure out what the heck Migi would even do in this moment, considering. She's backup to Emmaline, but has no idea what happened. And I feel like a post reflecting that would be boring and just filler. So, I'm trying to ponder something active.

I've stupidly done this to myself.
Now presenting... whatever hot mess this is!

The records of the Worm Queen's true name were lost to time. All that was known was that she was the betrayer god, the fallen of the almighty. Sent, not into the earth below, but the abysmal ether that existed at the edges of this reality. There the tearing and twisting of time and space turned the goddess into a horrendous abomination that no one could dare lay eyes on. The gods were content in their decision to banish her, her crimes unknown but unfathomable. Once a goddess of beauty and creation was now one of parasitic hunger and congealed madness. So, the gods shouldn't have been surprised that she wasn't content to stew. That she'd formed plans, conscripted minions, and gained power.

She infected the minor gods first, planting her blood-red worms into their holy flesh and letting them burrow deep—devouring them from the inside out. Before the gods had a chance to realize that they had become compromised, it was too late. The mortals went to war in their name. But as the gods began to fall, so did their prophets. Those that commanded the gods' power began to lose it as their flesh was devoured by the Worm Queen's minions. Those that had decided to serve her had power unbridled. Their abilities far exceeded those of the prophets. They became known as the Blighted, powerful infested servants of the Worm Queen.

The gods tried to fight against their folly, but not even their pride could overcome the Worm Queen's onslaught. So, they sent the Arbiter's of Mortality away, angelic creatures that were not deities but whose powers were intrinsic to the mortals' existence. And then the gods sealed themselves away, turning the massive continent of Dys into stone along with them. All the people upon the land, blighted or no, were frozen. The Worm Queen became trapped within the bowels of Dys itself.

The surviving mortals were sent to faraway lands, ones that they had barely colonized. There were only a few cities in the massive Dyssian Archipelago, but there were also few mortals left to occupy what they had built. They'd been reduced so dramatically in number. The last to leave Dys was the Empress, but her boat was never seen or heard from again. No one knew what happened to her or her consorts, and as the years passed—they came to not care.

The Arbiters helped the mortals build and stabilize their new home before they sealed themselves away in seven hidden temples throughout the archipelago—safe from any residual corruption of the Worm Queen. Only one arbiter remained outside of confinement, the Arbiter of Balance. She took a mortal form and became Grand Inquisitor to the Prince Reagent.

Fifty years have passed, and the Empress's nephew sits on the throne of the archipelago. Once a powerful commander in the Empress's grand army, now an unbelievably fat monarch who's barely aged from those days of yore. The Arbiter of Balance has seen to it that the last of the Empress's bloodline doesn't leave the throne abandoned. The Dyssian Empire is too frail to try to handle a political uprising. And as long as the arbiter stands by the Prince Reagent's side, no one thinks to challenge them. And what of the Blighted cultist? In the fifty years since escaping Dys and forming the New Dyssian Empire, there have been isolated incidents of cultists across the isles. Yet, it was nothing that the Arbiters and their Inquisitors couldn't squash. Stability was hard to carve out in the decimation of thousands of years of culture. Yet, one balmy autumn night, a dark corner of our history was about to have a light shown upon it.

In the dwindling hours of the morning, the navy captain on an official Dyssian patrol ship saw a massive dreadnought lurching into the bay. He summoned all hands to the deck and attempted to flag the ship down. Yet, it moved towards them without aim. When they were able to get their lanterns angled at the portside, they saw the banners. It was the Empress's ship, having been deemed destroyed or lost at sea. The last ship to leave Dys, and home to relics and knowledge of their now Lost Age. The captain silenced his crew with either coin or a blade and ran through the streets of the capital straight towards the Arbiter of Balance's home. Whatever was aboard that ship could change everything, and he was terrified of what would happen if the Blighted got their hands on it. If they hadn't already...

