Avatar of Reia
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    1. Reia 5 yrs ago
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Hey! I've decided that I'm okay with my character being susceptible to dominate, charm, and all of that. I was originally going to change her INT to be lower and her WIS to be higher, but... Viva la Vida! YOLO! Let the dice fall as they may!

Though on a totally unrelated note, I hope stat-boosting items are a thing in this roleplay. Or mind-protecting items. >.>

I think her stats and abilities all make sense given her race, background, and temperament. I'm 100% okay with her being mostly illiterate despite her knight training and C-rank INT, though. She did, after all, start off as a simple cobbler's daughter. Perhaps she knows her letters, but doesn't know how to write most words? Probably functioning at something like a 2nd or 3rd grade reading level IRL.

(I'd like to imagine she's good at math, however. Probably had to be taught it both for business' sake as her father's apprentice and as part of a knight's education. Math is important for planning!)

Finally, would you rather I just change the race to halfling or gnome? I went with "Littleling" To be more generic and less D&D-specific, and also because I wanted the character to stand closer to 4 feet tall than to 2 feet tall.

Also, one last question:

4. No Flood-Posting; If you're having fun and want to interact with another person, but nobody else is posting, don't just go ahead and post short, quick posts in the IC. Write a collab post with the person you're engaging in conversation or whatever.

Are you setting up a Discord by chance? I figure a Discord would help speed up collaborative efforts immensely!

Also, so far as the dynamic entry of the main character (your PC) goes... Do you want our characters' reasons for investigating the "shooting star" included at the end of our history?

Anyway, here's the sheet! I think it fits the parameters above. It's slightly shuffled from the template, but has all the points the template does. I wasn't sure if it should be posted here or sent via PM (the first OOC doesn't SEEM to say which).

That's actually incredibly helpful information. Thanks for explaining!
Okay, thanks for talking about that with us!

Lastly, is WIS comparable to Vitality but for spells? WIS, as I understand, is your magical defense. Does that mean a character with 'F' Wisdom is particularly vulnerable to being smacked around with magic?

(I'm playing a character whose WIS is 'F', so this is definitely something I'd like to know for RPing what sort of injuries she takes from spells.)
I'm reviewing the information here for a second time, just to make sure I understand everything fully before I submit my character officially. However, I did have a question on injuries:

How are we handling damage in this roleplay? Like, in an MMO you swing, you hit, you deal damage. Damage is an abstraction, though. Are we talking about damage = physical injuries? Or does damage = fatigue sometimes, or someone's defenses being worn down? Does taking damage always = blood? Etc.

Just curious how you want to handle it.

Reading now!
Hey everyone! I'm just letting you guys know I've reached 6/15 players so far this week to progress plots, and I'll be reaching a few more today. My goal is to reach everyone by the end of tomorrow 2/22/2020, and to hopefully throughout the rest of the week progress plots a little more.

Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday are all rough days for me and I may not be able to post as much. I will certainly get some writing done, however!

Finally, I'd like to announce that the first point of Destiny has been spent. Obviously I won't tell you who spent it or why, but I'll be keeping track of the total Destiny spent each week... for funsies.

What I'll do so people can see how many players I've reached is I'll put a little + sign in the Characters tab to indicate who I've reached in a given week. I'll also put down a "last updated" marker on there.

Note that having a + by your name DOES NOT mean that you're done RPing with me for the week. I'd love to RP more if possible! It just means your character has seen something happen. Please continue sending PMs and Discord messages, and I'll reply as I am able!

McDinny had mixed feelings about the offer to gamble. On the one hand, something about the way Telaci spoke, something about the vibe she gave him, was entirely untrustworthy. It was slimy, really. Maybe she was the only one that felt it, but that's how he felt to her. Honestly, a sweeter relief she could not have known; it was good to meet a kindred spirit for once.

The issue was just that Charlene didn't have much she wanted to gamble away, not unless she knew she could cheat. Unfortunately, McDinny wasn't good at cheating with cards. She was just lucky.

Excitement won over, however. Charlene sat on down at the table with Telaci and smacked down some of her less valuable bits: a cheap credstick, some scrap metal.

"Rudeboy it is! Deal me in, ya grease gretchin!" Charlene made grubby 'gimme' fingers at Telaci, and the game was just about to start when another man approached.

He wasn't the most handsome or interesting fellow Charlene had ever seen. Sure, he had purple eyes; that was a weird thing, that was, though it seemed like every Cadian she met had those. But unlike most guardsmen, he wasn't riddled with scars and bullet holes, and he seemed just muscular enough to get away with not being yelled at by a superior for being a wimp. It was mighty respectable, really. The big goggle circles around his eyes, however, were enough to make McDinny break out into snickering even as he gave her a two-fingered salute.

"A-a what?" she answered the man, taking a deep breath. Her brain needed a few seconds more to catch up. "Oh! Er, right! Naw, honest? I don't know how I wound up with the regiment. I just woke up and got a gun shoved at me. Mite bit disconcerting, it was."

Of course, that wasn't a particularly unusual affair, even for people who were from the planets that recruited them. Imperial recruitment often involved getting people drunk, then dragging them off to military bases or aboard a Rogue Trader. But it certainly didn't say anything good at the young woman's patriotism.

Nevertheless, there wasn't much of a chance for any of the parties involved to add anything. Just as the cards were being dealt, there was a loud ruckus further off from the group, and McDinny peeked to see what it was. Apparently it was just someone playing some sort of game with a ball. However, McDinny wasn't so focused on the man. She was focused on the tall, intimidating woman in a dark outfit whose exact colors were concealed by the darkness. It was a tall woman with... with...

"Oh, bloody Commissars," grumbled McDinny as she saw the commissar's hat. She got on up, snatched the goods she had set down for gambling (as well as just one unimportant trinket someone else had bid), and backed away. "Uh-uh! Ah, I'll just be getting while the getting's good, ya ken? Not staying for the blamming."

So, even as the big fellow playing scrumball approached the table, McDinny was retreating as quietly and quickly as she possibly could, slinking as far around the most likely trigger-happy woman as she could. The Commissar was engaged in a discussion with the big, bulky fellow with the tasty bod on one side, and there was a man with a mask that-

A wave of cold washed over McDinny, and she got the strangest sense of... loss. Anguish? The private actually stopped and stared at the mask-wearing man for a time. Maybe it was just the way his mask was shaped, but something about the way he looked, or... something about him made her feel sad. She couldn't figure it out.

McDinny suddenly remembered what sort of evil presence she was lingering near, and shooting one last cautious glance at the Commissar, she finished slipping away from the celebrations quiet as a mouse.
Oh, hey @Xaltwind - I only have one big question myself.

While I'd prefer my character be permanently stuck looking like a small mouse person (as currently described), I'm not sure if that counts for the 'no monsters' rule. So, if necessary, I can adjust her story and sheet such that she can turn back and forth from looking like a Littleling to looking like a Weremouse.

Would you rather she switch back and forth, or does it seem kosher if she stays trapped in cheese-craving form?
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