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I'll have my next post up later this evening.
I already have a post mostly typed out. I should have it ready later tonight.

Also I assume we're 'weapons free'?
Post is finally up. Please let me know if I need to correct anything - I just got done very late over here.
Geu’rach Koh Ve’tame sat at the center of his dimmed-lighted quarters, bathed in the light of the only ceiling lamp presently active within the room. His massive form remained still and quite against the ambient humming of the ship while he seated himself crisscrossed upon the cold metal floor. Gue'rach's head was leveled downwards, eyes closed, and pointed a meter away from the palms of his conjoined hands. Flanking around him were a duo of small plates emanating fumes of incense that rose and clouded his atmosphere.

It was his hour of meditation; a routine activity he participated once every single day. It was the moment for him to collect his thoughts and find the inner peace to lose himself, surrendering his mind in to a trance state. Aside from the few hours of natural rest he would allow himself, this was the only other session of idleness a Auval’kotor warrior was allowed. The meditation he undertook, believed and honored by the majority of his people, was the time to alleviate himself of stress and to remove the negative thoughts that could influence his state of mind and hinder his performance. The Auval’kotor regarded such elements as distractions, deserving to be cast aside in favor for peak awareness and readiness should the time for duty or conflict be nearby.

Apparently, it was conflict that came crashing in.

The Monroe had suddenly shook violently, dislodging and tossing anything that was not secured to the walls or floor. This had unfortunately thrown his favorite incense plates in the hard metal walls, breaking both of them and scattering their remains all over his quarters. Gue'rach on the other hand merely leaned to one side where gravity and momentum had tried to push him towards. However, he remained in his position, nearly unfazed by the ordeal and not even once responded to the screeching sound of the Monroe prematurely leaving hyperspace. What did however claim a response from him was the tragic end to the small plates that now laid in pieces all over the floor. The Auval’kotor gave a rumbling groan of disapproval before all four of his unamused eyes finally opened, effectively ending his meditation.

The ship's internal alarms blared through the decks, signalling that trouble was nearby. The sound from earlier was one Geu'rach was familiar with. Unless the Monroe's hyperdrive had unexpectedly failed, his many combat simulations dictated that the ship had been unwillingly pulled from the realm of faster-than-light travel. It was likely a device or a vessel had fabricated a dimensional distortion that so happened to have lied in the ships FTL route, thus forcing the Monroe back in to the normal space; either scenario was unwelcomely bad. Captain Raymond Chase's voice eventually boomed in over the ship's comms and declared that pirates were engaging the Monroe before ordering everyone to perform their tasks. Having served under several different Shipmasters, Gue'rach found intrigue in how the Captain set everyone to work. In a spot like this, a Auval’kotor "captain" would have rallied the crew and troops in an inspiring speech, promising glory before followed by an ancient song echoed throughout the vessel by all the personnel in anticipation. Humans, or rather this one in particular was simply got to the point; Geu'rach could equally respect that.

Soon after the Captain's order had completed did another though unrecognized voice break through the comms. The quality of the transmission was poor and laced with static; clearly originating from one of the pirate vessels. The pirate that addressed the crew of the Monroe beckoned them surrender without putting up a fight. The notion nearly made Geu'rach bellow in laughter. While the Auval’kotor philosophy held room for such a concept, the idea of out rightly demanding one's capitulation without proving their strength was deemed nonsensical and occasional warranted the aggressive re-education of the subject.

While making his way to the hanger as fast as he could without colliding in to the narrow and more Human-friendly portals and archways, Geu'rach took quick notice of one of the pirate frigates maneuvering in closer to the Monroe. Before the pirate could confirm it over the comms, he quickly deduced that pirate raiders sought to board the ship. The circumstance the motion was presented pleased the Auval’kotor as a toothy grin form upon his closed maw.

They've come to die, he thought just as he made it to the ship's hanger.

