Avatar of Simple Unicycle


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7 mos ago
Current My source is I made it the fuck up.


An absolute clown with a fascination for faceless men who punch criminals.

Guaranteed to flake out of RPs 100% of the time.

Most Recent Posts

Oh God oh fuck it's Season Two, now I actually have to post in the game I signed up for.

Level 2 - (16/20) + 2 = (18/20)
Difficulty Level 1
Location: Dead Zone (Redgraccoon City)
Word Count: 923

Gene stayed silent in the back of the van on the trip through the Dead Zone, munching quietly on an orange. He gave a few small chuckles at Daxter's antics, but for the most part he just didn't feel in a talking mood. Too busy getting psyched up for all the demons and zombies they were about to beat down in the city... And boy howdy, were there demons and zombies to beat down.

Dead ahead were dozens, if not hundreds of zombies flooding the streets of Redgraccoon City. Some were weird... Bug demons, others were just standard undead. A sizeable chunk looked like the other generic zombies, but with different deformities. A few were big and fat, some had strange boils around their face and neck with long, slimy tongues. Gene decided that he did not want to deal with either of those two types of zombies.

Soon enough, the van came to a stop, Nero stepping out to personally deal with the bug demons. Not long after, the three duos went to work, Ratchet & Clank, Jak & Daxter, and Banjo & Kazooie, alongside the monk Donnie, going to town on zombies. There were a few rough patches and close calls, but mostly, everyone was doing okay. The robot, Blazermate if Gene recalled, was staying back to heal anyone while her sentry took down any monsters that got too close.

With a grin, Gene cracked his knuckles and stepped out of the van. "Haha! This is what I'm talking about! Time to go to town on these freaks!" Without another word, he sprinted right into the fray, throwing himself forward a roll and ramming through a group of zombies in the process. Two went down without much else, while the others went flying. Gene whipped out his Roulette Wheel, praying for a Shockwave...

The words "Divine Smash" greeted his eyes, and he charged forward, plowing through a zombie on the way to the others. Eh, close enough. Gene ran right at one of the zombies that was on the ground, and began to stomp on it repeatedly until, eventually, it died. In the meantime, however, the rest of the zombies had recovered and began to shamble towards him. So, Gene did what he always did...

He ran in and threw a right hook. He began to unleash a flurry of blows on the zombies, who were too mindless to think about blocking or dodging, making this a piece of cake. Every once in a while a zombie would lunge for him; the first time, his instincts saved him from getting pounced on, but eventually he got the hang of occasionally dodging in between combos. This was starting to seem too easy...

As if on cue, Gene heard what sounded like someone vomiting, and turned his head in the direction of the sound... Only to meet a spew of bile to the face. The smell was rancid, and the fat bastard that vomited on him looked almost pleased with his undead self. "You... YOU! THIS COAT WASN'T CHEAP, YOU JERKOFF!" He rushed towards the Boomer, delivering a flying kick to its belly...

Which promptly exploded, showering him with even more bile. On the bright side, he gained its Spirit, which looked vastly different from the other zombie spirits he'd been picking up. But that was about where the bright side ended, as now the rest of the zombies turned their attention from approaching the others... To focusing on him. Slowly, but surely, they began to shamble towards him, while a few sprinters came right at him. He defended himself rather easily against them, defeating them quickly, but considering he was stuck in the middle of a sea of undead who, mostly, were all focused dead on him, he wasn't too confident in his chances.

He only had one option... Well, two, but one would look way cooler so he decided to go with that one first.

He whipped out the Roulette again, praying for La Bomba...

The word "Grovel" appeared before him.

'No... No. No! Oh I'm so screwed...'

Against his will, Gene felt himself falling to his knees and bowing down before the undead approaching him. Needless to say, they didn't exactly give a crap about it in their mindless state. As Gene pulled himself back up, he knew there was just one thing he could do to escape...

So, he clamped a hand onto the Deistic Brace, and ripped it off, feeling the power of God flow through him. Arm glowing, Gene let loose, flying into the swarm of undead in a blur of punches and kicks. There were a few swipes and bites that got through to his body, but his skin was unbreakable; nothing could stop him when he unleashed the God Hand... Well, except another God Hand user that is. But Azel didn't seem to be around, so it was all cool!

