Avatar of Psyker Landshark


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4 mos ago
Current To this day, I regret not being able to try pre-nerf four loko
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4 mos ago
6 mos ago
are you seriously asking for a savage carry on RPG
8 mos ago
"can you describe your character concept" "yeah have you seen that video of the elder scrolls online knight beating people up while separate ways is playing"
9 mos ago
You get what you put in. Any site will be dying to you if you're not actively joining/posting in rps.



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Gym locations weren't specified yet, right?
Few questions for posterity:

1. Are the events of Sword/Shield being factored in the setting, or are we ignoring the game?

2. Do Gym Leaders have to have Dynamax/Gigantamax shit? Because I've always been more of a Mega Evolution fan.
Reserving either Flying or Bug, haven't decided which yet. Probably Flying.
Son of a bitch, I didn't think you'd do this this soon. Fine, guess I'm in.
Amulak al Acturus (Stanislaw)
HP:887/900 MP:958/1150 SP: 130/130

Ow. Catgirl thrown straight into him. Well. Not really ow. More like a light impact. Scratch damage, if that. Though a quick check of the party's HP bars showed that the impact against him had damn near killed Ari outright, taking over half her health. Well, shit. She only had two HP.

Wait, she only had two HP.

That counted as minimal damage were he to deal the last two, right? He couldn't enable friendly fire in combat, but afterwards...well, maybe. The others would probably get pissed, even though at this rate, Ari would get herself killed no matter what. Though killing this centipede would almost definitely give her enough experience to level to a point where he couldn't pull this shit, so really, this entire train of thought was an exercise in futility.

On the bright side, now that the centipede was paralyzed, Lew and Raime looked like they were going to town on the motherfucker. Time to contribute. He'd burned nearly 200 MP by now, and while that wasn't even a fifth of his mana pool, that was still a lot for just one monster. Better to start easing up and save some juice for later.

With that in mind, Amulak whipped up a Magic Bolt and souped it up with Mana Control before letting the now old standby fly at the monster.

"Making twenty year old reference not clever, Lew! Reference humor not funny!"
Master of Red - Rumi Fujou

Rumi returned Assassin's smile as she made her offer. A coffee shop, hmm? Well, she supposed even Servants could tire of simply waiting and preparing all the time. Plus, it would be good to get a sense of what her Servant could really do firsthand. Yes, she supposed there were certainly risks involved with leaving their base for a simple cappuccino, but the positives were clear as well.

Certainly, they were taking a risk of exposing themselves, but so was any Servant or Master of the Blue team that came gunning for them, let alone knew who they were already. So long as Assassin employed discretion, (which would be insane if she didn't, considering her class) there would be little chance of discovery. And it wouldn't quite do to anger or disappoint her own Servant. Rumi only had three Command Seals, after all, and she needed to sleep some time. Best to keep herself in the literal stealthy killer's good graces. That, and there was one other pressing reason why she was inclined to accepted Hanzo's offer...

"But of course. The coffee the hotel provides us is terrible. I despise instant brews. Lead the way, Assassin."


Rider of Red - Cao Cao

Cao Cao turned as he was spoken to, raising an eye at his newfound companion. Berserker, was it? One of those..."Christians" at that, if his murmurings about God were to tell. What an odd belief system, but apparently it and those related to it comprised of the majority of world religion. How curious.

"Yes," He replied finally, nodding to the long-haired man. "There is always a risk of looking down from above, exposing yourself to all the world." Rider chuckled briefly. "Were I alive, I'd likely feel the need to relieve myself right over the edge, simply to amuse myself. Doing so atop cliffs always was good for a cheap laugh back in the day."

The idea of allying himself with an utter madman as the Berserker class dictated left a sour taste in Cao Cao's mouth, but Berserker seemed more or less...alright without the influence of Mad Enhancement. Rough around the edges and wild, certainly, but some of his greatest generals during his lifetime had been that way. Xu Chu, Dian Wei...

A frown passed briefly across Cao Cao's face before disappearing just as quickly as it came. There were more important matters at hand than wallowing over his mistakes. Such as understanding those he would fight alongside better. He was no unchallenged leader of this coalition. Not yet, at least. But he would play his part for now. Until his worth and suitability was recognized by the others.

"Tell me, Berserker." Rider finally spoke, turning to his fellow Servant. "What makes you a madman? Devotion to your God? The Grail imparted knowledge of your...Christianity, but I find that knowing is not the same as understanding. Your faith never reached my land during my lifetime, but from what I have gleaned, your heavens disapprove of violence and murder, yes? Why join this war?"
Oh, right. As to why I picked Litten, I like Incineroar and I've been rewatching Lucha Underground lately. So I figured I'd make a masked luchador.
Amulak al Acturus (Stanislaw)
HP:900/900 MP:1054/1150 SP: 130/130

Oh. Oh, man. Some horrific-looking centipede horror monster? This was some Sekiro 3 tier bullshit. That particular sequel had been absolute garbage, but the industry hadn't been the same for a while after the horrific bombing of Cyberpunk 2077's release in 2022 after a ridiculous number of delays. Someone into more degenerate hentai than he was would probably find the sight of a disgusting centipede monster pulling a catgirl towards it with its tongue to be hot, but Stanislas was pretty sure no one in the party was that much of a freak. Probably.

Still, if it was fixated on Ari, so much the better for the actual heavy-hitters to remain somewhat unscathed while they piled as much damage onto it as possible. Poor Raime, just eating shit repeatedly for happening to be in between the centipede and Ari. Amulak took advantage of the monster's target fixation to conjure up another Mana Control boosted Spell Spear, this time, carefully aiming for the centipede's head while it was stretching its tongue out to pull Ari in.

With any luck, his conjured spear would lance straight through the centipede woman's skull. Shit in this game had logical weakpoints, right? With all of the other touches centered around realism in Cacophony Concord, it'd be ridiculous if the one thing this game didn't have was headshots increasing damage.

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