Some time ago, he had adopted a portion of the hanger, specifically a spot unclaimed by any of the parked fighter craft as his own sparring ring. So far, nobody appeared to have mined its inconsequential re-utilization. Yet. However, it did prove to be the only place he could practice with his Thomu Felma or his Rugok. The more wieldy Rugok was simple and small enough to employ without any risk damaging any of the fighters or any of the equipment and superstructure. The Thomu Felma on the other hand was a definite risk that demanded quite some care in how it was used. While in its blade form, the weapon was practically the same size of a typical biped, typically anyone shorter than he was. While he luckily practiced with it without the main blade fully powered, he nerveless exercised the utmost care in wielding it. Furthermore, the unclaimed space also paid host to his locker off to the side.

He gave no time for reprieve and rushed over to his locker while the fighters stationed in the hanger bay were being automatically prepped in the background. Just as he dialed in his access code, he then turned his back to the locker just as its armored exterior retracted and revealed the contents within. Several mechanical arms sprang loose from the hold and embraced Geu'rach with segments of a powered suit. His initial uniform he currently wore bore several nodes up and down his body where each strip and part winded and magnetized in securely. The weight briefly poured on as more alloy added to the frame work but after the constructed suit's main power source was finally inserted did many of the suit's limb-enhancers engaged, relieving him of the mounted load. The final piece soon came into place as it overtook his head and face and securing to his upper-jaw line. The only few seconds of darkness he gazed in to was soon lit up by his activated HUD, already setting out in marking objects of interest.

Taking his Rugok to his left holster and the Thomu Felma in to his grasps, his suit's OS finally cleared him for combat readiness. Question was however, what to do? One of the pirate frigate was soon about to, or at least, try to dock with the Monroe with other moving up to cut their ship off only to be matched by the ship's armament soon ready to be let loose. Quite the situation with little in the ways of making things any less messier, a fact Geu'rach clearly didn't mind at all. Until the guns of the Monroe finally opened up, the Auval’kotor figured his presence would be more valuable in intercepting any boarders, assuming they could carry it out.

"Captain," Gue'rach began as he admitted his heavy voice over ship's secured comms while expressing his best Basic he could muster, "where shall you have me? I am armed and well prepared."
@Jones Sparrow

Space suits you say? Now I desire the moment Geu'rach going full Drax and magnetizing to the hull of one of the fighters and becoming a living gun turret.
Just made a few edits to the CS to flesh it out a bit more, mainly with an addition to the relationship field I thought was worth mentioning.

I was also curious if personal defense systems (like personal shields or smoke launchers), in addition with other gadgets/gear such as jump jets were a thing. I had the idea of Gue'rach utilizing a battle suit of some kind (given his role) that incorporated some of these elements but I am hesitant of going that route without approval or a fair opinion regarding the matter.

I'm beginning to think this was a dumb question due lack of responses.

@boomlover well right NOW I'm at work and can only sporadically peak in. So far he seems fun tho!

I'm beginning to worry Laz has to specific a field of expertise that may have little use on the Monroe. But who knows

Have you never watched Star Trek? Many of the Scientists and Engineers are usually the ones getting the ship out of bad spots, usually against very advanced aliens or anomalous space entities. I would assume the crew of the Monroe would like gain every advantage that can get given the threats they'll likely face. As a bio-mechanical engineer I could imagine him devising nerve-agents or improving or exploiting other technologies.
Just made a few edits to the CS to flesh it out a bit more, mainly with an addition to the relationship field I thought was worth mentioning.

I was also curious if personal defense systems (like personal shields or smoke launchers), in addition with other gadgets/gear such as jump jets were a thing. I had the idea of Gue'rach utilizing a battle suit of some kind (given his role) that incorporated some of these elements but I am hesitant of going that route without approval or a fair opinion regarding the matter.

That's a really good question! The Yhei probably live the longest out of most species, or at least the Big 4. Their average lifespan can be up to 175 to 200 years if they are lucky!


I think I need to make an small age edit for a certain saurian individual...

It was some random troll making an account to run around posting gay porn in random threads.
The moderator NutsnBolts took care of it, so my thanks goes out to them for being quick to respond.



Suddenly I'm glad I didn't peak into the IC. That would have been super awkward and not sfw.
I could see Geu'rach being a new addition.
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