Avatar of ScreenAcne


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1 yr ago
Current roleplayerguild.com/topics/… Not giving up. Be a space monkey in the depths of scifi hell.
1 yr ago
roleplayerguild.com/topics/… Zooming near zero hear, kindred. Check it out. Help me out.
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1 yr ago
roleplayerguild.com/topics/… Help me out, kindred. Let know what flow goes for your soul.
1 yr ago
roleplayerguild.com/topics/… Need more people. Come, come. Contribute to the horrified screams in darkness.
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1 yr ago
Holy Shit!


Role Play Preferences:[/b] Pretty much everything except playing other characters and most slice of life plots. Elastic on most shit.

Fandoms: Silent hill, Homestuck, Bioshock(1-2) and pretty much all of HP lovecraft's stuff.

Personality: Ambiguously ?????????????????.

Favorite Homestuck characters: In order: Eridan, Karkat, gamzee, John.

Hate kanaya and Jade.

My Homestuck class: Bard of Void

Likes: Scented Candles, Writing, RP'ing-in almost any form really. Even if I haven't tried it before- Pixel Art, Making things period, Dressing up in my mad mass. Talking to folks. <3 that understand what I say all the time without me having to tame my tongue.

Dislike: Political talk-light prods for opinions are fine though if private- Being tied down. Talking about myself too much. Playing party therapist, Edgy shit.

Pretty approachable, most of the time I'm all fine with, motherfucking. dancing down a door way to someone else grounds to chill. I tend to either be chilling or drilling the oil out of the works so random absence or silences are a normal.

my 1 x 1 IC

Most Recent Posts

Shit, sweet and sugary, kindred. Now all we need is a few more players to get a advocado of adventurers ascending.

you can be any multiverse character you have as long as they fall into the tier range and time period of the dungeon. So any race you want really.
The idea

Enter the dungeon is literally just that, an open dungeon adventure. It won't work on normal write off arena rules because it will pretty reduce any encounter with any enemy into a much longer experience than it needs to be. All characters will be stated and work on basic general RPG. A map is provided, along with very basic guide lines. Don't worry about having to read DnD manuals and shit, this will only function on the most BASIC of mechanics...of which, everyone will know from their application in most RP games anyway. If you don't, I'll explain it.

Each time a dungeon is open, it will state it's intended tier level-This will be working on Expanding Horizions Tier system- with tier 1 being a normal person and teir 5 or above be stuff of the level of arch demons and so on. This is open to ALL characters, but some dungeons may be period limitations such as modern and up or fantasy/medieval only.

A limited number of spots will be open before it starts. After a time limit is reached or all spots are filled the dungeon becomes closed. These are designed to be fast acting and you will be expected to post multiple times a day. A dungeon should not take longer than a week to complete- and preferably should be shorter than that-


truly, there is no greater greed than the man who could never have what he wanted


I have a tale, a tale of a man who's heart knew a thirst that almost rivaled his mind. The tale of the man onced hailed as Edron Reev. Many of the things we enjoy today are of his work; the dismissal of misama theory and preventing the epidemic of a new plague. The discovery of why creatures have blood and beating hearts. He was a man, whom, seem to be in tune with life without effort or strain. Life, however, was never in tune with him.

Since his youth Edron fell deeply in love for a girl whom felt no persuasion to him. His fame as an adventuring hero nor his scientific achievements could woo her. His gold showered her like rain but she stayed mute to his propositiion. Years continued with this until she finally eloped into the night with her secret lover. She knew that while under Edron's gaze she could never be loved without ire.

Edron fell into a deep depression that neither his old friends, wealth or even the comradery of the king himself could lift. He rejected their advancements and despite their attempts to find him new love with many types of women, Edron grew cold and cruel. One by one, he drove all away in tears. Sadness turned to bitterness...and bitterness turned to anger. He studied until his eyes bled and his tower was so unclean flies could be seen haunting it at all times. He studied until he unerstood life and created Orlocob...the orb of life.

