Avatar of Searat
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  • Joined: 6 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1537 (0.67 / day)
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    1. Searat 6 yrs ago
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5 yrs ago
Current Can someone please lower Life's difficulty setting?
6 yrs ago
Pizza is a main course, but is also a pie. Therefore, I can eat pizza as my meal and have another pizza as my dessert.
6 yrs ago
When I need a left sock, there is none. When I don't need one, there is a surplus. I think the world is toying with me.
6 yrs ago
Sunny days are meant to be spent in a dark room surfing the net and watching series in netflix.
6 yrs ago
Eating a stick of butter is not as fun as it sounds to be.


I am Searat
Half sea, Half rat, All Aqueous Rodent.

My role playing career is something i consider as a hobby of some sort but as to how long i have been role playing, I would say that i have three to four years under my belt. (Though most of the times I was role playing, they were nothing as serious as this and were more of a means to relieve stress with my friends or test out ideas that came to mind with them.)

As for my preferences to genres of role play, I would have no biases nor specific preferences to any genre and would be able to adapt to the genre as best I can when placed into it.

Some of my hobbies consist of: playing games, surfing the web, walking, bowling, darts, and cooking. I sometimes write and draw things but not as much to consider it to be a serious hobby.

Most Recent Posts

You used a Mana Crystal! MP is now Full.
You placed Mana Crystals into your Lizardskin pouch. It will hold for now, but its durability is reaching the limit...
Obtained Mana Crystal x10

Upon reaching the cave where the others were, he set the makeshift pack filled with mana crystals beside the cave entrance. He was satisfied that he was able to obtain the substantial amount of the mana crystals, but there were still a number of them left at the bonfire. Though that was for a later time, now he had understand on what was so urgent that caused Jason to bolt without even a second thought. Within the cave he saw Jason's slimy form struggling to keep shape before yelling out that he claimed the dungeon for himself. "Jason!" Unsure what was happening, Ed rushed to the evolved slime and began looking and checking if the slime was injured in any way, but finding nothing that seemed wrong with him. "Shit! I...I...I don't know what's wrong." The young dire rat began to panic slightly as he had no clue on how to help Jason. Even more so when he noticed that things growing out of the crystal he touched, going closer to the slime.

"That is statistically true. There are approximately six million individuals living in the city, locating one unregistered shapeshifter would be exceedingly difficult." The golem agent affirmed the statement, unaware that her partner was less than happy working with her and the new addition. She returns her attention to the little porcelain doll. "If you have no further questions, we ought to go now. We would brief you on the case along the way." She signed to Essie.
@Lucius Cypher
How would scrounging and looting work here?
Would it be dependent on how good/bad our investigation rolls are, or do you have a fixed table that you simply choose from?
@Phantomlink959 @Raining
The man smiled as the anxious feeling dissipated with a pat on his shoulder. "Thanks for the vote of confidence, Argus. I just...really hope it doesn't come to that." As the two walked further down into the corridor, conversing among one another, Richard nearly bumped into a rather short figure of a girl as they turned a corner. Narrowly dodging the small girl by a couple inches or so, Richard turns to apologize to her. "Oops. Sorry miss my bad..." The man's apology was cut short as he observed that the girl didn't seem to mind that the man had nearly collided with her. Assuming that the girl saw no foul in the action, the man shrugged and kept walking to the bureau motor pool.

Astra quickly turned her head to look upon the new arrival to the director's room. The figure was small and demure, almost appearing too fragile. Almost. Checking her databases, she activated her scrying optics to analyze the doll like individual to see if she was in bureau databanks.

Subject #334-56-i29 ; Known Aliases: "Essie"
Species: UNKNOWN [Ceramic Detected]
Physical Status: UNKNOWN [Pulse not Detected. Contact Medical Personnel Immediately]
Mental Status: Stable
System Notification

'Data Analysis Complete: Subject #334-56-i29, known as "ESSIE" has no pulse yet mental facilities are active and stabilized. Proposal: Observe Subject #334-56i29, and react to aberrant behaviors accordingly.' The porcelain doll then began communicating to them in sign, affirming Astra that she was indeed the subject known as "Essie". Quickly processing the information, Astra led to the conclusion that "Essie" was awaiting stimuli in response to her. Turning to her, she quicly signed back to the little doll girl. "Hello, I am Field Agent Astra. A golem from the Research and Development Department. Pleasure to meet you!" Astra then offers her a 'smile.'
"I think we should use your car. Most of the time, I just get whatever the motor pool has to offer." He told the Dijin truthfully. Walking further down the hallway, Richard pondered what would be needed for the mission. He knew from training that undead, for the most part, are vulnerable to physical attacks. Though the same cannot be said if there was a necromancer is involved. If his hunch that there was a necromancer involved was correct, the undead would be more durable and more organized than those raised by mana surges or biohazards. Given that, he would have to rely on his miracles along with the fire magic of Argus to deal with the zombies. A chilling thought ran through his mind. 'What if...what if we're dealing with a lich?' The idea of facing down a necromancer was bad enough, what more one that willingly turned his or herself into an undead and still have access to its wits and spell casting.

