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7 mos ago
Current My source is I made it the fuck up.


An absolute clown with a fascination for faceless men who punch criminals.

Guaranteed to flake out of RPs 100% of the time.

Most Recent Posts

Y'all better stay tuned for 🅱️lade's 🅱️aller 🅱️aturdays.
And to think I was worried Byrd was gonna steal my boi Question from me.

Nice sheet (or rather, nice sample post) Byrd, can't wait to read your posts.
Henry Thompson

Thompson had been spending the last fifteen minutes in front of the hotel. After Minos had sent him to join the roof team, he had went, only to be told that they couldn't welcome one more member into their ranks. Something about there being too many of them to safely breach the hotel and still maintain the element of surprise, so he'd have to rejoin the OTOs in front of the hotel.

Which lead to now, with him wandering around grumbling about his circumstances and how it was the reserves situation all over again. That was just how it was for him: always on the sidelines, waiting for his chance and never getting it. To be fair, he was a normal human in a line of work where they didn't have a long lifespan, so maybe him getting put back outside saved his life. Still, he signed up for this job knowing the risks, and he'd be damned if he had to sit aside instead of doing his job.

His silent brooding was interrupted when he saw a woman heading towards him. He had met her once before, though he didn't know much about her aside from the fact that she also worked with the OTOs. Her name was Ephielle Okairos, and he didn't know much about her save for her impressive capabilities; nothing about how she is able to pull of those feats or what her true strength is.

And here she was, coming up to him and trying to... Banter with him? It was the friendly sort from what he could tell. But he was still hung up on one thing, that he just couldn't wrap his head around, and his normally cold and distant tone was remarkably confused as he made his reply. "... Handsome? That doesn't make sense, I'm wearing a mask, you can't tell what I look li-"

His confused reply was cut off by his radio coming to life, with Sergeant Minos' voice coming through. His commander was panicked and calling to him for back up. Instantly, Thompson went into mission mode, turning to face the woman next to him. "Okairos, you're coming with me. Have to help my team." There was no time to wait for the boss to give the okay on who he brought with him, and from what he had seen this woman was powerful. "Let's go. If I remember, they're in the basement."

With that, the operative double checked his equipment before going on his way to the basement rear entrance, ignoring any protests from the woman he had decided to drag into this situation.

So, in the interest of spurring OOC discussion (so we can get to the 2000th post and it can be used for something that isn't a GIF of Thanos dabbing), what is, all time, your favorite single piece of superhero media?

This run right here:

I know me being "that guy who likes the Question" is a bit of a meme at this point, but I'm dead serious when I talk about how much I love the character. Something just... Clicked in a way that no other superhero has clicked for me. I loved the character as a kid watching JLU, and I love him as a not-quite-adult after rediscovering him a few years back through reading Dennis O'Neil's run on the character. Everything about this run is just amazing, be it the writing or the artwork or the characters. Couldn't recommend it enough.

When talking about films and shows and stuff, I'm right with you on Spider-Verse. I was grinning the whole time I watched it, made me feel like I did when I was a kid watching the Raimi films. Honestly the best Spider-Man movie to come out in a long time.

On the shows side, Batman Beyond has always held a special place in my heart and was the thing that sowed the seed for my love of cyberpunk. Gonna have to get to reading Wraith's Terry run soon.
<Snipped quote by officaz>

Please tell me that you are going to make it canon that Frank Castle was the former President of the United States.

I know you're memeing but hard no.
Thank you Gowi, very cool.
@Simple Unicycle Where's my damn Question application? That's the real question here!


even though I peaced out for a month and haven't proven myself to be dedicated enough to have two characters.

But for real, it's finished, just waiting until I wrap up this arc with Blade to play Q. Might do something like alternate characters every major story arc.

EDIT: ... Looking back, apparently I misremembered. I finished a Question sheet for UOU, but haven't finished the Absolute Comics version yet. Gonna hop on that soon.
<Snipped quote by Simple Unicycle>

*Blue Beetle flies around in his Charlton Comics-mobile alone*


Okay no Chow Yun-Castle.

*Gets to work on Arm Fall Off Boy CS*
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