Minions, monsters of fraility and madness swarmed in great number from his tower, stealing everything and killing those that fought back. The guards, despite their valor and training were drowned in a sea of pus, puke and putrid minions. Every strap of gold that could be found was harvested. The town survivors fled and Edron was left, finally, pushing everyne as far away as he could. He still sit on that throne...acompanied by only what he controls. Unaging thanks to his knowledge and unloved. By anyone.


You will need to stat stat your characters standard attributes: strength, intelligence, endurance ectr. For the purpose of events where rolls will be needed

This will be tier 1 to 3.

This will be for fantasy and medieval.

Expect for your characters to possibly be balanced a little for this dungeon crawl only.

You can die in this.

Insane question. Would making a character and opening an RP to basically be a dungeon crawl be cool with the theme of Expanding Horizions?

Eg: A thread taking place in an abadoned fortress filled with undead and a mad, powerful lich end boss. With loot at the end.

Would that be too big of a un-moded quest to give considering the possible power and place creation it involves?



6.3 (decrease and increase by 5 inches depending on summoner]


70 KG [gains or loses 10 depending on summoner]




Manifest Minion

Tier/Influence: 1 (regional);


Shimmering gold coins peer out of his murky head. His body shifts from a mess of confused lines and details to a vague, broken up bipedal, gangly form. The ghostly aura that makes up his body is pink and shifts to a bright crimson under direct light. A being that looks like it was meant to be human once but whatever rules determined the physics of his body have burst, leaking the him out as smudged ink. A vague shadow can be seen embedded an undeterminable distance in the mists.

Slave shifting nature takes on more permanent features depending on the values of his master. If they value power then Slave may roughly grow an imitation of muscles and claws. If they value wealth he may change to an opulant display of illusionary jewels and golden teeth. Lust, he may take on a more refined male model shape. Ultimately, no matter what the master wants, Slave body will still be clearly made of smoke and his nature won't be hidden.




Slave, ironically enough, is a manifestation of freedom. While he cannot be free he values it deeply and will normally strive to allure his masters and allies alike to a totally free life. He becomes vicously paranoid and angry at any talk of obligations. He shivers away from abstract binding terms(such as marriage) with confusion and disgusts. He believes in brotherhood while it is useful, family while it is fortunate and greed until it becomes a unncessary weight. Despite his cold and treacherous nature he can be convinced to tolerate or even try to appreciate these things to those he comes to respect. His master earns his loyalty while summoned, he accepts what he is- a minion- and he is bound to forever have some form of master.

Slave has, in the past, come to love the things his nature is meant to hate but the tragedy of his existence assures that he will be reset to his "factory defualt" when summoned again. As a result, he jealously guard anything with sentimental value and is very receptive to affection and the concept of legacy. He loves taking pictures, gifts, souviners and will use his "devil may care" nature to do random and unsolicated things for his master and allies. Such as setting up a date or preparing a party...when he is capable and as long as he isn't EXPECTED to do it...otherwise his old nature shines through.




Wish Fufillment

Slave is a contractual minion and can only be summoned with a specific goal in mind. Once that goal is reached he immediately is dismissed. The goal can be anything mundane-such as guard this box- to something large and immense; such as killing a powerful political figure or helping a theif break into a bank. He is dismissed when his master dies or he fails his goal.

When Slave actually suceeds in a summon of greater goals-meaning, something fantastical or least impressive: EG: slaying a demon/breaking someone out of jail/ saving the world- he gets a point to his second tier of strength.

0/5 points

Upon reaching his max points he will evolve into a greater minion in which a new sheet will be submitted for his change in powers.

Proxy Protection

Slave can only be mind dominated, invaded or mind controlled via first dominating his masters own mind. Until then he is immune.

Passive Traits
Immune to bleeding or broken bones. Immune to diseases, poisons and viruses. Weak to all forms of magic. Weak to all forms of enchaments. Weak to Explosions or great blasts of any sort. Any training he has in weapons/magics/guns/armor ectr is reset to 0 upon his dismissal. Cannot summon himself.