Gene powered through the sea of zombies, eventually breaking through and winding up back in front of the van again. And just in time too! He could feel the God Hand's power draining, and he forced the Brace back onto his arm despite wanting to just cut loose and whoop ass. Luckily, Blazermate's sentry was doing a fine job on the zombies. "Jeez! Almost got my ass kicked there! Lucky I had this bad boy or I would've been done for!" He patted his bicep, staring out at the dwindling array of zombies. "God I need a shower... That fat boy vomited all over me!"

I need to get a post up with my second character considering she's been accepted for about a month and I still have yet to post with her. Gonna try and get a post up in the coming days.

Level 2 - (15/20) + 1 = (16/20)
Difficulty Level 1
Location: Paved Wilderness
Word Count: 241
Interactions: @Lugubrious

Gene listened on as the fellow white haired guy prattled on about how dangerous and spooky the Qliphoth place was. Demons and zombies, huh? He'd beaten the hell out of a metric fuck ton of demons on his journey, not to mention he capped it off by killing their king. This guy didn't know who he was talking to about demons and danger.

With a cocky grin, Gene cracked his knuckles and rolled his head around to pop his neck. "Leave it to the professionals, huh? Well, I'll have you know that in my world, I'm sort of an expert of punching, kicking, and generally beating the hell out of demons. I even beat the Demon King Angra!" A pause, followed by his cocky grin turning to a more sheepish one. "... Though that was with a huge power boost I don't have anymore."

He shook his head. What was he saying? He had the moves to beat up demons! And zombies? Pffft, they weren't any problem! "Besides, our group is chock full of experts at kicking ass! They should call us Team Kickass we're so good at it! You guys could tag along and we can head straight for that Qliphoth and beat up some demons!" Talking wasn't his strong suit, but he hoped what he said could maybe, just maybe, convince at least the white haired punk to come along. Gene felt that they were kindred spirits of some sort.
>tfw I wake up to Gowi, Maxx, Dblade, and Star Lord leaving the game

I wanted to use a new username for once when I joined the site, typed the first thing I thought of. Boom, Simple Unicycle was born.
I hate you.

Hey gay lords. It's ya boi Uni, back at it again with that faceless guy.

In case this isn't obvious yes I'm dropping Blade as I said in the Discord.

Level 2 - (2/20 EXP) + 12 (Encounter) + 1 (Post) = (15/20)
Difficulty Level 1
Location: Paved Wilderness
Word Count: 378
Interactions: @Lugubrious

Gene stayed quiet after the fight with Sweet Bot was finished. Even as Donnie called him, Michael, and Franklin over, the usually extremely talkative fighter was uncharacteristically tight-lipped. And when Daxter's antics caused the vehicle to explode, Gene, instead of giving some annoying quip, instead shook his head and sighed. "Well, so much for that. At least I wasn't planning on taking it."

Gene's curtness surprised even him, and as the group made their way forward (Gene continuing on foot as he did to catch up before), he wondered what had gotten into him. Maybe he was finally realizing the scale of this threat, and how it threatened all life in the multiverse if they failed, and he could quite possibly die horribly on this journey?

... Nah. He was probably just coming down with something.

The only question was what? He couldn't exactly put to words how he felt, but he supposed the simplest way to put it was that he felt... Fate guiding him somewhere. Was there someone he was supposed to meet? Well, whatever it was, he was going to find out. The feeling within him gradually began to subside the closer they got to a truck stop looking place. He wasn't sure if that meant he was closer or further to whatever had a hold on him.

As the group all stopped and got out of their vehicles to look around, Gene's eye was drawn to the argument going on between the four guys and some white-haired guy. He felt that feeling again as he stared dumbly at the white-haired punk, like they were linked somehow. Maybe this is what was calling him? Whatever it was, it seemed like the argument was about to escalate into violence, and as much as Gene liked violence, he didn't need the punk to get hurt.

"Hey, no need to get so heated guys! We're kinda in a huge end of the world situation right now, we don't need to be ganging up on each other!" Gene said as he strode towards the group, sticking his arms up in what he hoped was a placating manner. "Besides, whatever that Qliphoth is, we can all take it down! My group over there's got a bunch of certified badasses among them!"
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