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The heroes would probably need some sort of mascot too. Kidnap Pick an animal.

I believe we needed a tank character for the heroes.

Apart from the Overlord, we so far have 2 characters on the evil side and 2 on the heroes side.

@Lady Selune Yay!
@Andreyich@Kalleth What roles are missing from your hairy hero team? Because right now they seem preeeetty easy to vanquish. Uh, unless they're like the bestest buddies ever or something like that. :P
Don't tell Kita, but the katana she's using is actually a feathered cat toy.
Name: Kita Silvertris Catus
Nickname: Kit
Alias: Furball
Title: The Lost Catgirl
CB Handle: K.G.Fury
Slurs your frenemies call you: That damn catgirl, You silly, Sigh.
Pet name from your SO, if you're fortunate enough to have one because I haven't kidnapped them yet: Kita has no SO.

Species: Cat
Race/ethnicity: Felinian
Gender: Female
Alignment (good or evil; neutral = dead, so dont put that): Evil
Occupation (that means what you do for money, not what rank you hold): Puzzle Room Designer. Air Duct Technician.
Weapon: A classic wooden crossbow.

Smart Bio (it might benefit you not to include every detail of your life...):
Kita got fed up with the Heroes as they kept on using her kind for target practice and gaining experience. So she joined the bad guys. The enemy of an enemy is a friend, right? Kita had to find out what the Evil Overlord’s operations were like, namely by trying to get in through a ventilation duct as a cat.

She got stuck. All her meowing and wailing in the ducts lead to some in the army thinking the headquarters were haunted. She was eventually fished out. That was when she proposed an idea. Whilst a cat can't get through, what about a rat or trained spy roaches? See, this is where this catgirl created Extermi-Duct 3000… lasers, electrified walls, sensors, whippy blades, sugar traps - they now line the ducts, killing anything and everything. Kita is now looking into designing traps and puzzle rooms so that heroes can be caught. Their fate is up to the Evil Overlord.

Powers (put anything. I dare you. Seriously.):
* Telekinesis for creating puzzle rooms.
* Night vision
* Enhanced hearing (Yes, she heard your whisper-fart during the meeting)
* Transformation (Changes into a housecat)
* Can talk to other cat species, be they humanoid or not

Appearance (Realistic pic preferred. No anime. Not trying to be funny here.):

Please do not pull her tail.
She comes from the RPG universe.
I need to find armour for her.
@Infamous Empath Thanks! I've added her profile. Is there a need to give her weapons? I can probably give her a crossbow or katana. Or maybe a tiny army of fleas. :D

@Kalleth With abstract thinking I realised we've just formed a party and now the good guys essentially joined the Evil group. :P

@Andreyich Why, thank you! :) I was worried about Kita at first.

Name: Kita Silvertris Catus
Nickname: Kit
Alias: Furball
Title: The Lost Catgirl
CB Handle: K.G.Fury
Slurs your frenemies call you: That damn catgirl, You silly, Sigh.
Pet name from your SO, if you're fortunate enough to have one because I haven't kidnapped them yet: Kita has no SO.

Species: Cat
Race/ethnicity: Felinian
Gender: Female
Alignment (good or evil; neutral = dead, so dont put that): Evil
Occupation (that means what you do for money, not what rank you hold): Puzzle Room Designer. Air Duct Technician.

Smart Bio (it might benefit you not to include every detail of your life...):
Kita got fed up with the Heroes as they kept on using her kind for target practice and gaining experience. So she joined the bad guys. The enemy of an enemy is a friend, right? Kita had to find out what the Evil Overlord’s operations were like, namely by trying to get in through a ventilation duct as a cat.

She got stuck. All her meowing and wailing in the ducts lead to some in the army thinking the headquarters were haunted. She was eventually fished out. That was when she proposed an idea. Whilst a cat can't get through, what about a rat or trained spy roaches? See, this is where this catgirl created Extermi-Duct 3000… lasers, electrified walls, sensors, whippy blades, sugar traps - they now line the ducts, killing anything and everything. Kita is now looking into designing traps and puzzle rooms so that heroes can be caught. Their fate is up to the Evil Overlord.

Powers (put anything. I dare you. Seriously.):
* Telekinesis for creating puzzle rooms.
* Night vision
* Enhanced hearing (Yes, she heard your whisper-fart during the meeting)
* Transformation (Changes into a housecat)
* Can talk to other cat species, be they humanoid or not

Appearance (Realistic pic preferred. No anime. Not trying to be funny here.):

Please do not pull her tail.
She comes from the RPG universe.
I need to find armour for her.
I'm on mobile and so will have to post a formal profile later, but for now i have an idea for my character to be a catgirl on the side of Evil (Rule #2 - Airducts, has meaning to her).

If a filler character is needed and no one calls dibs, I can play as a male with his existence based around Rule #36 - Cell Block. Or I can be a young hero as my second character - I'm pretty flexible.

Is there an expected post frequency?
Interested! It's been a while since I've joined group RPs, so if this is enough to bring me out of the woodworks, it's gotta be something awesome! :)

I have a catgirl in mind - are they allowed? She's going to be working under your Evil Overlord. She's a naive, a ditz and maybe a little anxious plus paranoid. There's a good reason why she's joining the villains and I can delve into that more once the OOC's up. My catgirl comes with a nice backstory and a free packet of confetti.

In the meantime, she'll be a violator of Rule #2: "My ventilation ducts will be too small to crawl through". She did just that in her first stint as a villain many years back.

Would you be looking for additional characters? By the way, thanks for the list! <3
In RPGN 5.2.2017 7 yrs ago Forum: News
I like the vibe of this RPGN issue! Makes the stuff fun to read. :)
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