Avatar of Rilla


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6 yrs ago
Current It turns out that you can, if you message your friendly neighborhood moderator.
9 yrs ago
Working, essentially, second shift blows. I hate getting home after midnight. xD
9 yrs ago
Any day now, I'll have my first kid. Mini Rilla. #Awesome


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@Aeonumbra No problem, I am glad to have Made you my bitch

Love forever,

Any idea on when I may see those characters, if at all?
In Sticks 7 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
::: Begin speech.

:::enable autoharvest - {seed} = automatically harvest seeds from consumed vegetable matter.
:::Offer Alphakoka a fruit!
:::speak : "Hope you don't die Alphie."
:::pass Rilla while ascending hill. Offer Rilla a fruit!
:::Objective : It is time to investigate the forest for low-hanging sticks.

::: Also accept said offering.

Move them over, ladies.
Yeah, go ahead.
You don't actually need one. We've RP'd together before.
In Sticks 7 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
::: Begin speech.
Everyone needs a berserker to okay with.
@vietmyke Looks good to me. And yes Fey can be a merchant city. That's the biggest city on that place, so. Gotta get that money.
A surface elf that praises the dragon god. Good. Haha.

Bears everywhere. It'll affect things, gonna make a bear Hunter.

Magic is pretty varied, there is virtually no limit to what you can and can't do, except super powerful stuff. Also that, I'll probably change as far as dark magic, that was just a hold over from before. So if you want a elf that does some dark magic stuff, cool. Also yes, mostly necromancy and poison type stuff.

Currently yes, those are the only outward using magic types, well, goblins and dragonoids too.

And paladins are allowed. Not a lot is restricted as far as classes, except no well trained warriors and mages, whose whole life has been one war after the next. At this point, they have some training due to the circumstances, but in the beginning they were fucked.
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