Avatar of Pyromania99


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current I'm in a post GBF Guild War state. Happy it's over but overly tired.
1 like
4 yrs ago
Muscle girls are great. That is all. Move along.
4 yrs ago
I have a desire to play a witch of some sort in an RP now.
5 yrs ago
Welp, let's see if this Digimon RP will go through XD
5 yrs ago
Considering trying to re-run a digimon RP that didn't really take off. Dunno though. Digimon rp's are met typically with a terrible fate. :l


Hello. . . Umm, I'm Pyro. How do you do? I'm not really sure about what to say. XD

I like lots of the less serious (especially Ecchi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) anime out there and super actiony games. I rather like Touhou and Hyperdimension Neptunia too! If you want to talk about those at all send me a PM or something!

Most Recent Posts

"Fearless aren't you all?" Manaka said with a smile. It wasn't a happy smile though. Instead, it looked sinister. "An old lady and creepy?" She held her hands up and two terminals appeared. Typically, most could handle one... But this was Manaka's area of expertise. "Ariyoshi Fumi... Easy encryption... And in." At the same time, a door opened in the back and two giant specimens stepped out and behind rex..

The second terminal disappeared and she turned her focus to the first terminal. "Meet my friends, Ophanimon and Raguelmon. I hope they're creepy enough for you Rex." She said, seeming to have finished up the First Terminal. "Let's see. Fumi... What do you think will happen if I press this button and delete your account? It's getting a bit old isn't it?" Obviously, she was making a point. With both the Digimon and threat.

"Ack! I'm sorry beautiful leader lady please don't!~" Fumi said, seeming repentant enough for Manaka to make the terminal disappear. Someone learned quickly enough at least. A good sign.

On the other hand, she did greet someone properly as they were polite enough. "Welcome Ichirou and his Digimon. I was going to reroute the money you took earlier, but since you were so polite you can keep it. Rest assured, while you don't have a "robot dragon," in the future your partners will turn out to be quite magnificent if I do say so myself."

With the necessary threats out of the way now, she continued. "Now then, you all. I'm rebuilding Jormungundr from the ground up. Would you all be interested in the rebirth of a legend? If so, I have a little test for you all."
@Kafka KomedyIt's fine, I won't expect THAT much. ;) Otherwise assuming Tundra is out for now? I'll get working on a post.
Also, so far, two people have death wishes. XD
Wait was I supposed to have a Digimon in the room?

Oh, it's fine. You just can't see the hulking monstrosities skulking in the background. Yet. :3 Also, I forgot to mention Manaka is a little.... Big in the chest department. Probably doesn't matter much, but you know.
Alright kids! @Kafka Komedy@Shiyonichi@Rune_Alchemist The first post is up, feel free to respond. @Altered Tundra Feel free to post a CS whenever.
"Let's see here... One, two, three... Four is it?" A woman muttered to herself as she leaned back in her computer chair. "Not that it's a problem I guess. Means we have six as opposed to two." Then, there was a knock at the front door and the woman jumped straight out of her chair. "Shit!" She screamed internally. Who the hell could it be? She didn't leave any tracks, so it shouldn't be the police. With a sigh, she stood up and walked out of her bedroom into the main kitchen/living room. Finally at the front door, she peered out the peephole... Once confirming who it was, she sighed in relief and opened the door. "Hello there, Mrs. Yamada. You gave me a bit of a scare."

On the other side of the door was a little old lady with a container in her hand. "Oh, I'm sorry. We just had some leftovers and figured you wouldn't make food again. You should get off that computer every now and then, Manaka."

Manaka took the container and scratched her head. "I mean, it's part of my job."

Mrs. Yamada just sighed and walked back home. "I hope you enjoy your food, dear." She opened her door and disappeared inside.

Manaka closed her door and looked at the time. "Still an hour until the meeting. Guess I can eat this and get the right clothes on." So she did. The Yamadas had some tofu. Some sauce on that and it'd be ready to eat. She hadn't ate all day, so it was gone rather quickly. With that finished, she tossed it in the sink and pour some water and soup in it. She'd worry about returning that later. For now, she had to ready the show.

About an hour later, a very nice letter-like thing was sent to each of the perspective members invited. They were of course slightly different. They all started the same though.

Dear xxxx,

I'm not your enemy, I hope you realize by now. In fact, I could be the best friend you've ever had. Don't ask how I got your Line address even though you never gave me it. You should be able to figure it out right? Anyhow...

Each continued, talking about the reasons for each being invited.

For Noru, it spoke of his hacking skills with him having been a veteran in the field. "I've come to understand that you have not officially joined a team. I would formally extend a hand in welcoming you to Jormungundr. I have encoded a URL with three security questions you should be able to answer. At 4PM on Thursday, visit it."

For Ichirou, she spoke of how they needed a "thug" to help. He was small time, sure, but he was easily a boon to their unstaffed group. "While you may not have the highest reputation, I believe we can make a soldier of you. As such, I would formally extend a hand in welcoming you to Jormungundr. I have encoded a URL with three security questions you should be able to answer. At 4PM on Thursday, visit it."

For Fumi, really she just spoke of how cute he was and how she just couldn't really believe he was a boy. "You are going to be our mascot. For sure! I put a URL in the link, but for safety, I put some security questions on it you should be able to figure it out. At 4PM on Thursday, visit it."

Another similarity at the end was a veiled threat if they released this URL to anyone else.

At 4PM, Manaka is waiting patiently in EDEN. It should be any minute now... She gave them all the URL for her tentative server "The Snake's Throne", just in case one of them did give the URL away. It was better safe than sorry. The server was actually rather small. It involved a room and the throne in the middle of it.

Soon enough, three people showed up. Just the three she was waiting for! "Greetings! Welcome to the tentative meeting place for Jormungundr! Well, tentatively. My name... Is just Manaka. For now." Manaka was a young looking woman with a black-purple turtleneck dress that went down to her thighs. In addition, she wore black tights and a pair of knee-high boots.

"Perhaps you'd like to introduce yourselves to each other! Do you like my throne? Isn't Fumi here absolutely adorable?" It was a trail of questions, but she didn't really let up easily. "You can also tell me how beautiful I am!" She added, not seeming at all embarrassed.

I find myself struggling with my character. If I don't have anything up by tomorrow, feel free to count my interest out. I wouldn't want to be holding you guys up because I'm taking an exceptionally-long time doing my character. ^^;

I mean, if you don't have a character in by tomorrow, you can just work on them and I can add you to the post first mission stuff. If you'd still be interested. I'm actually going to get the first post up here soon.
Everyone else wants to be edgy.
Alice Augustine

Not Sofa Shopping

"Wait, wait, wait! You all. Stop fighting!" Alice said pushing everyone apart. Courtney and Isana notably. "Why am I having to be the reasonable one here?" The woman said with a bit of a pout. This was bad though. Everyone started arguing again didn't they? Bad, bad, bad, bad. If this keeps up she might have a breakdown. They had gotten all back together! Just now! "Come on! We're a team! We always were! We are now!" Her eyes... Didn't look good. They looked like they were desperately trying to cling on to some sort of hope... "Isana! You'll help fight at least, right! And keep an eye out on the way to and from work!? Nothing more to take up time in your day!"

She then turned to the others. "That's fine, right!?" Her thoughts impacted her face a bit more than she'd like at this point. It kind of looked like she was under duress... It would probably be best if everyone at least agreed with her and sent her away for a bit even if they didn't mean it.
@Altered Tundra Just wondering, when might you be done?
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