Avatar of Reflection
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    1. Reflection 10 yrs ago


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Put me down tentively for Saber. I'll either do Roland, Archbishop Turpin, Richard Lionheart, or Cailte. All are good. Kinda wish we knew the enemy team, so we could pick characters with connections.
@vancexentan What kind of Servant rank are we looking for? Like are we looking for high tier servants with an emphasis on direct combat, or are you looking for more diverse servants who might create interesting team dynamics, rather than being strong bruisers?

Because I have a few options. Could always do Louis XVII as an Avenger. Or Roland as a Saber. Or Emperor Jimmu, or Caílte mac Rónáin if we're aiming for more B-A tier instead of A+ tier.
@vancexentan It's less a troll issue and more a issue of people making a few posts and then never returning. It can hurt an RP that needs dedicated players.
Still interested, might wait to see who does what before choosing my servant.

Berserker's focus rested firmly on Noon and the fairy he called his familiar. As such, Cleo went mostly unnoticed. She was far less pretty than his love anyway, so it hardly mattered. After all, his beloved was like blossoming roses being carried by angels who rode upon unicorns through a field of other blooming roses. And maybe a few dead Saracens. That was his addition to their relationship. But even he could notice somebody like Ywain moving to stand between him and the fairy girl. The monster berserker didn't move, but instead turned the tree upright, and then let it lean against a nearby lamppost. The metal of the lamp bending under the weight of the tree, but both stood fairly straight.

He knew who this was. This was a Saracen. An enemy of his love. One who stood before him, and would dare try to keep him from the affection he was earned for his loyalty and kind heart! Berserker's eyes flashed with hatred, his lip pulling into growl. His hands curled into a fist, as the tension only rose. Which of them would attack first? Would the Saracen stand down and accept he was out of his depth? Would he attack like a fool? Or as Berserker clenched his fingers... Would he attack first. All he WANTED WAS THAT STUPID FAIRY SO HIS LOVE WOULD LOVE HIM!


Into frame casually stepped another figure. Were he completely mad, he might have attacked then and there. But the moon had not taken all of his sanity yet. He noticed those swords. He noticed that smug face. Ogier the Dane. But was he an ally, or enemy? If not for the fact that this was indeed Ogier, it was only reinforced by the fist bump. Or...

An attempted fist bump. Ogier's hand was caught by Roland's, who gripped it surprisingly gently for a Berserker. AKA: He didn't powderize the bone. Yet. "OGIER! I SEE YOU AGAIN!" His friend was standing right in front of him! Ogier was one of the few people he knew who would join his crusade to defeat the Saracens! And he wasn't nearly charming enough to be a threat to Roland's love! A WIN/WIN! Except for one problem.

Roland raised his hand high, and let go of Ogier. Sending his fellow paladin flying directly up in the air. It likely wouldn't kill him, but it was certainly something to see a Saber class servant sailing upwards. Though Roland was sure to catch him in a hug if he didn't manage to land on his feet. "NOW YOU CAN HELP ME KILL THIS SARACEN AND CLAIM A PRIZE FOR MY LOVE!" His eyes were sparking with excitement, having completely begun to ignore Ywain so that he could turn his attention onto his fellow Paladin. Though considering the odd displays of 'affection' it helped to not be in the spotlight.



Location / Bois de Boulogne
@GreenGoat-@Seirei No Hai@Floodtalon

"I'm sure the Embassy can pay you. After all my Master here did all the work when we arrived, my nation wouldn't mind if some funds were taken from the treasury should you help us with our victory.

HOT DIGGITY DAMN THE EMBASSY!? Chieko had to pause, eyes wide as Nobunaga spoke. Her response after that pause was to open her mouth in the most dignified manner possible, and laugh.
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAA-" Clapping a hand over her mouth, she took a step back. Was this for real? Nobunaga had been summoned to a war, and right now was offering to pay her with actual japanese money!? No bullshit exchange rates? She could hardly believe it. And they agreed to it!? Who cared if the risk of getting shot in the head was still on the table. She would fly home on a private jet and just throw yen at Atsuko's face! She imagined it in clear detail, even down to the sunglasses and soundtrack! Maybe that was a bit overpresumptious, but it was so exciting. If she wasn't trying to appear cool and collected she might have started dancing.

