Avatar of ScreenAcne


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1 yr ago
Current roleplayerguild.com/topics/… Not giving up. Be a space monkey in the depths of scifi hell.
1 yr ago
roleplayerguild.com/topics/… Zooming near zero hear, kindred. Check it out. Help me out.
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1 yr ago
roleplayerguild.com/topics/… Help me out, kindred. Let know what flow goes for your soul.
1 yr ago
roleplayerguild.com/topics/… Need more people. Come, come. Contribute to the horrified screams in darkness.
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1 yr ago
Holy Shit!


Role Play Preferences:[/b] Pretty much everything except playing other characters and most slice of life plots. Elastic on most shit.

Fandoms: Silent hill, Homestuck, Bioshock(1-2) and pretty much all of HP lovecraft's stuff.

Personality: Ambiguously ?????????????????.

Favorite Homestuck characters: In order: Eridan, Karkat, gamzee, John.

Hate kanaya and Jade.

My Homestuck class: Bard of Void

Likes: Scented Candles, Writing, RP'ing-in almost any form really. Even if I haven't tried it before- Pixel Art, Making things period, Dressing up in my mad mass. Talking to folks. <3 that understand what I say all the time without me having to tame my tongue.

Dislike: Political talk-light prods for opinions are fine though if private- Being tied down. Talking about myself too much. Playing party therapist, Edgy shit.

Pretty approachable, most of the time I'm all fine with, motherfucking. dancing down a door way to someone else grounds to chill. I tend to either be chilling or drilling the oil out of the works so random absence or silences are a normal.

my 1 x 1 IC

Most Recent Posts

Well, well - this is an RP that I can get behind. I do love some heavy-mechanic roleplays. Count me in.

I assume that mechanics will only get more complex as things go on?

Ex. I go build mine. We have a mineral counter now. I go build a factory, we now have a mineral-to-produced item exchange rate of 3 mineral to 1 produced item, etc, etc.

The mechanics for the colony itself are going to be very straight forward and probably not expand beyond what it is now as I don't want the ultimate goal to drift too far away from staying alive and trying to amass power to beat back the Red Sky. The mechanics act as the lose and win function more or less.

It's more about the group themselves and their ways of trying to go about it and the colony aspect serves as a limited means to an end.

There may be other mechanics as the red sky threat evolves and get worse but ultimately the core game play is about the players making choices, doing missions that either by me via circumstance have to be done or chosen of their own accord to do.

I might include some more mechanics based on these ideas but those are not set in stone. EG: I might say...you can set a sizable number of pop to RnD the red sky in it current state and after that is done a update on a specific part of the anomaly is revealed in a sort of database for everyone. Sort of like an SCP file.

The actual resources the colony has though will more or less function on a set of fast, loose more story oriented rules. If you need a massive amount of minerals for example and it's not realistic you'd have those already on the ship, you may have to figure out a place to get said minerals and set up a mine but then you are set up with the minerals you need.

Maybe at worst you may need to create a bigger mining operation via a bore drill or something.

Keep in mind that the red sky is rapidly getting bigger, stronger and tougher and with that bringing worse and worse stuff to cope with. So, more in depth demands of the base building aspect are scrubbed for the purpose of the survival and fight itself.
@ScreenAcne I swear to god I keep thinking of making an adaptation of an Imperial Janitor I played once, Jimothy John Jenkins.

A janitor in a big tech suit and the back up of several people could work, that the red sky is more or less, motherfucking ,pissing death like the harsh, unabated words of an abusive mother who swigs too far into her wine cabinet. A clean up and environment management on an alien world, turning hostile landscape works fine.
@ScreenAcne R I P 7/11 guy

Before there were red in the sky.

...There was shit on the ceiling.

So like how expansive are the character sheets gonna look like or is a name and a short bio gonna do for John Doe? As if we have the high probability of death I'd assume we have the choice to go light on the bio.

The sheets are going to be at their core pretty basic, one or the reason you stated but also because realistically the nature of the backstory means if I asked more I'd probably get a complete history on some former 7/11 guy trauma of having to clean shit off the ceiling since most of these people are normal folks who went into cryosleep until now.

So most of the sheet will be at their core about picking what kind of role you'd like to be, what suit you're going to pick and a simple appearance and background. Think of "small dossier" crew file style of sheet.

I won't write out the suit and role choices until he main RP itself is built.

I'm going to be a bit, motherfucking, evil kaneval here and make including a personality segment optional. I tend to do better myself without a hardened personality written out before hand but I know others ain't like that.

"Earth has been lost and with it all the great cities to the most humble of rural outback is now swallowed by something unimaginable. It all started with the sky becoming red, crimson like wine and then something sweeping over the skies and before we knew it for many of us there was no escape. This...layer had engulfed the planet.

