Avatar of SleepingSilence


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My Very Brief Bio

Male, 31 years old. (So I'm practically dead, as we speak.)

Likes (other than writing and roleplaying): I'm into all genres of music. I love to cook. I love the outdoors, and walking through the park near my house. (Yes, really.) I read a lot of thriller/mystery novels. And I usually watch seasonal anime. (Or cooking shows. Because Western Media provides even fewer things that are worth watching.)

But as for my many other neglected hobbies, I've played basically every sport. (Soccer and Bowling being my favorite of the bunch.) And I'm trying to play more video games. (Going through my never-ending Steam library.) Plus, I've dabbled in making electronic & metal music, and I used to play a number of instruments. (Guitar, French Horn, etc.)

My 1X1 Interest Check: SleepingSilence's Tavern (Want 1x1 RP's? Please come in.)

Hope you have a wonderful day!

Most Recent Posts

You know those controversies brought on by greedy and shitty practices that have zealots defend rigorously? Then it get worse. So you have people's unbridled praise turn into "well erm, nothing was ever that good anyway." And then it get worse. And worse. Think New Star Wars Movies. Or Epic Store. (Or Fallout 76, Or Blizzard, really take your pick.) Well, here's yet another one that has reached that stage.


And the ones who called it from the start can only smile knowing they were right all along.

But hey, it's giving their competition (Tem-Tem) free publicity, so there's a silver lining in everything. :D
Screw The Rules, I Have Music!
1. Talking Myself In Circles - Four Year Strong (Pop Punk)
2. me & ur ghost - blackbear (Hip-Hop)
3. The Story - Conan Gray (Pop)
4. EGO - Smash Into Pieces (Alt Rock)
5. What A Man Gotta Do - Jonas Brothers (Pop)
6. Everything Else Has Gone Wrong - Bombay Bicycle Club (Rock)
7. ハレルヤ (Hallelujah) - RottenGraffty (J-Rock)
8. Sirens - Bear Ghost (Rock)
9. Try Honesty - Billy Talent (Rock)
10. Race Car Blues - Slowly Slowly (Pop Punk)
11. Some Kind Of Disaster - All Time Low (Rock)
12. Super Sonic Samurai - VICTORIUS (Power Metal)
13. Charlie Sheen - Denzel Curry Ft Ghostemane (Rap)
14. Freedom is a Wilderness Made For You and Me - The World/Inferno Friendship Society (Punk)
15. The In-Between - In This Moment (Heavy Metal)
16. Ella - MYRKUR (Dark Folk)
17. misleading - wolfi (Alt Hip-Hop)
18. Simmer - Hayley Williams (Pop)
20. insider - Reol (Pop)

1. En Route To Mayhem - Apocalyptica (Rock)
2. Bam Rang Rang - Beach Slang (Punk Rock)
3. Dark Inside - Lowborn (Rock)
4. Saturated Soul (Acoustic) - Imminence (Metalcore)
5. Wild Side (Beastars OP Remix) - Ali (Jazz)
6. Same Asshole - Jelly Roll (Rap)
7. Dead and Gone - Stabbing Westward (Industrial Rock)
8. You Should Be Sad - Halsey (Pop)
9. Shut Up and Kiss - Echosmith (Indie Pop)
10. Alone - KAYZO (ft. Our Last Night) (Dubstep)
Everyone basically said the same thing, but they're all correct. If I may be a little more precise, it's a vital necessity to consider others well-being and speak directly to all involved, to express what's bothering you and that you need personal time to sort things out. You can always write another day, life and personal health is more important at the end of the day.

If your writer's block and burnout isn't backed up by anything bigger, perhaps it is still a sign that you need to do something else. (Exercise, sleep, eat more etc.) And if you think that will effect your output and make things move slower, same rule above applies, just say so. I can assure you, speaking is the best thing you can do. As no one worthwhile gets upset when your honest and personable.

Don't message a sidebar that no one will read. Don't go radio silent. Don't shift blame and make it about someone else. Whether it's a specific RP that you lost interest in, or have burnout from writing in general. Be direct, be honest and say what you personally need to do. And don't be afraid to give details if you have them. (I.E, How long of a break you may need.)
Been on a nostalgia trip and finding random songs I remember from the radio.

I nailed down my 'New Years Resolution' early. Take advantage of my new apartment location (after I spend my December moving shit in.) and go to one of three supposed gyms near my place and get a membership. So I can get more active again.
@Fabricant451 Isn't it just the slightest touch ironic to feign offense over not being @'d and then not do it yourself?

If you wanna keep on misrepresenting my very obvious point of "if you haven't experienced something yourself, your opinion on it critically is about as useful as screen doors on a submarine."

You literally can't, or haven't, been reading a lick of my writing have you? <.<

Okay, I'll be blunt and simple, so you understand me and continue to pretend to misunderstand better.

The only two arguments you had, and why both are wrong.

1. I can't say anything about pokemon, because I don't own it/play it myself.

(I watched my roommate play it and comment about it directly. Then I posted about it. He then bought it for me. So I not only *firsthand* watched it be played, I played the goddamn thing myself. How incapable can one person be at making a timeline or basic inferences?)

2. You can totally accept criticism.

(You spent this much time lambasting accurate observations made by my roommate. By pretending they couldn't be his comments. So yeah, malarkey.)

*God another person hiding behind a new name. But since it's starter packs, I can give it a guess.*

*And I'm almost stunned by how inaccurate and lame a meme can be at the same time.*

Fine, I'll bite...Uh, Relevance?

Cuz, even pretending this about the previous conversation, that I might need to remind others that I'm not apart of. The critics are about the *lack* of diversity, (in the removed features from previous games/national dex), technically speaking.

Social/Politically. We have...things I don't recognize or care about.

The Joker, which was literally a pro-Antifa/class warfare movie at worst, or more likely just a movie about mental health.

And the only 'relevant' thing about social justice that I can conjure up, is Anita Sarkeesian, making whatever few defenders she had left criticizing/dismissing her shitty take about the new dumb star wars show on Disney Plus.

Because I can only imagine how stupid the replies are going to be. I'll post something my brother showed me that might actually be fun. (Even if it's also not entirely on topic) The video is mildly amusing, so I don't know, check it out I guess.

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