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A good point actually. Although for that, I'll leave it up to Khan to figure out :P
@FrostedCaramel Basically, any specific technology in question, a ship, a weapon or a installation, etc, is locked out to anyone not related to the original owner, their very DNA is the key to any gene-locked tech, otherwise, you'll be locked out and the tech remains useless.

Hope I got that right.
Thought about it, and to me, Gene-locking sounds pretty neat! Of course final say goes to the GM, but this could be a fine addition to the setting.
@Isotope I think it looks great!
@Flagg Oh god, that would be awesome, yes! :)
Imperial Assessment has been updated in my sheet, let me know if anything's wrong.
@Ozerath Hmmm, maybe :P

Could explain how this smaller and weaker(That's one detail I forgot to mention) House has managed to get the upper hand tech-wise over other more powerful houses.
@GreivousKhan Sorry man, we'll have to be on opposite sides(I think?) :P

Plan B for my faction Idea(Sort of last minute I admit) will be an Imperial House/Duchy/etc that specialize to an extent in cybernetics, but their true mastery is in robotics, the House Head possessing his own private army of machines. If that seems good with the GM.
@Ozerath Ozzzzzoooooo :P

Looking forward to this!
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