Avatar of Rabidporcupine


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4 yrs ago
Current I eat negativity and shit out hopes and dreams. Like a tree, but for pessimism.
5 yrs ago
Good news, I'm not failing out of my cooking course tomorrow! Bad news, it's only because I nearly sliced a chunk off my finger practicing for it and needed stitches.
6 yrs ago
Desu before dishonour.
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6 yrs ago
It's days like today that I truly believe this ADHD is both a blessing AND a curse.
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Also, seeing as this isn't actually Log Horizon, I'm one hundred percent saying my guy watched it and therefore has some ideas on how he can go about this, like the whole capturing animals to butcher them properly instead of killing them for drops.
Nice, then this'll be a whole new adventure, filled with cool fantasy ingredients!
One more question before I start my cs, was Emerald Odyssey a vrmmo, or just a normal computer one? Because I'm planning a good ol' orc battle chef, but I want to know if the food they made was just an item on a computer game, or a virtual reality (anime style virtual reality, of course) item that a pc could actually eat and taste?
Ooooohhhh, ok. Don't know how I missed that bit actually, because now I can see how you've said that pretty much everywhere...
So what server is this on? Because I think I remember them all being connected somehow, but the country you start in means some classes and stuff are different. Like... I think there's a thing where most places have the pirate class, but in Japan it's replaced by Samurai? It might not have been pirate, but I know there were a bunch of region specific class replacements, and I don't wanna accidentally pick one of the wrong ones.
Come on man, I'm already behind in your other RP, why'd you have to go and make one out of one of my favourite isekai shows?
@Crusader Lord
Yeah, sorry. Just a little bogged down at the moment.
EYYY, look at that! It's a Christmas miracle!
@Jay Kalton
Igarashi Renzo

"Oh right, those're my pals, Amatsun and Oryun!" Ren answered with a grin when she asked about his friends. "I just met 'em today, pretty much the same way I met you, actually. And they're... gone. They're gone."

He continued to look around for a moment, trying to figure out where they went, before giving up with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Huh." He said. "Guess they musta missed our crash somehow. Ah well, I'll see 'em later, I'm sure."

He blinked as she told him her name, before another wide grin appeared on his face.

"Hey, my Sis's called Mari too! 's pretty cool!"

And then he noticed that there was a slightly darker patch on her leg and frowned in concern.

"Ah, ah geez... Your leg, you're hurt."

He looked back up, his frown growing bigger.

"That was me, right? I didn't even ask if you were ok, did I? I jus' asked about th' bike. We... We should getcha to the school so you can see the nurse or somethin'."

And then he chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Aaaalso 'cause it feels like it's taken way longer than it should've to get there. 's only been a little while but it feels like 's been months... Let's get goin'!"

Deity: Farore
Time/Date: Day 1, Morning
Location: Burgut's Wagon
Tagging: @Crusader Lord@Holy Soldier

"Yeah, alright, not what I mean, Redfin." Cid said, frustration clear in his voice. "I'm not calling you that because I think it's your name, because that would be stupid. I was calling you that because you're a Zora. You know, colourful fish-people living over in Lanayru? How was that not obvious to you?"

And then he blinked, as he suddenly got an idea of just what he might be looking at.

"You... you don't know... do you?"

Before he could pursue that particular line of thought any further, he was rather rudely interrupted by the same girl who had nearly ruined everything before. Of course, that was before he realised that his plan would be ruined anyway by the fact that his crate of food turned out to be a tank of fishboy instead, but it still kind of annoyed him, particularly with the way she was talking to him.

"Well excuse me, princess..." He said, irritation leaking back into his voice. "I'm so sorry I had the nerve, nay, the audacity to try not to starve to death. After all, it's not like I, oh, I don't know, ran into a bunch of bokoblins in the dark last night, got beaten up and thrown in the river, and lost all my food and rupees to the currents. Because that would be crazy!" ButyesIwillacceptyourkindofferforfood.

In his defense, the part where she offered him her food didn't even really register until the end of the rant, probably due to HUNGER.

And then he was somehow dragged into the carriage by the twins, who seemed way too small to be capable of that, and he turned back to the Zora, who was suddenly nervous about the breakout he'd apparently inspired.

"Goddesses Redfin, are you a slave or something?" Cid whispered, beginning to get legitimately concerned for the poor Zora. "Listen, it's not like you're some kind of criminal, you're just going fishing with a couple of friends! Besides, nobodies even paying attention. Some kid in one of those heatproof Goron jumpsuits is distracting everyone. We're in the clear!"
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