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In case of assault by hostile forces, use provided Ravens.
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If visited by a half-zombie clone with a stutter, use provided sentry turrets
2 yrs ago
In case of assault by killer dolphins, use provided battleships.


Fuel Rat Defender

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<Snipped quote by Sep>


This. The premise of this RP is that unlike many other isekai RPs, this world transport was not a surprise. Everyone was specifically voluntarily recruited and was informed on the threat they face -if they accept- and that they would be returned when the enemy is handled. The Covenant should know quite well that the Republic is not their enemy and will have been explicitly informed of such. The "Daniel" Ascended guy also had all the people in this makeshift fleet fragged into a "world between worlds" meeting prior to being deployed, so they're at least slightly acquainted, have already met the Republic's Admiral Yularen and should know that they are expected and among -at least temporary- allies.

oh ok I need to edit then, however I don't think any of the character dialogue needs to change given their disdain for humanity, we'll see

Some character dialogue had to be edited but I didn't need to do much, kept things vague so I didn't have to do a total rewrite
<Snipped quote by Senhara>

That would do the trick eventually. Go to palpatine and suggest glassing the planet

Hey that's how they handled the Flood on Earth, glass the shit out of it
The big fuck has been deployed!
CAS-class Assault Carrier "Fires of Antiquity"

A large blue circle appears above Coruscant, a little close to the Malevolence for comfort. From the swirling mass erupts another incredibly large vessel, purple, dotted with blue lights throughout, a large hangar being seen in the middle of the vessel. The ship slowly trundles away from that circle, disappearing behind the tail-end of the vessel. She measures in at over five thousand meters, beating out the now second largest ship in this makeshift fleet.

One Sangheili turns up from his console. "Shipmaster! We're picking up a variety of new vessels! None of them are Covenant!" Remas turns over to the officer, giving an idle sweeping wave with his hand "Keep an eye on them, and keep our weapons warm." Remas' gravity chair swivels over to Vikti, hovering closer ever so slightly. "Blademaster, how do you think they will respond if they hear of our conquests? That Demon issued no comforts to me, in that... Meeting." Vikti shifts in place, looking to Remas. "With disdain, if not outright violence."

"A tenuous alliance, no?" He quips back to the Blademaster. "I wonder who will break first. Let us keep silence for now, and see what they do first." Another Sangheili pops his head up. "Shipmaster! All systems are reporting green! All crew are combat ready!" Remas smiles, if an Elite could smile. "Good, I want you all to observe the neighboring vessels. I want an overview of the entire fleet structure, this is not a time to relax."

With that, the ship looms silently in the blackness of space...
<Snipped quote by Senhara>

Given that Star Wars weaponry is plasma-based, I would have to guess that if this is the case, Covenant weaponry will be approximately equally effective. That is, given the example of the still ongoing Republic bombardment, it can blunt the Replicators' advance, but it's still not enough to annihilate them wholesale. Ground troop blasters will be basically useless, and only ship/vehicle-mounted weaponry will have the "punch" to actually put these little freaks down. I might also argue that the Plasma Sword carried by Elites should be comparably effective to a lightsaber, which is stated to be able to do the job of killing these things reliably.

Which we then have the excavation beams which... Are really fucking devastating. Even a CCS class battlecruiser really fucks up whatever it hits.
Holee sheeyat, we actually got an app that’s even bigger than the Malevolence. That’s nuts. But I suppose if any ships were to outsize the battleship of the fleet, it would be the space aircraft carrier. lol

Could've been a CSO!

  • Length: 28,960 meters (95013 ft 1 in)
  • Width: 11,447 meters (37555 ft 9 in)
<Snipped quote by Sir Lucario>

Laser cannons will work simply because theres too much energy for the individual blocks to dissipate it. Any handheld energy weapons/blasters are useless unless they put out a lot of energy. Like shipboard weapons will bugger them up, like a handheld Phaser except at the highest OP setting won't do anything, but a shipboard phaser will destroy one

What defines an energy weapon? In canon, none of the Covenant's weapons are defined as outright energy, unlike the Forerunners, they all fire a form of plasma, in some cases an extremely fast stream of plasma, akin to a form of particle cannon.
Hm okay I'm gonna bump the Banshee speed because I think it's stupid that it's that slow in retrospect
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