Taking a deep breath, she adjusted her gown. "Well, I guess if the embassy is involved then it is only right that I should work with you to achieve your goal for our united homeland." But already she was imagining a pile of yen, running around it and tossing it about. Oh, maybe she could do that thing the duck character did in that Disney stuff! She did know how to swim in water, maybe money was similar? "I'll have to discuss our rate of pay with my servant, since we wouldn't want to overcharge the great uniter if we couldn't be sure to deliver the quality expected for the price. We are mercenaries, not swindlers and conman." She took a step over to Yojimbo, and nodded to him. "Come we have a shrine a bit deeper into the woods. It's well protected by the spirits we brought over with us. We can go to your place once we're sure you can walk properly again, eh Nobukara?." Leading the way, and taking Nobukara by the hand, the group walked towards the shrine in much the same way Dorothy walked with her friends down the yellow brick road. They even had Tomo-kun jogging alongside with a box of money.

Location / Foreign District
@Crusader Lord-@Danchou@SSW

Unfortunately for Archer, he was far off when he began his chase. And Berserker hadn't been going slow. By the time Archer would have gotten into position, Berserker was well out of range. And continuing to chase would have done him nothing in terms of keeping up with the beast. Maybe it was just bad luck, or perhaps the fact that Berserker wasn't exactly taking a moonlight stroll that made their meeting unlikely, but he might as well consider himself lucky. The beast he was afraid of wasn't after him, yet. Or perhaps he was just so in love that he didn't notice or care about somebody trying to chase him.

But, he did have one problem.

Berserker had a fairy tree... BUT in his glee he had forgotten the most important part. A FAIRY! UGH! STUPID! But he didn't want to go back and hunt for one. If he took to long his love would worry, and that would be even worse! Whatever the case, Berserker ran through the city, avoiding any curious eyes. But... As he was running he noticed something strange. THERE WAS A FAIRY! Also a master, but that was like... Inconsequential.

Noon would probably feel the servant's presence before he saw, but Roland made that very clear when he leapt down from the roof of a building. His hulking size causing the pavement to crack at his feet, eyes narrowing upon Elaine, and almost completely ignoring Noon. "FAIRY! Get in the tree!" He demanded, presenting the tree he had plucked from the forest. Advanced dialogue wasn't in a Berserker's nature, but it might cause some trouble considering he was basically trying to kidnap somebody's familiar. "You're going to help me prove my love to my lovely love! And then I CAN SLAUGHTER THE ENEMIES OF MY LOVE!"


Location / Bois de Boulogne
@GreenGoat-@Seirei No Hai@Floodtalon

"I'll accept your apology for now, however... the next time you do this. There will be no remorse and I will have to do a different kind of conquering."
Chieko was naturally flabbergasted at this response. Her eyes wide, heart thumping like a drum, and her mind burning at the thought. It was like a million little Chieko's were running around her head, setting fire to several computers and trying to hide her hentai collection.
'She wants to do the lesbians!? How shameful! Come on Chieko, don't let her confuse you! Think straight thoughts! Men with buff chests! Nice suits! BOOBS! DAMNIT CHIEKO! WHAT DID WE JUST TALK ABOUT!?' Naturally this thought process wasn't readable, but the blood running down her nose was not very subtle either. But with a cough into her fist, she set herself back to a decent neutral.
"Well, I will certainly keep that in mind. I'll have to save that for when we aren't out in the open. And certainly not in a shrine. Amaterasu will send Daji upon us for sure I did something so egregious."

