Avatar of Quinntessential
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 105 (0.04 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Quinntessential 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Current Good. I wanted to be back in the Hospital again.
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8 yrs ago
A week in the hospital sucks for everyone involved. Still no answers. It looks like my family member is doing better though.
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8 yrs ago
Back in the ER. Hoping my Mom gets better. :/
8 yrs ago
Well, I'm back home and happy, but now a family member is in dire straits. I'll be spending a good amount of time at the hospital this week, I think. :/
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8 yrs ago
What's the best way to spend a Birthday? Moving cross country.


Just your average 20 year old!

That is to say, HA WHAT IS AVERAGE!?

Shoot me a plot, shoot me a scene.

Hell, just talk to me I'm lonely pls.


Most Recent Posts

@Jbcool - She can still shut it down. @BCTheEntity got there JUST in time...if you prefer.
<Snipped quote by Legion02>

Can't delete it.

Why do you want to, by the way? Were you not going to post your CS in the character tab?

It looks like it got Double Posted.
Should I expect any walking posts from Kagura, Norio, or Saiyuri, or is it a good time to move us into the town?

I should hope not! @Gowi, @DruSM157, and @Jay Kalton are likely just a bit busier than they planned. We've all been there before.

Even after six months, big, luxurious beds still made Dominic uncomfortable. It was four in the morning and he still hadn't been able to get more than four hours of sleep. His hands cleared the sleep from his eyes and he gave a resigned sigh to the fact that he might as well get his day started. He rolled out of the bed well before the sun would come up and went to the shower. When he finished, he opened up his suitcase and pulled out fresh clothes. Boxer briefs, running shorts, and a grey ARMY t-shirt. He wrapped his phone case around his bicep and hooked up his headphones before taking a stroll out and to the beach.

He saw Quinn come in - she looked exhausted - and stayed out of her way as she proceeded straight to her room. Once out on the grounds, he went quickly to the beach. The long stretch of sand covered many properties and was easily four miles long. The warm night air and humidity was enough to get him sweating just in his warm up. By the time the sun had come up, he had a familiar path that took him from one end of the beach to the other. His body burned with the run, his knee specifically, but he kept pushing himself until the light filled the sky. He returned to the estate, finding a good spot to sit and watch the sun illuminate the waters as it came up from behind him. The bit of relaxation was welcome.

What a weird few months. he thought. From soldier to prince with the signing of a paper.

He spent some time thinking about the friends he'd made since he came back. He remembered running into Jack again, after all these years. The thought made him laugh. He had caught up with the old family friend over drinks one day, and they kept in touch over social media. Dominic had flown out to L.A. a few times, met Sophia twice before he heard about the Wedding that had been long since planned. He was happy for his friend. All the sappy bullshit about marrying your best friend and true love always made him roll his eyes, but seeing them together made him reconsider. Hell, it's why he was here.

He stood and made his way back into the early morning house. A few folks moved here and there and he gave them a nod as he passed. He was soaked and sweaty, and very much needed a shower. Once he was clean, he found some nice khaki shorts and a loose button down t-shirt to clothe himself with.

He spent some time unpacking, hanging clothes in the closet, filling the dresser he had been provided, then found the book he was reading and went back into it on the small balcony overlooking the ocean. When he smelled food, hours later, he packed the book away and headed downstairs. The kitchen was already full of ladies, to which he waved a hand and moved to an empty spot where the chow was being made.

"Morning ladies..." he said, completely at a loss on normal conversation topics or procedures. Until six months ago, his life involved four people. Superiors, Friendlies, Civilians, and Hostiles. He was pretty positive that telling all of them to get to safety (his normal route with Civilians) wouldn't go over well.

Then again, it was a wedding.
@Saz @jman221 - Since we don't have a Best Man, if you want to move Dominic into that spot, I wouldn't be cross. Figured the guy the groom reunited with only 6 months ago may be a little...hmm...odd?...to be a Best Man.

Wouldn't bother me at all. Let me know!
Incidentally, this makes sense. Taka can be in longer. Rufus has experience with prisons, however. Hope that doesn't mess with the plan.

100% okay with this, as long as it doesn't interfere with what others had planned!
@JbcoolI know @Hank's busy, but you've got me here. I ain't gonna die yet!
What a good idea, @Gowi

The Hakayama Clan Lands are highlighted by blue!

Hakayama Kusai bristled at the sight of the Yakuza heraldry adorning the gates. She recognized the gang and immediately connected where they were with the many things she'd heard about the place. She curled her lip in disgust, giving a glare at the guide for bringing them here. For the first time in her life, she was absolutely thrilled that her kimono was caked with mud and covered in road filth. She could easily buy a new one, and take some money to stitch her Mon into the sleeves once more. The problem would be the Yakuza. If she were recognized, it could turn into a bloody fight. On top of that, she was absolutely exhausted. While she relished the idea of dying in a glorious battle against some mighty foe, the thought of being beaten to death in the mud by illiterate gangsters made her stomach turn.

"...and how do you expect they're going to let us in, hmm?" she turned to their guide, only barely managing to stand straight. Her stance was shaky and weak, but she did everything she could to keep composed. "Arrangements with the gang, maybe? Once we're in, we're going to have a hard time finding a barn to inconspicuously hide the group of us..."

She pulled the small belt sash off for a moment, sifting through it's contents. The magistrates had confiscated their gear before the escape. The woman she was locked up with, Kagura, had cleverly found the stash and ensured that no one lost any personal belongings while they ran. She found a sack that clicked with the familiar jingle of coins and fished out a few. It wasn't a lot, but it might be able to buy them cheap rooms and an actual meal. She counted out the coins and gave a thought on the value of sharing with the rest of the group. Looking at them, all tired, all criminals now, she couldn't help but a bit mixed about providing them with anything. Still, they helped her escape. Even if her fate was a gilded cage compared to the salt mines, living with the pig that wanted her hand in marriage would not make her life pleasant. She'd be little more than a toy to him - something to use and get heirs out of. She'd die first. No, her present company earned a bit of a reprieve.

The coin jingled in her hand. With a sigh, she handed it to their guide.

"Get us in, get us rooms, get us food. No reason we need to live like animals...not after we've been chased like ones for the night." She turned and headed towards the back of the group. It hurt her pride, but she knew she couldn't risk being identified. If they did...well...she very likely would get everyone travelling with her hurt or worse.
Hey @DeadBeatWalking - Do you mind Kusai knowing of Nezumi Village by reputation? She didn't know it was here, but hearing the name and seeing it (having had it described) may jog her memory.
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