Avatar of Scribe of Thoth


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1 day ago
Current I only saw the awful trailer and all my interest evaporated I'm ngl
11 days ago
Apparently adding "udm=14" to the end of a google search turns off the AI but idk if they patched that yet
12 days ago
She puzzle on my tip till I hint
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24 days ago
Somebody dm me what happened and if it's not funny enough I'll take my frustrations out on you
2 mos ago
I think that’s just called playing dnd


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Max kept near the door as the group entered the tattoo parlor. Seemed like Count Cinnamon was already microchipping his new dog. While Max personally found the practice immediately abhorrent, he couldn't think of a more deserving victim, so he kept his disgusted sneering to a minimum.

The mage followed Eris outside the shop, assuming the long-awaited delivery had finally arrived. Seemed a bit extraneous to give the deliveryman his own driver, though judging by Eris' expression, this was someone he knew. Probably one of his assistants that he was babbling about earlier.

"Wells, this is Antigone Aëdon, my agent and manager."

Wells, god. He'd have to come up with a better name than 'Eric' if this kept up.

"Yeah, yeah, nice to meet you too." It was halfway genuine. The more staff Eris had doting on him, the less work Max would have to do. If he was lucky Eris would spend all his time bugging Antagonism and Max would just get to blend into the background. Probably for the best given the fame surrounding the leech; throwing a chair at some paparazzi clown waving a camera in his face and asking about Eris would be more trouble than it was worth.

He was less enthusiastic about the little white rodent that crawled out of the bag. This was what Eris was so concerned about? A dog? He could already hear it barking all night- err, day, whenever the hell he was supposed to be sleeping. The name was just icing on the cake; he'd have to do a distracting double-take every time Eris called the oversized squirrel from across the dorm.

"Do they even let pets in the dorms?" Max questioned simply. He held back most of what he actually wanted to say given Varis was still lingering. No sense in dropping the act now when he was almost rid of the vampire's oversight.


Max lazily followed after the trio, paying little regard to the grumbled complaints of the people who were on the bus behind him. What were they mad about? He was certain they'd all be good little brownnosers around a self-important celebrity and a noble in any other scenario, but apparently letting them off a bus unmolested was too much of a sacrifice.

The town was rather underwhelming, and he was beginning to doubt the pitiful stores that were present would have what he wanted to begin with. One would think such a place would cater to mages more effectively, though there was an apothecary; perhaps appearances were deceiving. With Eris' funds at his disposal he could probably just order something better online anyway, but his priority was acquiring a focus in a timely manner rather than something trivial like fashion appeal. Maybe he could ask around while the leeches were distracted with their deliveries.

The mage turned back as the vampires were inspecting Aaron like a prime cut of meat - and to them, he probably was - and wrinkled his nose distastefully. Granted, he was happy the attention wasn't directed at him; he'd been manhandled enough for one day, but was the Retriever's ear really such a big deal? Max didn't even see what they were looking at. It was an ear. It looked like an ear. Idiots.

Nonethless, he waited patiently for them to finish gawking, pointedly turning away to stare off apathetically at the passing strangers. He was so excited after leaving spell theory that he was afraid he was behind on his glaring quota for the day, and lingering paparazzi would more than suffice in making up for it. Plus, he was sure once Cinnamon finished branding his new pet with whatever mark of ownership he had in mind, Eris would be without a chaperone and prone to stroking his ego again. It would be wise on Max's part to dissuade any fans from further contact.

@Hero@Obscene Symphony@Achronum

Zachary was a bit overwhelmed by the splendor of the campus. In theory, of course, he expected no less from Cresia's premier institute of magical instruction, but the reality of the place - and the knowledge that it would be his veritable playground during his stay - was far more than he'd actually envisioned. So much more that he really had no idea where to start, though he suspected that would be swiftly corrected once classes formally started. One of the few benefits to having such a limited magical arsenal beyond the basics was he couldn't really go wrong when choosing what to study first.

The recommendation about securing a dorm room seemed most prudent; he didn't want to wait until everyone else had chosen and get stuck with a bad room, although he wasn't quite sure what a 'bad room' would entail. Something on one of the higher floors would be ideal to let Sirocco have a perch - there was no way he was keeping an owl in a cramped dorm room - but he didn't want to have to traverse multiple sets of stairs every time he wanted to leave his room either.

Zach wandered off toward the dorms after the students were dismissed from the tour. Admittedly, he was a bit eager to check on his luggage, despite such paranoia being mostly unfounded. He weaved through other students that seemed to have the same idea, pausing when he came up behind that boy he was talking to earlier. Richard looked... a bit dejected, maybe? Or that could've just been how he walked. The blindfolded boy assumed it was the latter; Zach could sympathize with the feeling of having an opportunity you were looking forward to fail to live up to your expectations, but he couldn't fathom what one would find disappointing about this place.