I don't know if it was alive in and of itself, but death started to drizzle from it until it was a veritable downpour. This red water caused rapid mutagenic growth and changes with little coherency. Any creature with a lifespan beyond months quickly went extinct and those capable of finding shelter and producing fast enough before their mutations killed them spawned a strange variety of creatures, creatures who were living in a unstable, unpredictable ecology...

well. Except for us. I like to say that we fought hard, the average person did, but technological overconfidence and elite incompetence ensured that by the time any sensible action was taken that we were on the backfoot. Enter us...

Found Hope. A dingy ship with the latest in cryo-sleep tech and all the fancy facilities to make a new home, and with it the birth of the Star Gazer laser, a giant beast which needs absurd amounts of energy to fire even once. We used the prototype of such a thing to crack a hole for Found Hopes escape.

But it's following us, a red mass, incomprehensible in size and it been doing so for literally hundreds of years now, slowly, but surely, gaining inch by tiny inch. It almost upon us. It time to wake up and fight. This time...we're ready for it"


Earth has been lost to a planet engulfing anomaly called Red Sky but through the use of a prototype laser that needs massive amount of energy a hole if punctured and single ship escapes. This ship is Found Hope; a top of the line cryo-sleep model with enough people, and resources to settle on a new planet. They are pursued by Earth's apocalypse which is steadily getting closer. The ship decides that their only recourse is to find a suitable planet, land and try to finish this fight now they have a weapon that can hurt it. Ultimately this is a last stand colony with the characters acting as the main players.

Suits and Mortality

The Colony



In essence this is a normal RP with the characters acting as the driving force. You all have one goal and that goal is to survive and defeat the Red Sky which is done via one way only. Of course, there is nothing stopping you battling for political dominance in this new settlement for petty power in your quest to start anew.

There are three segments to each part of the game: The petition is where you are in the base and propose a task or idea you wish to utilize. You will need people and the only person who can give people as a resource is the captain...but as the RP goes on everyone will get supporters as a covert - pm'd- resource of people...but only if you keep proposing tasks and ideas. With these supporters you slowly can do more without the captains input.

Second segment is the task itself. There may be multiple task going on at the same time but they may not end at the same time and at the end of each post I will inform you how much in world time it took. These task can range from something simple as "Taking a team to map the area" to something more complex as "Constructing a small assortment of tanks"

Tasks that can be acted out, will, but not all task will warrant a small adventure and I will give players a day or two to RP the middle process before I announce it has been done and how long in world it took.

Third segment is the conclusion with me announcing how long it took, resource it cost and ultimately what you gained from it as well as the populaces reaction to the task at hand. If you go out to fight a bunch of alien, this will be the part where the coffins and KIA list shows up and the mood of the base has changed.


I will be expecting at least a paragraph.

Please attempt to keep most posts from passing six paragraphs. I notice that in RPs there's a bit of pressure to match other players and so I'm imposing the limit for the sake of speed. This is NOT a hard rule, more of a guide line.

You got to be ok with your characters dying and sometimes due to unfair circumstances. You are in a hostile world and sometimes you will get caught in an acid rain storm or something while miles away from the base. Combat will also produce several instances where it's impossible to not get hit despite your best efforts.

The usual rules: Don't god mod, don't start shit, don't detail graphic sex with your fursona in front of the mess hall and so on.

This is going to be the deal breaker for many: Post once every two days. For many people this will annoy them because they are writing first and playing second and if they don't have time to produce a high quality post in terms of writing they get disheartened but this is intended to be a RP game first and writing second. I also notice that, frankly, longer times do not produce better written material for most people. What tend to happen is that people feel pressured to procrastinate and utilize their time limit to the max because they don't want to be the one person producing "under" the quality they perceive others to be putting out as.

Disagree with me on that last rule, I know for some they can make that work but they are better forum DMs than me and this anomaly of forum behaviour I noticed has ended a lot of campaigns, both my own and one I've watched or participated in as a player.

Here you go, kindred, Excuse if the dude seems too close to "god of magic" but I really wanted to go for a,motherfucking, cave man shaman vision sort of deal.

"Hello. Can someone help me...I think....my husband is dead...I think...I killed my husband...oh my god...I killed my husband!"

2050: Cancer is cured through a means of direct genetic alteration. Gene therapy is now a viable replacement to modern medicine. The world cheers in celeberation at being unleashed from the human condition. Peoples lives are dramatically extended, disease is a product of the pass and genetic faults are pretty much eradicated. There was some debate on what is a "disease" but in the end the debate was settled by numbers. There are no more autistic of genetic abnormalities anymore.

Healthy, long lived, free and a process that was akin to going to sleep and waking up whenever later. We had tamed the human body.

2055: Changes are introduced to the human body.

First target?


