Avatar of Sewer Rat
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 984 (0.41 / day)
  • VMs: 4
  • Username history
    1. Sewer Rat 6 yrs ago
    2. ██████ 6 yrs ago
    3. ███████████████ 7 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

3 mos ago
Current biggest regret was not making a whole ass folder for all the shitty OCs i made here kms
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3 mos ago
wow, i forgot i had this account. anyways
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4 yrs ago
wow, i forgot i had this account, lol. guess im back
4 yrs ago
My New Years Resolution is to actually be active in RPs, there are so many goods ones that I bail out of it hurts my heart.
4 yrs ago
Everytime I ditch a good OC because I'm busy, a little part in my dies.
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Most Recent Posts

Ogal drifted off after meeting the man with the so called, "Sealing Magic". This would echo through his mind as he walked through the school's outline. Thinking of how little magic skill and intelligence he brought to the table, Ogal halted to sling over his bag with a nudge of his shoulder. From there, he removed the bag with a scabbard containing his much beloved sword.

He had not named any of his weapons, with the insight that weapons can break, and naming them could get you attached to them. Like a dog.

Ogal had attached the scabbard to his side, fitting perfectly in. With his sense of paranoia- which he thinks is "vigilance"- his sword at his side had relieved him from some worries.

Ogal slung the bag over him again, and began to walk around, thinking about who would be dangerous in this world, and maybe- just maybe- he might meet the person who will seal his fate.
A recap? @digichiptune
Perhaps a recap, you ESTerners
@Sierra Granted, though it is the motivation for you to off yourself.

I wish to see Shaggy's 100% of power.
@King Tai

Ogal curled his lips. " I can not show you, it will be shown... soon." Ogal really had no idea on how to show off his magic- anti-magic, he guesses he'll call it- so he'll just play it off like this. After saying that, he looked towards the girl.
@Shadow Dragon Mornin' chief. Now I'm just wondering on what's even happening, is Prisom back? So does that mean all the students are back? And you know, a recap. Again, to remind you, I will have to tell you that I'm busy a lot of the days, and could make a few posts a day.
"Ogal." Grunted the Orc. He puffed his chest up in a manner, then putting it down after he said it. Ogal had a deep voice, his screams could boom across Campus. Though he knew of the other's presence, Ogal was darting his eyes around the campus, and of the people, making a quick glance and of what they're wearing, "A schedule?" Ogal said simply.
Ayeka pulls the hood down of her cloak as the guy who is checking her out could see her face more. Her long hair covers her elven ears as she notices Ogal. “Would you like to explore with us,” Ayeka Hopi has the other guy is okay for others yo join them.

Ogal nodded, grunting had readjusted his bags and grinning.
In Moemon 5 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Chelder looked down, finally about to grab the food item with the sleeves of his sweater, before taking a bite, he spoke up, " Training sounds necessary. And then what? Do we stay here? Or can we go out into the real world." Chelder took a bite of the burrito, making his shoulder loosen.
literally my char.
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