"Hello again," Zach greeted jovially as he fell into step beside Richard. Friends were useful, in learning and in general. Wow, that sounded overly pragmatic to the point of callousness. He was becoming his father. Fun. "Heading to the dorms? I think it's kinda weird they didn't just assign us rooms."

@Lord of Evil
Tentatively interested

“Certainly would be nice if the winnings were real!”

Aaaand his interest was gone, just like that. Unless Aaron was lying about it not being real money. He shouldn't have bothered asking, these games stop being fun too soon. It might be momentarily entertaining to guess at someone's intentions, but in the long run it was far more satisfying for everyone to just say what they meant. Either he guesses right and gets momentary satisfaction from being, well, right, or he guesses wrong and he's at a disadvantage in any future dealings with that person, which likely involve more guessing. So tiresome.

“Do you follow anything? Like races or fights? You might not see magical combat in your future, but I bet you’d enjoy the TCL.”

TCL? What sport was that again? It was the one where mages bombarded the crap out of each other, right? The Retriever was talking about magical combat, it would have to be.

"That's the... magic fight one, right? Never watched it. Sounds like a waste of time." Max half-lied. For the most part, it sounded like flashy spectacle, but it could be useful in witnessing what one's affinity is theoretically capable of doing. Metal didn't sound too complicated to make combative use of, though. Make something sharp and throw it at the other guy, repeat until dead, easy. That just sounded like a matter of practice.

He vaguely noted Eris droning on about his assistants - no doubt people he'd have to interact with in the future; what a pain - and the prospect of selling him off like old furniture. Max wasn't sure if he should consider that a blessing or a curse; a vamprie was a vampire, and being offloaded as useless would probably afford him a degree of solitude, but an Astorio could very well use him for target practice when they were bored or something. No use dwelling on it, Eris was likely trying to rile him up. He had to know damn well Max was listening in.

Max stood up abruptly and shifted out into the aisle when the bus reached their stop in town, essentially trying to block off anyone trying to pass him as he waited for the two vampires ahead of him to disembark before following. No way was he going to sit here and let passing fangirls waste his time by begging Eris for autographs or selfies or whatever fatuous crap starstruck women (and apparently the occasional man, judging by his earlier observations) did when they met a celebrity.

@Hero@Obscene Symphony@Achronum

He was going to die here.

That was the only thought that dominated Mitsuo's mind throughout the rest of the demonstrations and subsequent campus introduction. As if the walking explosion waiting to happen that went before him wasn't bad enough, there was some foreign girl that was even worse! Was that real lava? Was everyone just supposed to die anytime she tried to activate her quirk? She couldn't even control when it came out either, she just... erupted whenever she got ticked off! And that werewolf kid might not've been as flashy, but he was just as bad. He was trying to fight a teacher for no reason. A teacher!

Mitsuo barely heard the principal's speech, focusing instead on the crippling horror that was steadily building in his chest. Did that magic depression guy forget to turn his quirk off? No, he was genuinely grappling with the thought that he was likely to end up as lonely here as everywhere else. So much for an optimistic new start. Maybe if he presented himself to the crowd outside as 'one of the good ones' he wouldn't be immediately lynched. He could definitely see where some of their grievances were coming from, given the motley crew of danger he was surrounded by.

Fortunately, Death Glare's list of regulations actually caught his attention before he could finish revising the first draft of Uncle Mitsu's Cabin. Structure and rules were... comforting, at least if he ignored that bit about birth control. He didn't want to dwell on the fact that this was a high school and such matters actually needed to be addressed. His classmates might outwardly appear as chaos incarnate, but coming here meant they likely had a desire to keep their destructive powers in line. At this point, Mitsuo was just falling prey to the same thought patterns as the protestors. He needed to keep in mind that, apparently, not everyone with a quirk was as blessed as he was. These were people, not monsters. Even that minotaur-looking guy.

His room was darker than he expected. Were windows a safety hazard or something? He tried the lightswitch - didn't work, must've been a construction oversight. He'd have to go tell one of the teachers now, great. At least the desk lamps seemed to be working, though they weren't very helpful. Mitsuo raised a hand, letting his palm heat up enough to bathe the room in a soft blue light, but not enough to actively prime an explosive. Shigeki-sensei had said they could use their quirk for everyday tasks, this should be acceptable.

