Avatar of Silent Showers


Recent Statuses

7 mos ago
Current I'm ashamed to say, if I die to a vehicle crossing the road my last thoughts will be "Holy shit, it's Truck-kun".
1 like
8 mos ago
Who's read and remembers the Rhapsody books by Elizabeth Haydon? Still to this day one of the most interesting fantasy stories and settings I bother to remember more than a decade after reading them.
8 mos ago
Enjoy the drugs LongSwordMain
8 mos ago
Hmm. To try meth or to not try meth, that is the question.
8 mos ago
Hmmm. Idk man real gamers viciously seek and abuse any and every exploit that will give them even the slightest convenience or advantage. The math don't add up.
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Most Recent Posts

Alright! Yes, hello! Nice to meet you! This is going to be my first attempt at starting a 1x1 interest check. As time goes on I'll naturally be updating it with new information, ideas, and cravings.

"Requirements" (more a polite request really)

- I'd like to see at least a decent paragraph, if things just won't stretch then at least give me more to work with than "And he/she ate an apple while looking at you". I can go anywhere from a paragraph to a multi-paragraph megapost, it just depends on who I'm writing with and how I'm feeling about the story.

- Please be at least 18 years of age. This is a thing of comfort.

- If you're done or don't wanna continue that's fine, I won't hold it against you if you happen to vanish into the æther.

- Don't ask me to play a Canon character from a fandom. I won't do it and I won't entertain the idea.

-Be prepared for 18+ content, sex, drugs, violence, foul language ect. Fair warning I like to smut as much as a lonely housewife reads trashy romance novels.

-Romantic pairings will be FxM however I'll happily play a platonic MxM pairing though I do typically main Male characters but can play supporting female characters well enough.

-PLEASE contact me via PM, it's the easiest way for me to keep track of people.

That's about it!

My "Pairings"; Most of these I'm willing to play either role, the exceptions are those bolded and underlined, indicating that being the role I would prefer.

Got some ideas here:

GATE: Thus the JSDF Fought There style Soldier/s x Fantasy creature setup type deal. If that is your thing, ask and we can work something for it out.

Bounty Hunter x Bounty Hunter (Sci-Fi, Modern, Historical, or Fantasy)
Human x Monster Girl (Anything is cool with me)
Aspect of death x Human/sentient humanoid (Aspect is based very heavily on LoL's Kindred Specifically their quotes.)
Pirate x Spacer/Marine (Sci-Fi)
Starship Captain x Pirate (Sci-Fi)
Monster Hunter x Monster [NOT THE GAME] (Modern, Fantasy, Historical, Sci-Fi)
[Note: I'm not looking for your usual werewolves, vampires, ect. dynamic with this one]
Human x Faun/Satyr***** Really want this one.
Adventurer x Rich Benefactor (Fantasy)
Shopkeeper x Adventurer (Fantasy)
Shopkeeper x mysterious Customer (Fantasy)
Artificer x Adventurer (Fantasy)
Deity x Mortal Artisan (Fantasy)
Artisan x Adventurer (Fantasy)
Monster Farmer x ??? (Fantasy & Sci-Fi)
Rich Benefactor x Merchant Captain (Sci-Fi)
Penal Colonists (Sci-Fi)
Penal Colonist x Corporate Security (Sci-Fi)
Penal Colonist x Offworld Mercenary (Sci-Fi)
Offworld Mercenaries (Sci-Fi)
Starship Crewman x Ship Officer (Sci-Fi)
Starship Captain x Second in Command (Sci-Fi)
Slaver x Navy officer/commander (Sci-Fi)
Slaver x Navy Sailor/Marine (Sci-Fi)
Slaver x Highborn individual (Sci-Fi)
Slaver x Merchant Captain (Sci-Fi)

Plot/Pairing/Setting Combos!

Trials in Tainted Space:
If you know what this is and want to play as a whole lot of aliens, just say so. We'll make it happen.

Nobleman/Wealthy merchant who happens to be a collector of the exotic. Exotic tea, exotic spices, exotic clothes. But, his true passion is the collection of exotic servants and pets, some more sentient than others. I'd like to explore a plot and setting that leans heavily into servitude and the ownership of a people/creatures that are very much sentient. On the face this is about slavery but I don't intend on it being the usual "dynamic" you'd have in a roleplay of that type. If you're alright or even interested in these themes hit me up about it and we can discuss the details! (NOTE: THIS CAN BE FANTASY OR SCI-FI)

This is by no means an exhaustive list. Play off these ideas and pairings to your heart's content. I would like to emphasize that I am open to idea suggestions.

General genres I adore are SciFi, steam, diesel, and cyberpunk. historical, historical fantasy, general fantasy, sci-fantasy, slice of life, Crime/Noir, modern fantasy, post apocalypse, dystopia/utopia, ect.

With that in mind, I'm all up for solicitations on any of the above genres if you have pairings and plots you'd like to try out. Just send a PM and start a conversation.

Alright, I think that's it for now. I'm always open to new ideas so please feel free to throw your ideas my way!

-Updated Coming back after a heck of a hiatus, did a few updates!
Where dey at?
Oh, hello and thank you! I sure hope to find something during my time here as well. The site seems to have everything set up in a pretty straightforward way, not nearly as bad as some of the places I've been.
Thank you!
Hey there, I am Silent Showers! It's a long name so I don't mind if you just call me Silent, Sho, Sisho, or any other variation you come up with! Honestly, I have no idea what to put in here. I already figured out that the "Status" goes to the front page by complete accident so that's good to know! I tend to write about all kinds of things, Fantasy of every type, Science Fiction, Mystery/Noir, Crime, Drama, ect. There aren't many things I'm not willing to write about. I don't really have a "roster" of premade characters as I enjoy drafting up something new for every story I find my way into. Fandoms. That's a mixed bad for me. I rarely do Canon characters as I often don't feel as though I can do them justice myself, I however don't mind others playing Canon themselves but it is by no means something I will ask them to do as I don't do so myself.

Erm, not sure what else to say. If you have any questions or think you can help me expand upon my introduction please do so! My threads and inbox are open to everyone.

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