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@Lady Amalthea ит сайс 7 дадаъс он ъоур пост фром 6 даъс аго.... оопс...oops sorry about that lol. My language was changed decided to not delete it cause I find it oddly fail to not notice until I wrote the whole thing.(probably should start looking at monitor lol)

well the case limit says 7 days on the post since 6 days ago. So... unless you meant the funeral thing's yet to be happening and arranged? If so, my sincere apologies for my stupidity :<

EDIT: I did see the funeral has yet to happen, I meant in the way that I thought we probably should arrange the details and stuff in advance.
though aren't we a little on the end of the timer for the case?
@Lady Amalthea There we go ^^
Satilla Valen

Location: The Tower
Interacting With: The Group

The battle started so sudden, Satilla was caught a little by surprise actually. She had expected for them to engage enemies soon, but to think they entered a killing room like this right off the bat was rather unsettling. The front... the back. At least on one side there was now a bear to stand it's ground. The front had Keystone along with Sana and Kyra for whom Satilla was slightly concerned and then there was the fact that by her was only Thomas. The two of them had an armor incoming...

She had prepared to try to trip it when Thomas had unleashed his magic onto the armor, sending it backwards. By the time the magic effect settled, teh ugly truth was revealed. Satilla made a face of sheer disgust at the picture on the inside of the helmet. There was a human... or what was left of a human. An undead body stuffed into an armor." The death deserve to rest in peace." She uttered feeling a little sick at hte prospects.

"Hmmph!" She suddenly pulled her staff into a defensive stance, pointing one end upwards in about a head's height. The opening in the armor's faceplate presented a rather good place to hit and disturb the enemy's movement. If she was lucky she might even force it on it's back. Though admittedly, tripping it might still be the better idea.

Will post tonight
Well now things will either need to be lowered down a little since we are 3 people party or this will get real hardcore survival real fast.
*Stops himself from delivering bad puns*
... undead in an armor... great.... ARMOR and all Satilla has is a silvered dagger and a wooden pole staff. Welp... I miss the orks xD

Amelia Payne

Location: Outer Wall

“That might be good, it will certainly make Riley happy.” Amelia said really quietly as she was busy digging the ground too. There was certainly quite a few of unknowns right now with everything that happened. Her eyes then focused on the frozen dirt. She reminded herself why they were digging it and her mood darkened again.' Clear you mind... forget...' She thought before she heard Riley appear and call her out.

“Alright.” She said quietly as the other girls gave the okeys to leave for a little to talk with Riley. With a rapid almost dashing pace, Amelia moved over to Riley, slightly concerned now.

“What's going on, Riley?” She asked with concerned voice. Her frie... girlfriend appeared rather suddenly and to call her like this something must be going on.” Did something happen!?”
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