"Oh, h-hi," He stammered out as he noticed his roommate was already present, "I didn't think anyone else was in here." The creepy guy with the depression quirk? Not his first choice to be staying with, but... no, on second thought, everyone here was a little off, this was probably one of the better rooming arrangements. "D'you already tell the teachers the light was busted?"

The other boy looked like he was sleeping, but Mitsuo wasn't really sure. Seemed a bit early in the day for a nap, unless - what was his name? Daigo? Daizo? - hadn't gotten much sleep last night. Then again, he was doing the same weird faceplant thing during his demonstration too, so Mitsuo assumed the guy might just be really eccentric. A cursory inspection revealed the room did, in fact, have a window, but that it was just covered by curtains. So Daizo was trying to sleep? He could sympathize, he guessed, but he had things to unpack, and he wasn't doing that in the dark.

Mitsuo let the light dissipate from his hand as he moved to open the curtains and let in some light. He paid little mind to the succulent on the windowsill as he went back to his suitcase. He didn't bring much, just some clothes and other essentials, which he diligently started putting away in the provided dresser.


"Apparently Maximilian's affinity-"

'Maximilian', seriously? That was his best comeback to the Eric jab? Weak.

"-and seeing how he has the emotional range of a wooden block-"

More like a wooden stake, preferably one going right through Eris' smug vampiric heart.

"-at the very least the little one is direct."

So he liked it when Max was direct, noted. The mage would have to make sure to be more forthcoming with his ever-so-polite opinions in the future.

It was too bad Max wasn't seated directly behind Eris, he didn't know how he'd explain draping his leg over the Retriever's to manage a kick to the back of Eris' chair. Oh well, he could drive the leech up a wall another time. He still needed to behave for the time being, at least to keep Cinnamon off his ass. Varis' stunt with the solar whatever-us earlier in Treaty Law was enough to tip off anyone paying attention that the count was playing a big game right now. Max wasn't against the idea of leeches backstabbing each other, but he didn't want to be physically involved unless he got the privilege of doing the stabbing. If he could fly under the radar until this all blew over, it'd be in his best interests. Hopefully Eris was smart enough to do the same, though he seriously doubted that.

Max glanced toward the Retriever while he played on his phone. Looked like... gambling? A bit odd, but it made sense; Cinnamon didn't seem like the type to give him an allowance every week. Still, you'd think a Starag would have some savings he could dip into somewhere. Did he get cut off from the family's bank account too when he got sold off to another house? It would be pitiable if Aaron weren't such a fucking tool. A wry smile crossed Max's face for a brief instant before he trained his face back into careful neutrality.

"Whatcha doing?" He muttered as he looked over Aaron's calculations, bored enough to not sound out of character but curious enough to not sound like he was forcing talk for the sake of talk. It wasn't a very rewarding scheme; either the Retriever just had a dumb hobby, or he was actually clever enough to be building up income that Varis didn't know about. Max was pretty sure it was the former, but if Aaron lied about what he was doing while in Varis' earshot, Max would have to concede that he at least misjudged the light mage for a total sellout.

@Hero@Obscene Symphony@Achronum

“Apparently the Arena Master doesn’t take kindly to rule breakers. I think the one who got on his bad side tonight is still underground. I can tell you more later if you want. Otherwise it was pretty standard, mostly a skill evaluation. Do you have any combat experience?”

Max doubted schoolyard fights that were broken up before anyone even landed a solid punch counted, and dodging energy blasts in a classroom sounded more like 'running away' than 'combat'. He never thought quitting karate when he was like eight would come back to bite him in the ass.

"No. This might come as a shock to you, but most people don't consider magical combat as a possible career path for themselves." He muttered flatly, looking over to Varis as the leech began impatiently trying to get them to leave. Seemed like a bit of a tight schedule to be on just to pick up a package, unless it was being personally delivered. Whatever, he didn't care, he just wanted this excursion dealt with so he could pick up his focus like he wanted.

The mage stood and followed behind the two vampires wordlessly, rolling his eyes at the crowd of fans started to get restless. He almost told them off until he noticed Eris too seemed to be intent on ignoring them as well. Either Cinnamon had him on a leash or he was eager to pick up this delivery as well. He hoped it was the latter; he didn't want to be under the purview of some loser that was at the beck and call of a Sinnenodel.

Max sat down beside Aaron with an unamused grunt. He really didn't want to talk to the Retriever and his prying questions any longer, but he figured sitting anywhere else would open him up to interrogation from some rabid fangirl wondering why he's hanging out with her favorite professional liar. At least he didn't have to look at any of them from all the way up front; though the view of the back of two vampires' heads wasn't much less rage-inducing.