Cannot be enchanted or empowered himself by any magical effects

Eternal Servitude

If Slave dies, he can be summoned by his master near him with a 30 second chant of "Free me, please" while holding his jar. Any memories Slave had with this master will remain intact.



A jar

A glass jar filled with aqua blue sand that occasionally has shifting winds within it. Small whirlwinds and dust clouds spiral about within it along with miniscule foot steps appearing and disappearing. This jar acts as trigger for Slave's summoning. The words: "Those who ask to be free, shall be assisted" are written on the side.

the jar magically appears in the inventory of anyone who may need it within a 40 meter radius.

If the jar is destroyed, slave can't be summoned until a new one is constructs itself in the desert over a period of 3 months.


Slave has no history of his own. He was born to do this and the nature of his birth is but a mystery to him. In time, he may find the answers to the riddle of his contradictory existence or maybe he will make history that can finally recall.
Here,s my motherfucking, mammal to join this channel. Just going to put this portrait of my metal stake here, in case it gives anyone else spectrum spectables or they want to dance with this designer.

shit, I might be in, my aviation of digital imagination.

It depends on how the fights will be motherfucking, resolved, balancing and posting speeds.
This is a recruit thread for this RP


Basically this a fast-for a forum at least- paced casual game where you will run about in an extra dimensional dungeon that appeared in your basement. You will meet other players at the start once you descend. Injury, death, acts of heroism or dickishness are all possible and probably likely. You will gain loot, meet odd creatures and combat the unconventional for your survivial or...for you know...valuable items that you think look extra shiny.

I would prefer that we have at least 4 accepted characters before we start, but, considering that I only got 0 right now. I might have to be less picky.
Down in the Dungeons

Life is a straight line, from cradle to grave you put yourselve into certain routines. It's hard to tell sometimes where foregone logic that you didn't even compute was your leash or your life guard and should you act against the shiver of social anxiety seeps into your head like dripping honey. It was an existential night, that was for sure, and you can't remember if you like the rain or not. You're sure you said you loved it at some point but you haven't left the house since it started.

Tonight the darkness beyond the street lights were more interesting than TV. Out there was something you couldn't see and for a brief moment you had a fantasy that it was something new and unexpected. When the rain cleared; there would be your salvation. You closed your eyes and thought about it hard, picturing it like a lovers face and when you opened them.....darkness. The power had gone out.

The basement was gone and the breakers had vanished, instead despite how many times you closed and opened the door the stairs to your shoddy underground abode were now replaced with an endless descent into some discarded reality that somehow had loaded into itself in.

You descend

Down into the Dungeons



This is a dungeon game, you will descend into an otherwordly dungeon to explore. Meet crazy monsters, expeirence odd events, loot and maybe...die...or become a god?

This is more focused on the game than it is on writing, so this is taking the title of CASUAL rp literally. The game comes first above the prettyness or tidyness of your writing, but I will still expect good content and a certain quality of grammar and spelling. You'll meet genies, you'll hit gremlins, you'll wonder why you left your comfy modern home to get pissed on by angry gnomes in the dark only to find you can't go back up the stairs without hitting an infinite loop.


1: post at least two paragraphs standard and below 7 peferably.

2: you are expected to post at least TWICE a day. If you don't have an excuse to post, you get time wounds which are lower your max HP permanently. You will eventually die. You recover from time wounds weekly if your posting keeps up with standard.

3: you are not expected to put out great material, your posts can be just "ok" this is part game, not a novel....BUT...if you do post consistently well, expect rewards for good RP'ing. Keep in mind, the content of your posts will always supercede form. (plot/character development over fashion)

4: this is a game, expect to die or prospers by your own decisions or...by the decisions of others.

5: typical rules, don't metagame, power game, god mode ectr.

6: when you post: include a summary of your game actions in a hider "I hit the monster with my crowbar" and include a mention of any players-including me- you've interacted or talked of.

How it functions:


Shit, man. I guess I could motherfucking, strapp myself in pillows and belts and just smack 'em with a lamp or something. I mean, wouldn't be any different than when my mother in law comes to visit.
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