"If...if we were to...I dunno...fight against a lich? You think that we can handle it?" The man asks the dijin, hoping that his partner won't pick up the nervousness he carried in his voice.
Just asking.
Does Argus' car have a weapon stash in the trunk like police vehicles, or is it strictly a standard model?
What say you regarding our new arrival, paladin?
Richard finished the second part of his 'breakfast' just before they arrived in the director's office. Tossing away the plastic wrappers to a nearby trash bin, he then attempts to wipe away any crumbs from his mouth and facial hair. Upon entering the office room, the director went straight to the point and began assigning the new cases to them. He gives the director a firm salute and takes the file from the desk. He would have greeted the director, but he was a no nonsense kind of person, such trivial things like greetings would only prolong what is necessary to be spoken. "Guess we're partners for this mission, Argus." He pauses slightly to look over the case file. "You think we're dealing with a necromancer? Or you think its more of a mana surge or, God forbid, a bio-hazard type of thing?" He asks his partner while handing him the case file, in case he wanted to look at further details.

"Understood director. Agent Green and I will do our fullest to locate and, if needed, apprehend the shape shifter." She sees Richard salute the director and mimics the gesture accompanied with her 'smile'. Lowering her arm, but keeping the smile, she looks over to Griffin. "What manner of approach would you suggest in our investigation, Griffin?" The golem had programs and scrying spells but if the vampire agent had any approach he would prefer, she could adjust her method of investigation.
@Riaxh @rush99999 @Duthguy @Tangletail @Lucius Cypher

Roy's attention moved from the paladin to the door that produced the loud creaking sounds that reverberated throughout the relatively quiet room. His eyes widened as he saw the diminutive humanoid form that stood still in shock before him and the rest of the party. If Roy didn't know any better, he would have assumed that this was an illusion or trick. Though his doubts were cast aside as the small creature fell to the ground with an audible thump. Slack jawed and wide eyed, the kobold attempted to return from whence it had came but to no avail as the door had closed behind it. Roy dared not draw his weapon in this hallowed place, yet opted to lay a hand atop his sheathed rapier.

He was no stranger to Kobolds; cowardly and weak, but far from foolish. The lone one that stood before them could be only one of what could be dozens of them lurking in the shadows. Narrowing his eyes on the lone kobold, he roared to the creature. "Drop your weapons and lay on the ground, kobold! Any unwise decisions and we will make it your last!"

Emil did not have to be in the front of the group to understand that the Khalia and the paladin before her did not meet eye to eye. He knew little what they talked about over the channel and simply kept an eye and ear out to the tell tale signs of an attack. May it be from the beasts and monstrosities that dwelt within this corpse of a city or from the new arrivals. Though rather than escalate further, they opted to head towards their base of operations in the necropolis. Not a moment too soon, the rain had gotten worse and he was unsure if the improvised cover that he held above him could protect him from the rains any longer.

The trip was surprisingly uneventful. No feral ghouls, mutants, nor any manner of abomination dared to ambush the party. The young man couldn't help but keep his guard up and observed the minute details in his surroundings and actively listened for the sounds of footfalls in rain. His eyes kept moving from one ruin to another as the colossal structures of buildings had provided one too many places where death could hide and leap out on a moments notice. Though, mercifully, they arrived to their destination. To the outsider's perspective, the bank that the brotherhood called their base was severely underwhelming. Though in Emil's eyes, the prospect of respite that the bank offered gleamed like gold.

The group had to pass through decontamination procedures to avoid the radiation from killing them while they slept. The manner they were decontaminated was quick but thorough. Though what impressed him the most was the fact that the bank had electricity as well as a number of functioning and comfortable amenities. Upon the group reaching, on what he could assume to be, their sleeping area Emil began removing components and pieces of the radiation suit off his person. He was rather glad that he was finally out of the stuffy suit, but that was his fault. It was a rather unwise decision for him to wear it over his armor but now after hours of walking around uncomfortably, he realized that keeping the armor pieces outside was a far more efficient and comfortable means of donning his armor. Setting his pack, radiation suit , Geiger counter, and the desk box aside a bunk bed; he sat down on the floor beside his things, pulled out his tool roll and began maintaining and cleaning his weapon. It didn't need any maintenance nor cleaning, but the act itself was something that put his mind at ease.

It was then a young man, no older than he was introduced himself to the group. Even so amicable to the point that he had offered them a meal. A slight smile adorns his face as Finn seemed to be rather on the friendlier side of the spectrum. Not wanting to be rude to the knight, he carefully sets his weapon and tools down beside his things and introduces himself to Finn. "Pleasure to meet you, Finn. I'm Emil Sauer." He offers the knight a curt but polite bow.

He then heard their ghoul sniper make a joke or two regarding the situation. "Exciting is an understatement." Emil finishes with a slight chuckle. Finally noticing that something out of place in the room, a man wearing a...dress? His brow furrowed and he saw Monika purposefully bump into the man in the dress and gave him the most venomous death glare he had ever witnessed. Not even the marks he took time killing had given him a death glare so harshly. He turns back to face Finn and excuses himself and heads over to talk to Monika who situated herself to lean against a wall near her things. "One helluva day, huh? " He tries to joke like Marvin did, seeing as she was upset. "How you holding up?" He asks her with genuine concern.

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