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Star Port City of Pavliu
Neon Tipsy Bar, Upper levels

Caris had taken notice of the Schäferkin pack making a bit of a ruckus in the bar right before the janari bar patron had bumped into him. If the stereotypes had any truth to it, he had best leave before the pack caused one hell of a bar scuffle, He took one last gulp of his liquor before walking to the bartender, dropping a full pocket's worth of credits on the counter. "Keep the change." he said as he turned and made his leave to the elevator. The way down was more harder then the way up, he knew all too well, as soon as he left the building, he'll be sent back into the fray, fighting on behalf of the tarin corporations, who in actuality didn't even deserve the Federation's aid, but orders were orders, and despite their rather distasteful "allies", this local conflict was apart of something much greater, and the Concordat had to stopped, one way or another....But, that wasn't the only think that Caris was fighting for, as he waited, he looked down to his left pocket, digging his hand through as he pulled out a small holo-device, with the push of a small button, a holo-display of a family of four Ishkaans materialized, two young ishkaan, a small boy and an older girl, a woman and Caris himself.


Capital City of Tanis
Two Years ago

Today was quite a busy day then normal for the Tanis Starport, for today was the deployment of a new wave of reinforcements for the forces fighting on Tarin, a dark and saddened day for many, news then was not exactly positive, the civil war was a bloody stalemate, but favored the Miner's Union and their Conk masters.

At the very back of the masses of soldiers and other personnel lining up to board the transport ships, was Caris himself bending down to a young ishkaan boy, around the age of five, behind him was a girl, older then the younger boy by three years and a woman around the same age as Caris. "Don't worry, It'll only be for a little while." Caris reassured his children, both holding back the tears. "Your Dad's gonna go save a lot of people, So cheer me on, ok?"

The younger child unfortunately couldn't hold in his tears, sniffling and tears running down his face, the same happened with the girl and the mother, she too couldn't help but fear for her husbands life. "Ok..." the child responded."

"I'll be fine! I'll be sure to talk to you guys through holos." He assured his family, wiping away a tear from his son's cheek. "Come on, give your old dad a goodbye huge!" He widened his arms as his children, without hesitation, rushed into his arms as they embraced him hard, and him back. After they were done, he rose up and gave his wife a long huge, and shared an intimate kiss. "I love you." he whispered into her ear. He grabbed his bag and turned to the quickly dwindling masses as they herded into the transports, quickly hopping aboard one.

Caris turned and took one finally glance towards his family, waving each other goodbye as the doors slide close, the ship lifting off to orbit, shipping him to and his comrades to war.


Present Day
Aboard the Assault Carrier New Dawn
Hanger Bay Alpha

Another Day, another battle...over a hundred soldiers of varying species stood at attention as Lieutenant Colonel Caris Vakir, putting on his war face, putting aside his doubts and ready to meet the enemy once more in battle, and not repeat the mistakes not long ago, he must not falter and must win the day, for Aurolia, and most importantly, his family. "Alright boys and girls." He loudly spoke up. "Our Battalion just received a new assignment from High Command. We're to leave for the surface again, and reinforce a Guild forward base in the contested City of Nishir." Captain Vakir paused for a brief moment, taking a deep breath. "The Conks and their puppets are on the move again. Last time the FOB barely managed to hold 'em back a few days ago, now they're breaking under the pressure, and it's up to the 81st Battalion to save their asses. " The captain paused once more as he scanned his troops, seeing both young eagerness, to fear. "Ready to give the Conks hell?"

"Sir! Yes, sir!" They responded in unison.

"Bullshit! I SAID DO YOU WANT TO GIVE THEM HELL??!?!" He screamed out, pumping up his troops with pure adrenaline.

"SIR! YES, SIR!" they responded in an even louder tone.

