Avatar of RolePlayerRoxas


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4 yrs ago
fanficriff.blogspot.com/202… It's long overdue that I make fun of myself for a change.
5 yrs ago
fanficriff.blogspot.com/201… This is one time loop that everyone will gladly forget about.
5 yrs ago
fanficriff.blogspot.com/201… No, I can't imagine why you feel like you've read this exact story before, why do you ask?
5 yrs ago
fanficriff.blogspot.com/201… I wanna be, the edgiest, like no one ever was~
6 yrs ago
fanficriff.blogspot.com/201… Have you ever wanted to see Scathach and Ichigo Kurosaki shipped together? No? Well, here it is anyway.


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Himeko's descent came to a stop when she saw someone approach. She recognised the face of the young woman... Kaneko, right? You didn't get many people her age visiting the shrine these days, at least not on their own. Himeko gave a friendly smile, hands in the pockets of her jeans.

"Finished with the morning clean-up, at least," the bespectacled lady replied, "you'll have to wait until late afternoon to catch a glimpse of my beautiful self in uniform~"
The shrine maiden was curious, though. What could Kaneko Nico want to pray for? She didn't seem particularly religious, although Himeko was simply basing that off of their brief interactions. Well, as long as she wasn't mistaking the shrine as a miracle-granter, Himeko didn't particularly mind her presence.

With a playful smile, she pointed her hand towards the torii, "well, perhaps a generous donation to our lovely little shrine will convince me to don my hakama a little earlier~?"
Himeko's playful attitude was certainly more pronounced when out of uniform. She reigned in her sillier comments while on duty, but she simply couldn't restrain her more light-hearted antics any other time.
All righty, just so I'd know if Himeko would know her name.
@AmmokkxI'll probably reply after work. Himeko will probably recognise Nico's face, but hiw familiar do you want them to be?
"Aaaaand... done~!"

Himeko raised her arms above her head, balancing on her toes as she stretched. Leaning against the shrine's mystical entrance gate was the broom Himeko had used to sweep the grounds all morning. Or for ten minutes, with the rest of her time spent nodding off. She didn't hate her work as a shrine maiden, but boy could it be lacking in dynamism sometimes.

With a sigh, Himeko gazed beyond the red torii, towards the city sprawling beyond. In an almost cliche fashion, the shrine was situated above a flight of stone steps, though almost disappointingly, not so high that the grounds towered above the rooftops. Oh well, maybe it was better for business this way.

The bespectacled young woman let out a quiet snort at the thought, grabbed the broom and headed behind the shrine, towards the living quarters. The sleeves of her traditional outfit swept majestically with her movements. After a quick bath, she'd take a little walk or something. Not much else to do at this time of day, after all.


Over an hour later, the now casually-dressed girl was leaving the grounds, checking her phone. She let out an amused smirk when she saw some messages left behind in a certain chatroom. She'd certainly never imagined magical girls would make use of such a thing, even if it made sense to do so. Was she just old-fashioned like that, thinking that interactions between magical girls were purely limited to sudden meetings and inevitable fights?

Himeko's reply was brief and teasing, as it tended to be when posting.

[Magi✩Magi✩Fox] little girls shouldn't use bad words :)

And with that, the shrine maiden pocketed her phone and descended the stone steps, humming to herself.
-Sneakily adds a fennec fox to Himeko's bio-
I am also interested.
Well wasn't this wonderful? The second Jonathan had decided a disappearing act was the way to go, some fool had to come over and address him. Well, them. It was probably quite pathetic that a girl could easily greet a man when she could barely reach his knee while he couldn't, but the salesman would like to stress in his defence, he quite liked surviving.

And now the giant's attention was brought to him. Jonathan was as still as he could manage, a wavering smile plastered across his face, arms completely straight at his sides. Under normal circumstances, the young salesman could hide his true emotions behind a smiling, friendly face, for any client between the kindly old grandmother with seven cats and a disdain for marmalade, to cliche crime bosses that loved sunglasses way too much. Soulflame was really throwing him for a loop these days.

Despite the look that the giant - calling himself Fremont - gave him, Jonathan had to try and regain a modicum of composure. He forced out what he hoped was a jovial laugh, "H-hi there! Jonathan Sterling here. Call me Jon, we're all pals here, right...?" the giant disappeared into the shop as he forced the line out, leaving him unsure of it was heard. Well, not that it mattered. He let out a relieved, wiping his forehead.

"...Think I preferred talking with Inari..." he muttered, and glanced towards Abigail. Now that Fremont was out the picture, he could act completely normal again. Straightening, he offered a somewhat more natural smile to her, "pleasure to meet you, Miss Kelly! I hope we can get along!" he offered his hand for a shake.

When Jonathan had managed to converse with a Japanese deity during what he thought was a routine negotiation, he thought he'd seen the pinnacle of surreal oddity in life.

He had some annoying, mystical canine at his beck and call, his new colleagues displayed what could only be described as superhuman abilities... hell, last time he stopped by his destination - a totally normal, completely unassuming and unremarkable book store - he was pretty sure he saw a strange girl that had a fondness for rabbits? He'd decided not to approach her because, honestly, he was dealing with enough crap as is.

That little chat he'd had with Inari still niggled at his mind, and he was sure it had affected his sales lately. It felt like people were listening to him less and less. Having a success rate below 100% bothered the young man, and obviously it wasn't a problem with his sales pitch. Whether it was bad luck spewed by that stupid fox or whatever, Jonathan was convinced that someone in Soulflame was screwing with his real job, and needed someone to vent at.

Too bad the entrance to the shop was suddenly being guarded by some hulking ogre of a monster.

"...Eh?" Jon had frozen in place, staring wide-eyed at the obstruction. Was that even a person? The guy was a monster! The non-combatant salesman was a tad above average in height himself, but he swore that this guy was, like, three times his height!
Well, if the bookstore really was under attack by some rogue demon or whatever, Jon decided he was less than qualified to assist. He could hardly rely on the stupid fox to do more than nip his ankle at best - assuming it bothered to materialise in the first place. No no, a stealthy exit was far more preferable.
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