Avatar of Sanity43217


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4 yrs ago
Current Space: The final frontier. The womb: The first frontier. Somewhere between those two: the ocean.
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4 yrs ago
Lost? Confused? Lacking direction? Need to find a purpose in your life?
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If your willing to help out, I might have an Idea that float your fancy.
A Mercenary Company RP.
It’ll be good to see this get off the ground. I’ve been itching to use Allaster.

Might throw my hat in the ring as the lead of a Mercenary group. I think I “The Black Company” has a nice ring to it. Might make the leader a Vampire or something similar. A mercenary company made up of vampires, werewolves and other monster types/intelligent undead.
What sort of missions will the squad be undertaking?
I only ask because there have been some pretty heavy hitters that have been members in the comics, and want to pick a character with a suitable power level.
Will the Princess be posting a character sheet?
Looks fun.

“SIGMUNDR! Your late!” The booming voice of Odin rang out through the mead hall. Stirred from his slumber, the Dragon Deity raised his head off the table. “For what?” Sigmundr asked, still half asleep, and feeling a little worse for wear. “You said you would take the mission in Frankfurt. It’s time you get back in the game, Old Friend.” The dragon trapped in human form stood up. Pushing up off the table, shakily. ”That’s Tomorrow.” “It’s today.” Sigmundr looked at his phone and his heart sank. Odin was right. ”Fuck.” “Bags are packed,” Odin handed Sigmundr his weapon case and a duffel bag. “And Heimdall should be ready to transport you just about...” Odin checked his watch. ”Oh no. I’ve told you...” There was a flash of light and the Bifrost opened up.

Travelling through the Bifrost was not a pleasant experience. The closest way anyone has come to describing it was being turned inside out by your butthole and then being dragged through a hole the size of a drinking straw.
Sigmundr popped out, outside the OMR building in Frankfurt, vomiting.
Getting up, after he had emptied his guts. Sigmundr stood up and walked inside. Politely and quietly entered the meeting room and watched the introductions until he was addressed by the half fae.

Unbuttoning his shirt, he pulled aside the fabric to reveal a black scar. It’s dark colour contrasted on his tan skin. It looked darker than black. Almost as if it was sucking the light in. ”I assume your talking about this.” He said tapping the scar. ”No one came away from the abomination without scars. It just decided to leave a little souvenir inside me.” He began buttoning up his shirt again. ”Sigmundr.” He said almost matter of factlly to introduce himself.
Adam bloody hated this.
Being on the back foot. Leaving to hide. There had always been mad witches and Wizards, and they always ended up dead. This would be no different.
His young arrogance, or naivety had him thinking he could take on the world. Maybe because most of his struggles he had been able to fight his way out of. Running away was something he had done as a child, and swore he would never do again. He wanted to be the best, so he poured himself into his training and studies. Until in his mind, he was. He simply refused to accept the fact he wasn’t. Even if he was just deluding himself.
Though some part of him must have known he didn’t stand a chance, because here he was. Marching up a hill, in the dead of night. Instead of kicking down a door and unloading two revolvers into a sleeping witch who wanted him dead.
So here he was. Walking up a mountain. Cold air clinging around him. More so then usual. Despite people always noting it was cold around him, and using frost magic, he didn’t like places when it was naturally cold. He didn’t like not having a wealth of energy to call upon. He energy stores were already low since he was stirred from his sleep for this trek. With little energy to absorb along the way, he was starting to consider starting a fight just to get the kinetic build up of being hit. Though not seriously, as even he could see it would cause more trouble then it was worth.

With the house finally in sight, he hung to the side. Silently listening in. Leaning against the wall in the corner. Not really making any effort to interfere, nor really trying to hide his presence. Just listening to the talk. Trying to figure out what to do. His hands cautiously thumbing the hammer on his revolvers that sat on his hips. He was definitely not comfortable with this whole thing. He didn’t like not being in control.
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