Think of all we can experience without those 8 hours under. Despite thorough testing prior release subjects changed report stranges symptoms years in. A creeping fatigue, hullicinations, trouble telling reality from fantasy, night terrors when wide awake, among other things. Panic breaks out, riots, deaths and despite the best attempts by gene clinics they cannot revert these symptoms even when returning their subjects to base humans.

Something went wrong. We thought we could handle everything and leaped before we looked. Now there's roughly 60 thousand people with this condition.

They call it the "Sandman Syndrome"

2062: Gene clinics become RnD stations again and old medicine practices start to take effect. The public faith in gene therapy has been shattered. The sandmen sufferers start committing suicide, murder, accidents and delusions at an increased rate. Sleepless lunatics who can strike at anytime. A special sector of the city called the "Tempoary Treatment Sector" was set up. A glorified, overly clean alotment of tiny apartments bundled together with scattered still operating gene clinics and therapy groups laced about.

How do you keep people under control who fade in and out of reality, who walk in and out of a dream state.

You formulate a ragtag of people who know what it is like, because they suffer with it too. US: Night Call Operatives.


Game Plan

Our story follows a set of operatives in a straught central story. There won't be a lot of free roam. This will be a simple linear overall plot maybe being supllemented with smaller ones introduced by other players or occasionally me as we go along. When the main plot is resolved we'll have an epilogue period and the RP will be finished.

Posting Time: fast. I expect posts frequently. Don't worry about coming off as a good/bad writer. You're allowed to perform under your best. Just try to make it so you character does something to move the story. If you are REALLY struggling to contribue or involve yourself to the story let me know and I'll try to do something in world to help you get more into it.

I won't demand you post 2 paragraphs every time but I would like an example of your writing in rp guild so I know you can produce 2 paragraphs min as a rule.

Syndrome: Our characters are all products of the Sandman Syndrome and will occasionally experience problems and issues resulting from it- I will alert you if it affecting you at the moment in a PM and how- sandman syndrome can strike at any point and come in many ways from fainting, to hallucinations, to delusions, tiredness or even feeling oddly sick and so on. Be alert.

Work Time and off time: The main bulk of the game will take place on the clock where you will be armed and on the job but there will be intermissions where you are all off the clock. Off the clock will primarily take place wherever the hell your characters like doing in their off time and give you a chance for some casual development or intermingling. Off time is also a period where you are most vulnerble to events or issues.

Sometimes I may throw in an office party or something whacky in off time as a little distraction.

Off time will end relatively quickly.

Danger and Death: you may die in this game or may be injured. Not taking a threat seriously will end your life. This is not a hard coregame and is meant to be casual. As long as you take some precaution and think before you leap you won't find yourself in many scenarios that can kill you off unless you do something really dumb...like stand out in the open in a gun fight.

Shopping: I plan to set up a little shop of possible items, weapons, armors and maybe other stuff in game that will expand or lose items as the plot progresses.

Prefered players: I'd like 3 to 4 players at least. All players must be operatives. Your work will focus more on detective work, therapy and sometimes combat. Your authority is limited and how you do your job will effect how other people react to you. Remember...these are angry, confused and tightly pact people here you're trying to police.

Sorry,brother, seems that way. I'd shill for it some more but frankly,motherfucking, I ain't got the fuel to vanish for what in my experience will be very little return. In my experience if I go salesman for an RP not attracting people like this I might claw 2 people or so but even for the intent of this fire in the future 4 people would be pretty under.

I apprecaite inviting your friend and those of you who did sign up though, kindred.@I-Am-X@Zoey Boey

The year is 2069 and YOU have been selected to try out a new utopian settlement programe on mars!

Not only do you get a chance to be a part of the future but under the AI you are always assured to have a job, your own office within the Tomrrow Settlement, the neccesary FREE training to be a qualified civil astronaut and basic space settlement skills. The govt union in this project has agreed to let this be utilized as a form of rehabitilation!

Disclaimer: The goverment nor is Digital Domain Technologies responsbile for any loss of freedom, invasion of privacy, bodily harm, loss of sanity,loss of INsanity, loss of humanity or loss of life that may occur durring this expirement.


UEMC is an RP where people take turns being the A.I in each new game iteration with the person playing A.I chosen randomly IF they submitted an A.I sheet with their crew sheet. If not they simply stay crew. Each session will be fairly short-in RPGuild terms anyway- with death, chaos, growing madness, changing goals, new settings, tools and new A.I ready to help...torment....confuse and generally bugger with the crew. Only bound by their goals and their 3 lores.

If you like the premise come in and check it out.


shit, excuse the escape there, comrade. I got shrouded by the zs most of the day and been away from the,motherfucking, screen to the bridge across the quarintine.

Sure, deliver them the keys to the gate, brother. The more the merrier.
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