"Chieko-san, why are you here? I'm sure you're aware, but this is a Holy Grail War. There is a very good chance you could die should you misstep. As a shinobi I walk with death every day, but you... you don't have to be here you know."
"Asking for my life story already, huh?" Chieko said, grinning from ear to ear. "Oh lovely Nobukara-sama-desu-kun, I came here because I wanted to earn money for the temple. The holy grail war was just an excuse." She smiled, though on the inside she was panicking. 'Oh no! What if she pries? What if she learns the truth!?' Again, those thoughts were quieted. "In truth, I can be an ally, but..." There was a slight pause for dramatic effect. "Not for free. You see, my servant is Yojimbo. The manifestation of all masterless samurai of the Sengoku era. Wandering, seeking payment, and acting as my bodyguard for this war. And I am here to acquire funds for my temples repair and care. As such, we can fix your leg, and help you win this war without a hitch. You just gotta... Grease the wheels a little." She held out a hand, rubbing two fingers together in the universal sign of 'I am poor, please give me the money.'

"We can discuss payment later though. This is rather out in the open, and I'm sure there is a master and servant around who are a lot less reasonable than you." With luck, she hadn't pushed too hard, and now she and her ally could set up and maybe work together? Or maybe she'll get shot for asking for money from a warlord.

Location / Bois de Vincennes - Fairy Forest
@Crusader Lord@Danchou

It took him awhile, and at least a dozen or so more chopped down trees to find exactly what he had been looking for. It was a magnificent oak tree, that for the most part looked nearly identical to the others. But to Roland it was perfect! The perfect example of a tree, in bloom with it's green leaves. So, with the delicate care of somebody that wasn't him, he cut it down. A single strike of Durandal tore through the base, leaving a clean stump behind. The tree tilted, and fell, but didn't hit the ground. As Berserker picked it easily out of the air mid-fall, and tossed it over his shoulder. The tree was his brand new prize, and he carried it with the delicate grace it needed.

And so, with his trophy in hand, he began to run home. He tore his way through the forest, crushing the odd tree he had cut down earlier beneath his feet. The crunch and splinter of wood might leave people confused when morning came, wondering just what monster had left such impressive footprints in the fallen trees, but the answer was probably best off not learned. They wouldn't get it. It was for love, and love is really complicated.

Roland bounded and ran through the park, and eventually that gave way to the Residential district. Then, a minute later he could smell the Seine. The river air that made the hole district smell... Well like a river. He was a Berserker after all, nice language wasn't too high on his train of thought. But as the bank of the river approached, he bent his knees, and leapt. Clearing it in one go, landing on the far bank with a plum of sand. The bridge was probably too slow to even be an option.

The trip home would take a bit, but with his prize he was sure to make an impression. Also he was still singing... But like, a bit less loud than before.

Bois de Vincennes ---> Residential District ---> Foreign District

Location / Bois de Vincennes - Fairy Forest
@Crusader Lord@Danchou


Because Roland had left his love's side for the first time since the war began. In doing so he sought a way to show his love to her. A way to show his lovely Angelica just how much he loved her! At first he hadn't been to sure about it. He had been doing all sorts of stuff, but now as he stepped into the wonderful gardens of Paris, he knew exactly what he needed to get his lovely Angelica to prove that he loved her. To do that, he would have to go above and beyond! To do that, he would have to go get himself a bouquet! He could see it now, a beautiful plant, full of beautiful things!

So, the mad Zerker took his sword in hand, and marched towards the forest. Fairies didn't scare him, not that he really noticed them. What he saw was a lot of trees, and he just had to find the perfect one. The first tree he walked up to, simple... Bland. Not good enough to be a bouquet for his love. THE AUDACITY! So, sword in hand, he marched deeper into the forest. His blade snapping back and forth. The odd tree being split in half, as he carved a path through the mystical forest. Heading deeper into the forest in search of what one might call... THE PERFECT BOUQUET TREE!

And the whole time, he began to sing.
A truly majestic singing voice. The fairies were all probably in awe of his high notes.


Location / Bois de Boulogne
@GreenGoat@Seirei No Hai@floodtalon

As the high of a good performance was swept away, Chieko could focus on new, important things. Like her hand itching. Must be the mosquitoes. Stupid bugs. Maybe if she won she'd use her wish to get rid of all the mosquitoes. Hmmmmmmmm. Now that's an idea.

