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I have some catching up to do. Short post hopefully tomorrow. I'm going to assume that they're all at the same tavern which has the basement that is the guild's hideout.

Edit: Ok way longer than I expected. Still don't regret playing an under-aged kid trying to work his way around a tavern though lol.
Edwyn listened as Tim spoke, intrigued at the shy boy's sudden decision to open up about himself and how he was feeling. He then blinked, startled when Tim covered his mouth and apologized. Was he actually... blushing? The child seemed almost too adorable and innocent to be true.

Edwyn laughed. "Hey, don't be sorry. You should be talking if it makes you feel better."

So, this was the son of Queen Snow White. Looks like he was royalty after all. That would explain his refined appearance, but not so much his demeanor. Edwyn had dealt with his fair share of the arrogant rich who deemed themselves entitled to whatever they wanted. Of course, he knew how to get exactly what he wanted from such people as well. Tim on the other hand, did not look as if he was able to make good use of his status. Perhaps he should, at least a little. Just to help him in his confidence when interacting with others. Edwyn could not imagine anyone not wanting to get chummy with a prince, especially one as pleasant as Tim.

"Ah, should I be addressing you as Your Highness, then? Anyway, I guess some things just can't be helped, but the most important thing is to be yourself, and not listen to the judgmental folk," he then lowered his voice to mutter. "Talking about carrying on our parents' legacies, what am I supposed to do, slay another giant?"

Edwyn thought it already safe to bring up such a topic, as Tim seemed a little more comfortable than before.

@Crimson Flame
Here... And do I still count? I haven't posted in a while.

Guess you're up next since everyone else is waiting. What's going on with our GM though? @Azure Sea
I have been busier than anticipated. I was given a college interview with just one day's notice.

All the best for when you enter! It'll be an interesting time. If all goes well I'll be graduating mine end of this year.
Well looks like nothing much has happened, but will be back soon anyway.
Heyoo, how's everyone doing?
Might make a short post the day after tomorrow on more of Kai's thoughts.
I'll give the other pair some time to catch up since I'll be flying home tomorrow and will probably be back to responding the day after.
In Closed 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Darn, I had plans to respond to this. I understand, and thanks everyone. This was my longest-running rp and one of my first on this site. I felt it was this one that helped me get comfortable with the site and its culture. Well, I'll see all of you around then.
Edwyn grinned at the boy's response, and then proceeded to raise an eyebrow at the awkwardness that followed as he stuttered out an introduction.

"Tim..." he repeated to make sure he got it right. "Spriggins, Edwyn Spriggins. It's a pleasure, mate."

'Tim' quickly bit into the fruit in his hand, visibly flustered. Edwyn continued talking, mostly because he simply wanted to, but it was also partly to ease the tension he was sensing.

"Ah, nice choice. Sweet, nutritious, and keeps that bad breath away. It's an interesting color though. I wonder if we'll be able to grow something like that..."

He then trailed off, distracted by Tim's apparent uneasiness. He watched the shifting, pondering over what could be the source of his discomfort. Edwyn did not consider himself intimidating, unless this boy knew he was the son of a man who killed a giant after robbing him of his treasures. If he did not, however, bringing that up would probably make things worse. Tim seemed like royalty, though, he could be wrong. Perhaps this was the first time he would be staying on his own?

"Heh, are you nervous? There's really nothing to worry about. We'll just be learning stuff and making friends. It's going to be a load of fun."

@Crimson Flame
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