Avatar of Simple Unicycle


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7 mos ago
Current My source is I made it the fuck up.


An absolute clown with a fascination for faceless men who punch criminals.

Guaranteed to flake out of RPs 100% of the time.

Most Recent Posts

January 1st, 8:05 AM (Central Standard Time)
Outlaws Supernatural Consultative Services, Hub City

Interacting with: @Tim

"Huh?" David finally noticed what was playing. "Oh, her." Despite himself, he began tapping his foot slightly to the music. Oh God, this song was his jam. Of course, no one but him knew he was a Karen Hernandez fan, and he knew that if Leo or any of his associates knew they would never let him live it down. So he slowly picked up the remote and went back to channel surfing. Still, he decided to grace with a response.

"Yeah, I was there for the Battle of Hub City, spent most of the night holed up in a shelter. Just sitting there waiting to find out if we'd been liberated or damned. Can't imagine what it would've been like for a kid." Technically speaking, he was a kid then, but he meant a younger kid. Having all that you know get destroyed right in front of your eyes isn't easy. He should know.

He shook his head, pushing those thoughts away. Finishing his pizza and drink, David sighed and looked to Leo. "Well, was nice catching up with you bro, but I'm gonna head upstairs and wait for someone to call. Just yell if you need me." With that, he pushed himself up off the sofa and walked up the stairs to get dressed and lounge around in their office.

Just a nice, normal day.
January 1st, 8:05 AM (Central Standard Time)
Outlaws Supernatural Consultative Services, Hub City

Interacting with: @Tim

David continued to flip through channels, going from the monster trucks to an infomercial to a kids show and finally landing on a music video before Leo took a seat next to him. He considered his friend's words for a moment, thinking back. "Say, didn't we still have a few bucks left from that..." He trailed off, wondering where that money went, before snapping his fingers in recollection. "Wait, no, we spent that on parts for the Highwayman. Shit."

He took a swig from his drink and finished up his slice of pizza. Getting up to grab another slice, he continued to speak. "Anyway, I know those aren't the monsters we usually handle, but you have to admit it. Seeing massive trucks just completely obliterate a bunch of tiny shit is awesome." He took another bite of pizza and talked around it. "Either way, next job we get, we're taking it. I wanna see some monster trucks."
January 1st, 8:04 AM (Central Standard Time)
Outlaws Supernatural Consultative Services, Hub City

Interacting with: @Tim

The Wedge.

Most people painted it as a hellhole, devoid of any and all law and filled with the undesirable and poverty stricken, where people kick puppies for fun and shank tourists. In all reality, most of the bad folks had relocated to Hell's Corner, and the majority of the Wedge's citizens were... Mostly law abiding. People mostly just minded their own business these days, what with the military moving in and out due to the city being so close to the Scar. Of course, the Wedge had already gained its reputation, and even many years later it still held a half-false status as a series of slum tenement buildings and offices packed to the brim with the lowest of scum.

One of those slummy offices was a repurposed two story warehouse, the steel walls oozing with chipped paint that once would've been snow white but had now faded into an almost beige coloring. Out front was a large wooden sign, made to look like something that would hang outside of an old west saloon. The words painted in red on the sign were flanked by two stylized revolver chambers, and the words themselves simply read "The Outlaws" with "Supernatural Consultative Services" below it in finer print.

The first story of the building was a workshop/garage/armory, with the massive camper van dubbed the Desperado ready to roll out and the work-in-progress Highwayman close behind it. One of the two owners of the building, Leonardo Cash, was currently working on the latter car. They had just gotten the scrap heap a month back, and so far it seemed like it would be a hot minute before it got on the road again, especially with all the enhancements they were making.

At the other end of the first floor was a living room of sorts, with two chairs and a sofa set up in front of a flatscreen TV, a coffee table not too far away from the seats. Next to the TV was a refrigerator, packed to the brim with leftover pizza and cold sodas, with a Chinese takeout box waaaaay in the back that was starting to get a bit moldy. Dave and Leo had no clue how it got there and were waiting for the other to mention it. So far, neither had.

Walking down the stairs from the second story was David O'Rinn, the co-owner of the shop, who was just rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He stood there half naked, in all his glory with his Mickey Mouse boxers, and glanced at Leo who was working on the Highwayman. With a sigh and a mumbled "could've kept the noise down a little," he walked over to the fridge and opened it up to grab breakfast. Pulling out a Coca-Cola with one hand and a slice of three meat pizza with the other, David closed the fridge and plopped himself onto the sofa with a grunt, biting into his pizza and setting his drink down. Kicking his feet up onto the table, he grabbed the remote and turned the volume up.

"-milies as we listened to the reports come in from Hub City." It was a morning talk show, and judging by what they showed next, they were talking about how it's been a whole ten years since the end of the Two Month War. Despite himself, David let out a huff of annoyance.

"Oh, yada yada, you assholes weren't there. Probably safe up in your penthouses in New York. Next!" He clicked over to the next channel.

The next channel had just started playing an enthusiastic ad for a monster truck show. "TRUCKS! TRUCKS! TRUCKS! COME ON DOWN TO HUBERT MEMORIAL STADIUM ON JANUARY 10TH TO SEE MONSTER TRUCKS IN ACTION! ALL FOR THE LOW PRICE OF TWENTY DOLLARS PER TICKET!" To top it all off, they showed footage from the last show they did in town, with massive trucks completely wrecking everything from a bunch of practice dummies to minivans. David grinned.

He turned over his shoulder, yelling at his partner so that he could be heard over the noise. "YO LEO! WE SHOULD HIT UP THAT MONSTER TRUCK SHOW! IT'S IN TOWN NEXT WEEK!"
Do we need more heroes or villains currently? I realized as a Thanagarian, I could do a little bit of both~

Ooh, maybe I'll just be a [Wildcard]

Anyway, in regards to waiting, y'all have no clue how long me, Tim, Blaz, Lurky, Alf, and any of the other peeps from the original have been waiting for this (TWO FUCKING MONTHS). If we can keep waiting, y'all can wait too. Shouldn't be too long.
Blazion has fucking died.
I vote for us taking Blackstripe out back and putting him down.

No RP on my watch.
Miss Dave and Leo with that magic shit fam

EDIT: But in all seriousness, right now anyone joining Dave and Leo's business/team/cool kidz club is out of the question, though team ups aren't. Of course, I'd prefer it if they happen naturally, and so far trying to stick together a bunch of people that are all in different places wouldn't be too natural in my eyes.
<Snipped quote by Shard>

Wait why would Champion be hanging out with the Outlaws

Because they're the coolest kids on the block.

I don't tolerate rebels as much as MsMorningstar.......

*teleports behind you*

Heh......... It's nothin personnel kid......... Just business..........
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