"Quite the bold move to showcase your Servant's abilities in public Chieko-san. You had to have known a Master was watching, the burning in your hand would have been impossible to ignore."
But as she was picking up her box of showman stuff, the arrival of another master came forth. Turning her head at her name, the shrine maiden narrowed her eyes. There, two people, both dressed in modern clothing. It took her more than a few seconds to make the connection. After all, it had been a few years, and so many people passed through the temple. But this one? This one in particular was special.
"NOBUKARA! Is that you!?" Chieko nearly bounded forwards, landing on one foot and leaning in closer. But... Not towards Nobukara. But Nobunaga. "WOW! It is you? It's really been a while. And to think last time I saw you I thought you were gonna be a hopeless A cup forever. And here you are, with least a B-cup. Wow, I guess dreams really do come true, huh!?" Because by this point she had reached out, and was cupping the servant's breasts. "Wow, and they're really comfy!"
After getting a good grip and deciding that was enough, Chieko took a step back, sighing to herself. "But what's with your servant?" She said, addressing Nobukara finally. "I thought you were related to some big shot warlord who was really cool? Why didn't you like cut a finger and use your bloodline as a catalyst to summon them? And what's with the limp? Did she get hurt already? I know Saber may look like a boarish man with terrible taste, but he knows how to dress a splint."

There was a pause, and if she wasn't shot dead in numerous painful ways, she had a sudden realization. "Wait, are you Nobukara? That means this person is your servant!" Her smile turned to a horrified frown, and she immediatly began to bow. "I'm so sorry Miss Warlord-Sama! If I had known it was you I would have shown way more respect to your D-cups!" She began to bow up and down so quickly it was like there was a fan blasting the duo. "I hope you'll forgive me and my servant for our horrible attitude! We're just visitors from Japan who are trying to make a humble living! We promise we haven't killed anybody yet!"

Location / Bois de Boulogne

“ARE YOU READY!?” This was the vocal cry that filled the air. For in the gardens, by the side of a walkway, stood Chieko, her apprentice sitting nearby with a tip jar, and… A mysterious stranger.
“We come to you from the far reaches of Japan!” Chieko continued, speaking to the people of the park. Many were there for a date, some there to get some park food from a vendor, and some just trying to get a nice walk in before the sun set. But at that moment, eyes were being drawn. Pulled from their mundane and dull lives to the exotic trio. With a fan in hand, Chieko held it up high. Demanding attention through a focus point.
“We come from a shinto temple, buried deep in the mystical homelands.” There was a rattle of the coin jar, so the odd audience member might toss in their change. “Indeed, our trials have been hard, but our convictions have never softened. But, this is thanks to my faith in the great goddess Amaterasu, and her brother Susanoo! And then more so to the brave warrior who carried us through peril! The great, Usagi Yojimbo!” She stepped aside, fan snapping shut as she gestured at the warrior woman standing to her side. A rabbit mask added to hide her face.
“With grace, precision, and talent, she cuts with the grace the gods had given her. As we shall demonstrate NOW!”
Her foot kicked at the air, and struck a basket of fruit. Apples, oranges, pears oh my! All flying high into the air, and arcing down upon the stage.

Within a mere second’s span, the odd yojimbo moved, hands towards the sword, making several unnecessary flourishes but yet… each arc speaks of experience. With a final thrust, they caught one on the blade of the katana, pushing up the mask slightly to take a bite out of it. There was an air of smug arrogance to all their moves, but yet it wasn’t derogatory. Smirking, they bowed before the audience.

It took but a mere fraction of her speed to accomplish these feats, but to move faster than that meant the audience couldn’t follow the action. Ninjitsu was disguise. Disguise was performance. In terms of performance, she was unparalleled! Or at least, that’s how she liked to think.

There was another shake of the coins, and the fan snapped back to full length. “Once more, the talent of the old ways shines through. Such talent and grace has only just now come to your lands. But we shall be back, tomorrow! And the next day! Another dazzling display of skill each night! And during the day, I can read your fortunes!”