@Hero@Obscene Symphony@Achronum

Max didn't even bother looking in Varis' direction as the vampire offhandedly berated him. Astorio chewtoy, right. As if that uppity goliath was doing anything but posturing to mess with Flower Boy. Though, Cinnamon clearly had pull around here if they were letting him teach a class, and getting into an altercation with him would hardly do anything to Max's benefit. He doubted the arrogant leech would even get properly offended; he'd probably write off any retort Max had as quaint. Better to keep his poker face and not reveal his cards yet.

His gaze lazily followed the undead duo as Varis moved to start rifling through the Retriever's wardrobe or something equally inane - vampires really were like prepubescent schoolgirls, weren't they? All they did was gossip and play dress up with their dolls. He shifted his eyes toward Aaron scrutinizingly as the light mage sat across from him. He hadn't spoken yet, but he clearly wanted to talk. Lovely.

The silence was awkward enough that Max was almost grateful when the Retriever finally talked. Innocent question, felt like small talk. All that suspense and buildup only for the Retriever to reduce them to bored wives forcing conversation in the kitchen while the husbands were off watching sports in the other room. What was he supposed to say? He was getting shot at? Some vampire was dangling him around like a chew toy? He discovered he had a talent for ripping chairs apart? None of that would do in a room where he didn't trust anyone.

"I had a... prior engagement. Took longer than I expected. Did I miss anything important?" Max offered the question at the end only as an afterthought. He highly doubted they covered anything of importance on the first day, if his other classes were anything to go on. At best they covered arena etiquette and procedures, all of which were no doubt mind-numbingly simple and were only covered for such a long period for the benefit of some scatterbrained moron that would disobey the rules regardless. Really he just wanted to keep Aaron talking so he wouldn't be asking prying questions.

@Hero@Obscene Symphony@Achronum

Max stared at Eris in his usual apathy as the vampire started manhandling his face. He was tempted to roll his eyes at the bizarre flirtation, but he figured a reaction was exactly what the leech wanted. He waited patiently to be released, then watched in similar silence as Eris typed out something inane on his phone. Max supposed the vampire probably felt slighted at his lack of attentiveness and decided to flaunt himself on social media so his rabid fangirls would shower him with adoration. Oooh, and he got to have his choice of focus as a treat, did he? The mage was tempted to just pick out the most expensive thing he could find out of spite.

Nevertheless, he shrugged and followed along as Eris continued toward their destination. He was placated; he'd have a focus and Eris would leave him alone if he had a friend to play with during their little town excursion, though he had no doubt whoever they were meeting was likely to be just as annoying as him. As they kept walking closer to the noble dorms, Max occasionally shot a curious glance toward Eris. The mage didn't expect him to be meeting with a Sinnenodel, of all people, especially for a simple package pickup. He was definitely playing at something here, though Max couldn't fathom what.

"How this relationship works is entirely in your hands, you can be smart and sarcastic and get punished...or you can be quiet and obedient and get spoiled. Up to you, I'll have fun either way." Excellent plan, try to buy his loyalty with trivial bread and circuses. Typical vampire.

"I was being honest, Eric. I figured not having to constantly guess at what I'm really thinking would be a welcome change from all the two-faced sycophants you no-doubt talk to all day." Max offered in an uncharacteristically helpful tone. He wasn't necessarily lying - being blunt was easier to him than playing with his phrasing to say what he wanted to without actually saying it. Plus, he wasn't entirely sure vampires could even comprehend the concept of 'honesty'. Eris might've thought it was a weird cake flavor or something.

He turned back to the door just in time for... oh, lovely, the Retriever. Count Cinnamon must be Eris' partner in crime for the moment. He vaguely remembered seeing them converse at the end of Treaty Law from around Victor's gigantic physique, but he didn't think anything of it at the time. Eris was in luck, it seemed; as amusing as making the leech look incompetent in front of Cinnamon would be, he'd be setting Eris - and unfortunately, himself by proxy - up to play nicely into whatever machination this smarmy Sinnenodel no doubt had for the night. Besides, Max was perfectly content to spend all night in complete silence if the Retriever was going to follow them around like a lost puppy. He could do enough sucking up for the both of them.

Max offered Aaron little more than an acknowledging glance as he entered the dorm. He wasn't entirely sure on the protocol here. Was he supposed to follow Eris into the study, or was he supposed to just stand out here and let them have their privacy? Aaron didn't give him any clues to go off of either, having run off to... somewhere. Was Max supposed to follow him? He decided to take his chances and stand in the entryway until told otherwise. Being alone in a room with two leeches sounded like torture.

@Hero@Obscene Symphony@Achronum
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