Collab Between @psych0pomp & @sail3695
Persephone! Planet of wonder, planet of sights, planet of tall buildings, and even taller egos. Rex rubbed his nose with the palm of his hand, smearing the darkening blood across his tan skin. He tsked. “You know, you can stop bleeding any day now? No one is asking you to continue to spurt out like a fountain.” The trickle of warmth from his nose answered his question. One more glance at the paper with the docking information for the China Doll, and he ripped the edge of it and balled it up. He rammed that into his nose like a jagged, ink-stained plug. He then crumpled the rest directions up and went to hurl them over his shoulder. That was when he caught the eye of a woman, her brows furrowed. He just smiled and pitched the piece of paper in the next trash can before curtseying to her.

“Remind me again, Lucky, why we thought it would be a good idea to come here of all places?” he asked the cage in his right hand. A plum-colored scarf, from an employee of an above-board business that definitely wasn’t a brothel, covered the small black wired cage. Rex could feel the small bird stir underneath and let out a chirp. It wasn’t as if he knew what Rex was saying. He just knew his name. Still, it was nice to pretend. He shouldered his bag and moved forward. Frankie had just let him off with a bloodied nose because she had something else to attend to before she could finish the job. It was a nice way of saying “you have twenty-four hours to get out of here.”

As Lady Luck would have it, planning his escape was easier than expected. After spending his last credit on information for escape routes, he found one China Doll docked. And more to his surprise was that it was still captained by one Cal Strand. He was unsure how he was going to pay for a ride off the planet. But favors didn’t cost anything immediately, and Rex was fine with racking up a few more with his dear friend. If anything, Cal could pay him. The man couldn’t ask for a better First Mate. Rex knew the ship. Rex knew Cal. Rex knew where the secret whiskey was stored. The last part was more for him.

He approached the dock, his steps getting a little faster not wanting to catch any shadows out of the corner of his eyes. The tall and broad man was dressed in a bright blue button-up with pink lotus flowers printed on it. He had a few of the buttons undone, allowing for his necklaces to be shown and the chains of some unseen ones to be visible. He had a thick belt on, holstering both his knife and pistol. The leather that held his pistol was practically new. His gray coat with a fur-lined collar caught the sun and shimmered a bit in the light. As Rex came closer, he brought up a heavily ringed hand to pull down his circular, red-tinted glasses.

“Cal didn’t tell me he had a kid.” He whistled. “Shit. Got you doing his paperwork? Who taught you to read and write? Sure as hell wasn’t him.”

Abby looked up from the weight calc she was writing up. Their timing for New Melbourne was turning out to be alright, what with King Tuna season about to kick in and folk wanting to be there for work or sport. And then...this guy. “Who’s askin’?” she cocked an eyebrow at the explosion of color that stood before her. Hope he knows there ain’t no casinos on New Mel…

“Rex Black, your new first mate, or old first mate. Honestly, I don’t know how long you’ve been around. We go way back.” He pushed his glasses back up. “He wasn’t expecting me. I’m what some people like to call a surprise.” He waggled his brows. “Now, what do I have to do to get by you? You know, besides pick you up and move you myself. So tiny.”

Abby’s eyes landed on the clipboard. “One thing yew got right,” she said as she thumbed pages, “Cap’n sure wasn’t expectin’ ya.” But, she noted, he did have a First Mate on the wish list. Reason enough to let him walk the ramp. But there was somethin’ about this guy...made her feel like steppin’ aside was akin to invitin’ a hurricane to come callin’. “First mate?” she asked. “Done tha job afore?”

Rex considered what he had in his pockets. Was she too old for chocolate? Too young for cigars? He squinted. It didn’t seem like she was the sort that would take to bribery. “Does a bear… you know what, just ask me a question. Anything.” He paused. “Anything First Mate related. Don’t ask me about other things. Like, for instance, where I got the bloody nose or why my fingers smell like they do.”

“Peacock like yew,” Abby snorted, “take a body some time tah spot a little dab ‘o’ blood. Cap’n hired me today,” she said. “Just sized me up an’ gimme this clipboard. I know me some first mates...an sizin’ you up agin them? Y’ain’t makin’ me feel all warm an’ fuzzy ‘bout yah.”

