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@Isotope I think it looks great!
@Flagg Oh god, that would be awesome, yes! :)
Imperial Assessment has been updated in my sheet, let me know if anything's wrong.
@Ozerath Hmmm, maybe :P

Could explain how this smaller and weaker(That's one detail I forgot to mention) House has managed to get the upper hand tech-wise over other more powerful houses.
@GreivousKhan Sorry man, we'll have to be on opposite sides(I think?) :P

Plan B for my faction Idea(Sort of last minute I admit) will be an Imperial House/Duchy/etc that specialize to an extent in cybernetics, but their true mastery is in robotics, the House Head possessing his own private army of machines. If that seems good with the GM.
@Ozerath Ozzzzzoooooo :P

Looking forward to this!
Town of Karkan, Ardir Territory
"Fascinating..." A Clergymen of the Serene Church spoke, examining the golden husk along with several others. The Town Barracks had temporarily been closed off, the Garrison relocated in other parts of the town for the time being as the Church begun its investigation regarding the Angel of Ardir. The Garrison Commander stood in the open doorway, watching the clergymen do their work.

"After you brought the stranger over?" One of them asked the Commander, looking to him, seeing him in a sort of daze, starring at the Husk, although he wouldn't blame him, the object was memorizing in its...unearthliness, so unnatural, yet, here it stands. "Commander?" The man spoke, slowly losing patience. The Commander shook his head, snapping back to reality.

"Uhh...yes." The Commander mumbled, still shaken by the experience. "He continued on rambling on and on, about Demons, being sent by the God of all, and such."

The clergymen nodded. "Mhm, yes." He said. "What else can you tell us?"

The Commander swallowed a lump, seeming hesitant, although calling in members of the Church was his idea in the first place, he still felt doubt that what he would have to say would be less then believed. "Come on, out with it!" Another spoke, his patience wearing thin.

"....We placed the Angel in one of the bunk rooms." The Commander said. "Soon after..we heard such...terrible screams..." The commander begun to sweat, the as he relived this strange and alien scene. "One of my men was first to force his way in, he told us he saw something leave the room, it was like a ethereal mist, and just left the husk you see now...."

"Interesting..." The lead Clergymen spoke. "Any more you wish to share with us?"

"...Before we forced our way in, in the mess of screams and screech we all heard one word clearly..."Liar", it's all that we understood."

"Hmmm... thank you for your cooperation Commander, I know this must've been a terrible experience."

"..What do you plan to do with the Husk?" The Commander asked, curious of the Churches intentions.

"We will gladly take this thing, off your hands, Commander." The leader said. "We'll be taking it to Ardirum, the Archbishop will want to see this for himself, and perhaps, further study."

"Good.." The Commander said. "I want this that as far away from me and my town as soon as possible."
@Polybius Damn! I can't resist! Consider me interested. Would it be possible for me to play as one of mentioned alien hordes?
Brakor-Mudir Borderlands
"Hurry brother!" A young, injured Drimor cried out, another Drimor not too far behind as they both run through dense forest, fleeing their pursers, the victorious war cries of Brakor warriors growing louder by the moment. The younger Drimor sibling pausing for a moment, catching her breath as her elder brother caught up, breathing with labored breaths, both scanning their surroundings in a panic. "Over there!" The sister shouted, pointing to a random direction, and so they both ran, and kept on until the war cries grew more and more faint. Both siblings slowed down, the threat finally passing. "We made it..." the brother said, once again with labored breath, both earning themselves a break as they laid against a tree.

"The Chieftain was a fool.." The sister muttered, looking to her brother who gave her a weak nod of agreement, Clan Mudir was indeed in no shape to confront the much larger Brakor, but the new chieftain had delusions of grandeur, delusions that costed the lives of three hundred warriors. "Fia.." The brother spoke of his sister's name.

"What is it, Thad?"

"When we get back...I'm going to kill that whoreson.."

"...I'll help you." This was quite a spontaneous decision, but not unheard of in Tarkiman culture. After many hours, the sun begun to rise, morning had come, both siblings had regained their strength, and were ready to move on. Fia was first up, stretching her arms outs. "First, we need to find a way ou-" she stopped midway through her sentence, as she took notice of something...odd. "What's wrong?" Thad asked, looking to the direction she was staring into, and was unnerved, before them was a scattered horde of life-sized statues, all seemingly sculpted overnight. "What is this.." Thad muttered.

"These weren't here before." Fia added, her tone was that of uncertainty and fear. She stepped further close to the statues, examining them and taking notice of the finer details of each, coming across Grogar, Human and even Drimor statues, and while they are of fine craftsmanship...the air about them is still unsettling, the two pressed on, exploring this "garden" of statues. Eventually, the siblings would come upon two particularly odd statues, they're features were Drimor, but...they're faces were completely blank. Fia, growing more curious with this discovery, stepped closer. "Fia, be careful." Thad said. "Something's not right...It ll feels so wrong."

Without thinking, Fia touched the smooth, stony surface of the statue, much to her horror as her hand begun to emit a red hue, instantly pulling her hand away, as the once blank face begun to form boar-like features of the Drimor, specifically Fia's features. She fell on her back, shuffling away from the statue in terror. "Oh Gods!" She screamed. Thad rushed over, lifting her up as they both stared at the statue. "This forest is cursed...run!" They both fled, fleeing as far away from these statues as possible, but in the end, it may prove a fruitless endeavor.
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