By the time she was done, the crowd had begun to depart. Stage performance was so simple, and yielded such small rewards as far as money could be concerned, but there was something thrilling about such independence. As the crowd vanished into the night, Chieko smiled, giggled, and glanced at her assistant.
“Soooo, Tomo-kun, how much did we make today?” Chieko winked, despite her assistant’s constant frown.
“My name’s not Tomo…” He said, tapping the bandage on his forehead. “But, this was a good night. We put on five shows in the last hour, and made roughly two hundred francs in donations. When you can cut up fruit, people feel just a bit more invested in keeping you from turning to crime and poverty, huh?”
“Huh, I guess that is a factor. Well, for now, a performance marked so well, and if we keep this we’ll be able to afford dinner at a fancy restaurant.” Chieko said, turning to Hanzo. “Hey, think of it as my treat when this is all over and you’ve got your wish.”

Hanzo had already sat down, sighing. No matter how long she did it, or how experienced she was, there was always that odd feeling whenever she put on an actual performance, one that had audiences turn up to see her specifically. It never ceased to make her tired, but there was also that feeling of satisfaction whenever she finished one.

“Ah, I’ll be keeping you at your words then.”

In truth, she wasn’t sure of her own survival; from what she had seen, the enemies they faced were strong. A ninja never fights a battle they know they cannot win, but… practically, that sometimes cannot be avoided. Hanzo was doing everything she could to win, of course, but one small misstep and…

“We’ll definitely win.”

It wasn’t much to say… But the smile between them made it clear. Even if they both died, they were still a cut above the expectations. “Good to hear that, now lets get packed up. That way we can start scouting for the war.”

High-Rise District (just barely across the river from the Eiffel Tower)

On the rooftops across from the Golden Shangri-La Hotel

@Crusader Lord@Unoedipal

"They're touching your stuff."
Roland had arrived early. Barely just missing the violence, but even a mind altered Berserker knew he was too late. Wait for Angelica. She would need to decide what to do with her castle. Her castle, now ruined by some greedy Saracen. But the men inside were not Saracens. Too old. They shouldn't be there, but they were. They weren't the attacker. He wanted to rip them apart, but he had been told to kill Rinaldo and Saracens, not citizens. And yet, they looked so much like Saracens.

These men weren't servants. And they weren't masters. Angelica said they weren't an assassin, as an assassin would never have tripped security. Already he was detailing everything he saw. How they mishandled her beloved cups. How they hung around her windows. How they ran their hands through the remains of her home! He could so easily kill them before they had a chance to breath, but miss Angelica would be there soon. She would make the decision. They had to find who did this, rather than just fools who stumbled in. But if they broke a single glass, he'd break them in half. No, not in half! Into tiny pieces. Pieces of pieces he would litter all over the floor! FILTHY! DISGUSTING! UGH! THE WORST! His hand tightened around his sword, and if it were anything less than the perfect blade of Durandal it would have shattered in a moment.

'Miss Angelica. Four of them. Not servants. Not threats. Assassin!? If assassin, coming after! Filthy! COCKROACHES! I SHOULD KILL THEM FOR TOUCHING YOUR FURNITURE!' It was only her words that stopped him each time. Ordering him down. She loved him after all. He loved her. His love made it easier to think, but it was still so far gone! One of the problems of throwing one's sanity to the moon, it was nearly impossible to retrieve.

But, Miss Angelica had a plan. A good plan! She said it was good! And they would find who did this to her home! THEY WOULD FIND THEM AND KILL THEM! That was the problem. That was the threat! They must be injured, why else would they have destroyed her home!? No body, either burying or seeking help. Two, maybe more? It wasn't his mind that said this, but an instinct. An instinct that seemed to break every problem down. Down into numbers he barely knew, but a feeling he got. A feeling of fighting more than one enemy.

When she told him to, he would hunt down her enemies. And kill each of them for what they did. One enemy at a time. One enemy at a time. One enemy at a time. One enemy at a time.
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