Avatar of Saltwater Thief


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6 yrs ago
Current Gonna be without power for a bit today, apologies if I don't speak much.
7 yrs ago
Have a few days off. Look for posts for sure today & tomorrow!
7 yrs ago
Just found out an online friend I used to RP with passed away very suddenly and unexpectedly. Didn't know them super well, but the news is saddening all the same =(
7 yrs ago
Family ate Thanksgiving a night early because of schedules. Will be tending to all my various posts tomorrow since I'll have time to do so!
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Long timer roleplayer, been at it for... god, almost 15 years now all told. Hasn't been all sunshine and roses, but I like to think I've improved somewhat steadily as time has gone on.

I generally like to play older characters, or at least toward the higher end of an age range. Also, just about all of my characters are caring and protective in some capacity, even the rare meanie that I make.

I play a mixture of male and female characters. I myself am a guy.

Generally speaking I try to post at least once per week.

Most Recent Posts

Knight-Captain Fanilly Danbalion is my character. ^^;

Oh, is Captain a different rank than Knight-Captain? That makes sense.

Back to writing then.
So... I'm confused. I thought the Captain was an NPC?
I'll get a post later today. @Feisty-Pants there's a few of us with newer characters that are going to be hanging out in the Order HQ back in the capitol since the current arc is nearing its end and would be hard to jump into.

Markus will be coming back from something, taking a bath, then heading for the mess hall if anybody would like to start an interaction with him.
<Snipped quote by ghastlyInc>

Valid point for at least the Ultimate Eye. Pending on what the GM says, I'll add some kind of weakness if she(?) mandates that it's too strong. On my end it doesn't seem that bad, just raw physical enhancement.

Well, the bit that usually makes people wary about it is the degree of the enhancement. You like to say it makes her fast enough that people can't see her move, which is pretty damn powerful even without the strength she also gets. You're usually fine with that being flavor text, but people who haven't worked with you before won't necessarily know that from the description.

It IS just physical enhancement... but technically so is most of Superman's powers xD
@Saltwater Thief: I'll look into the bio shortly.

Candaeln isn't a town. It's the home base of the Iron Roses, a large building with an expansive bath(donated Mayon blessed water stocking it), a kitchen, and a lot of bedrooms.

It's in Aimlenn, Thaln's capital.

Quick little thing as I plan things out, are the baths kinda like the old world communal baths, or are they more individual?
@Hylozoist@CriticalHit Alright, since it looks like we'll be able to move ahead soon, I'd like to start coming together on how Seth encounters Shinx and Togepi. If either of you have an idea or preference for that or nicknames, I'm happy to hear them.

Hylo, one other thing you and I should come to a head on is how we're going to get you some Battle Experience early on. Soldier has said that the old Magikarp Method will work, but even if that's a known strategy in the RP's universe I don't think Seth would willfully employ it. So, if there's some reason for Togepi to put herself into battles without Seth calling her, or some other thought you may have on the matter, I'm all ears!

@Raijinslayer Same goes for Hestia, if you've got anything in particular in mind feel free, otherwise I'm cool with having her go into the forest and running into him at some point.
I think I should point out that there aren't really any defined ranks in the knights, aside from the captain's. ... and that borrowing names from classical mythology for swords doesn't really fit so much. :P

Besides, Irish and French? D:

Irish and French are two of Feisty's Irl heritages, so she's done a lot of research into those folklores. It's an odd pairing to be sure, but they're her favorites and Minerva is one of her most beloved characters. (The two of us have worked together on a variety of sites, so we're pretty familiar with each other).

That said, I'm happy to get working on my intro post. Anything special or particular I should know about the town of Candaeln?
I suppose my thoughts about roleplaying most shows I'd watch as a kid or when I was younger, I typically like to respect those stories but do want my RP's to be a bit more mature. (blame my adulthood for disliking most kid things nowadays. :P) You don't really need to make them too dark, if you don't want to. But I do feel most drama is best when it's dark, because more extreme moments will make the tension better. (it can be overblown or done wrong, but it is the most effective method if done correctly.)

I assume when you say this (the darker magical girl shows) wouldn't work as an RP plot, it's because it's blood thirsty and character death is involved. Right? Because a lot of roleplayers are too attached to their character to allow them to face injury or death. Despite I'd argue what makes the great RP's stand out from the good ones, that in the story the characters are involved in, it actually seems threatening and they don't have magical plot armor around them.

But, I do agree that slice of life and fun going adventure rp's are much easier to keep track of and not as demanding. And yes, most magical girl shows have surprisingly complicated plots (and/or good character development.) Which is why people enjoy them. Like I said, I guess I'm in the minority when I do prefer the darker ones. ;3

(forgive me, I typed this late and on a shitty laptop. Because petsitting.)

You assume incorrectly. Plots that allow the characters to suffer serious injury or death are perfectly fine by me, but that isn't what makes the darker magical girl shows so ill-tailored to the medium the way I was talking about; it's that the deaths and the despair throughout the entire setting are completely unavoidable. Since I know Madoka much better than I know Raising Project, I'll go into detail for it to show you what I'm talking about. (WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD)

Madoka is essentially the story of Homura's attempts to save Madoka from her fate. It takes a bit to get there, but that's the crux of the plot- Homura knows what Kyuubi and the Magical Girls are, she knows that Walpurgis Nacht is coming, and she knows what will happen if Madoka takes the bargain to fight her, and her goal is to prevent that at all costs. But, as the series goes on, absolutely everything she tries fails, even as early as Episode 3. The same goes for Sayaka, who tries her damndest to make things work with her beau, only to have him slip away and the despair trigger her transformation. Yes, there is a lot of character death in some very brutal ways, and that certainly does contribute to the darkness, but the bigger aspect is that nothing anybody tries ever works; the show is failure after failure until the final breaking point. It's the same thing with theatrical Tragedies; the appeal comes from the catharsis and the heartbreak from watching the protagonist try and either fail or succeed at Pyrrhic cost.

That sort of thing doesn't translate well to an RPG because a main draw of them is the players being presented with a problem and using their wits and the tools at their disposal to overcome it. Having your efforts fail because you made the wrong choices and you pay the price is one thing, but in my experience being presented with a scenario where you fail because there was no correct answer in the first place leaves a sour taste in everybody's mouth.

So it isn't that you can't have high risks to the characters or a mature plot, it's that setting things up like Madoka has them would, I feel, not go over well. For me and a lot of the people I've played with, having a fighting chance is where a lot of the motivation and the fun of a roleplay comes from; by contrast, Madoka and premises like it derive a lot of their appeal from the characters not having any chance at all at victory, and that makes finding a compatibility between the two exceptionally difficult, if not impossible.
I kind of agree with the sentiments against Madoka and Raising Project. They're alright shows, but I feel the concepts in them don't make for good RP premises- a lot of what makes those shows what they are is this slow but inevitable slide into the depths that drags the viewer down with the characters. Since RPing is typically about the players being faced with challenges and the chance they'll get put on that slide but with the means and opportunity to overcome it as part of the story, it's very difficult to properly introduce the inevitability and the creeping despair without making people upset.

Stuff like Precure, Nanoha, Symphogear, Vividred, etc make for better RPG premises in my opinion because they don't depend on the Despair Event Horizon like Madoka and Raising Project do. Not to mention, as has been said before, there's enough Dark Fantasy Magical Girl RPs right now, I'd rather see a lighter/more classic oriented one.

Also because the Nanoha series is one of my all-time favorites, so I'm more than a little biased...
@Raijinslayer It's likely there's some medical/family stuff involved. If all else fails, you may have to just put her in a ball and get moving.
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