“Peacock? Awe. Been a while since someone said something so sweet to me. See, I’m already wearing you down, kid.” He snorted, the makeshift plug in his nose holding fast, but more red seeping into the white. “You literally just met him today? That figures. You aren’t ugly enough to be his kid. Anyway, I’m not here to make someone feel warm and fuzzy. If that was the case, he could plop a teddy bear in a seat and call it a day. I’m here to do a fucking job and make sure we don’t get fucked by it in return. That good enough for you?”

The sudden shift of his demeanor raised a thin smile from her. “Watcha say yer name was?”

“Rex Black.” He shrugged. “I’d ask for yours, but I think I’m just going to stick with Cal Junior.”

“Well, Rex Black,” Abby scratched his name onto the sheet, “If the Cap’n hires yah proper I’ll give it. Til then, yer fixin’ to bleed on my cargo ramp. Bad fer business.” She closed the clipboard, glancing up to meet his eye. “Cap’n’ll be back in a couple hours. We’s loadin’ fer New Melbourne. Go on get cleaned up...afore yah stain some ‘o’ that perty shirt.”

“Awe. Hear that, Lucky?” he seemingly asked the air, but drew up his arm holding the cage. “Someone likes my shirt.” The bird was small, maybe a hand tall, but had bright blue and white plumage. His black eyes fixated on Rex before rotating his head in an odd way to look over at Abby. It was hard to say if he was being judgemental or just being a bird. “Thanks, Junior. I assure you, if I’m not supposed to be here, Cal’ll have me flying off that ramp faster than you can fly into the sky.” He then reached into his jacket and procured… something. At first, he thought it might have been something of use to the girl, but instead it was a deck of playing cards. He extended the deck, twined up, towards her. “Um, don’t spend them all in one place?”

“Keep ‘em,” the girl’s eyes didn’t move. “Mebbe put’em down so the bird don’t la shi on the deck. I don’t mop up no bird la shi, Rex Black.”

He pocketed the cards. “Not with that attitude, you won’t. Keep doing a good job and someday you’ll be promoted to bird janitor.” Rex started to move past her, his arm going numb from the weight on his shoulder. He wasn’t about to admit that, though. “And if I can’t give you the cards, Junior. Maybe I can give you a bit of advice. Diction. It’ll make people respect you more if you don’t sound like you’ve eaten your own shirt and are storing it in your cheeks for winter.”

Abby Travis held her tongue as Rex’s boots clattered up the ramp. Yeah, she mused, just like a hurricane. Flipping to the back page, she set the pen to work, scratching out a single word for herself. D-I-K-C-H-U-N.

Rex made his way up the ramp, turning away from the young woman with the clipboard. His smile faded to a pained look as he paused at the threshold of the ship. He wondered if the ship being here was as lucky as he wanted it to be, or if he was trading a coffin in the ground for a coffin in the sky.

It was a little too late to ruminate on that, though. He’d hate to go back down the ramp and explain to Cal Junior his indecision. Rex didn’t have many fears, but being mocked by someone more than half his age was definitely one of them. So, he swallowed his doubts and moved on. Time to claim his room back. He just hoped it wasn’t filled to the brim with storage boxes or something sadder… like hand-sewn cat dolls.

EDIT: Fin.

No worries! I just thought my English comprehension had failed me again. Curse you brain! XD

I'll keep my fingers crossed for a nap filled future.

Alright. I was just going off what I saw in the character sheets and in the OOC. Whoops. So, I guess I missed that! I'll retool my idea and get something up for review. I'm thinking mechanic if that's still open.
Color me a sepia tone of interested. I have quite the idea for a pilot character and hopefully some sardonic comic relief.

Currently, I am visiting family. But I should have a sheet up in a day or so. I especially want to make sure I've read everything thoroughly. Also, I'll probably slap together some graphics for extra points.
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