"That's more like it." He grinned, as just right behind him, several Hasik Dropships lowering their rear ramps. "81st, move out!" And with that they rushed towards the dropships, climbing up the ramps and taking their selected seats and strapping themselves in, Caris following behind, slowing down a moment as he took a deep breath, silently praying to whatever god can hear him and be kept safe on this day. He quietly hopped in one of the ships as the ramps rose up and closed shut, taking the last vacant seat in the back, and braced himself as he felt the humming of the engines starting to life, slowly lifting off and into the empty vacuum of space, quickly following behind his ship, the rest of the 81st dropships dropped, a dozen dropships in total. The dropships soon moved close into a delta formation as they made their descent towards the moon.
@BlackRose I'm sorry about that, I won't be offended if you've lost interest due to a misunderstanding.
@BlackRose You still in?
@6slyboy6 It goes like this. There are seven garden worlds, they're the meat of the setting. The first players to lay claim to them pretty much form the core of the setting, the people that inhabit it. Late players then can make Independent colonial nations based off these worlds.
@Willy Vereb Also, when the edits are done, seems like you can play as your Space Hungarians if you're still willing :)

@Darkspleen Glad to hear you officially join us :)
@BlackRose I do love the effort you put into your sheets! But, I'm afraid I must ask you one favor. The rp takes place in a single system, we play as the dozens upon dozens of moons orbiting the Gas Giant, however. These factions can be fitted in the setting if tweaked a bit. The Imperium itself could be the one holding the Garden World, and the Azuno Federation and DLA could be rouge colonies(Be they space colonies, asteroid colonies or non-garden moons).

I really hope I'm not asking too much, you did a really good job :)
@Willy Vereb Sounds good :) You of course, are also welcome to have two more species alongside humanity, or just humanity, whatever you feel is best.
@Willy Vereb Yeah, sadly no one is playing as the human homeworld yet.
@Arkay That is most definitely acceptable :) The faction sheet(made for small groups such as your idea)will be a perfect match for it.
NOTE: Currently there are five garden worlds, two spots remain, one of them must be the homeworld of humanity, enjoy the read!

Human life, the process of millions of years of successive and random mutations giving rise to modern man, a marvel of natural selection. This process occurred as it always did, but this time it didn't happen on Earth as we know it. Another place, another time, serendipity would have it that a system perfect for life in every way came into being. The plum pearl of Jalaryias' crowing rings of asteroids, barren and inhospitable moons, and seven gardens besides. On one of these gardens, not only did man came about, but others too rose from the primordial depths to the heights of intelligence.

On the other sister gardens, so too did life rise to those heights, seven worlds with many thinking beings in a place where the future held limitless potential. Time passed, the children of these worlds squabbled, not all survived. Yet now another chapter has come about, the dream of traversing the worlds has come true. sister Moons, asteroids and the great mother herself are ripe for harvest and now the united peoples of those seven once separate worlds will come to terms as they race towards it, the endless bounty of space.

This RP takes place in an alternate universe where Humans arose in a system dominated by the lone large gas giant of Jalaryia and in tandem with several other species(or not, depends on the player's wishes). The backstory of this RP is intended to be created by the players as they write the history of their nations and species, how did they fight? Why? The stage is set for any number of situations, and only you can decide what may come about!

Regarding Garden Races and Non-Garden Nations
Since the scale of the rp is quite small compared to others, we will of course have a limited number of species native to the Garden Worlds, each of the seven garden worlds can host up to three native species at most, or less depending on the player's wishes.

Once all Garden Worlds have been taken, none-garden players will have various options, from playing as a colony of several varieties, from Space Colonies like those seen in Gundam, Asteroid Colonies, colonial settlements on the barren and environmentally inhospitable moons and even floating Installations within the Gas Giant.

Players may also have the option of playing as nomadic fleets and smaller scale factions(such as pirates, mercenaries, terrorists, etc). The overall downside of course is that non-garden players will not be able to make their own species and will have to choose from the current roster set up by Garden Players.

1. You are expected to post at least once a week, at most, twice a week if you can manage. Any more and you are liable to burn yourself, and others, out and any less and the RP will move along too slowly. If you do not make a post within two weeks with no prior warning I'll unfortunately have no choice but to drop you from the RP.

2. This is an Advanced RP. I expect correct grammar and spelling in your posts, at the very least. One or two mistakes per post is fine, and expected, but if I see ten “teh”s in your post we will have a problem.

3. Please don’t join if you are going to disappear after one or two posts. I expect a certain level of commitment once you join.


Garden Sheet
Nation Name:
Government Type:
Offworld Holdings:
Persons of Importance(Optional):
Species and Demographics:

Non-Garden Sheet
Nation Name:
Government Type:
Persons of Importance(Optional):
Homeworld(s) of Origin:
Population Demographics:

Faction Sheet
Faction Name:
Personnel of Importance(Optional):
Military/Civilian Assets:
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