Avatar of SleepingSilence


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My Very Brief Bio

Male, 31 years old. (So I'm practically dead, as we speak.)

Likes (other than writing and roleplaying): I'm into all genres of music. I love to cook. I love the outdoors, and walking through the park near my house. (Yes, really.) I read a lot of thriller/mystery novels. And I usually watch seasonal anime. (Or cooking shows. Because Western Media provides even fewer things that are worth watching.)

But as for my many other neglected hobbies, I've played basically every sport. (Soccer and Bowling being my favorite of the bunch.) And I'm trying to play more video games. (Going through my never-ending Steam library.) Plus, I've dabbled in making electronic & metal music, and I used to play a number of instruments. (Guitar, French Horn, etc.)

My 1X1 Interest Check: SleepingSilence's Tavern (Want 1x1 RP's? Please come in.)

Hope you have a wonderful day!

Most Recent Posts

@Zyshi I tend to wait for someone else to review the person who reviewed me, so I don't seem biased either way. But I guess it can't be helped.

So despite the song consisting of mostly one line and a vocal phrased repeated, it actually works very well. Probably because the production is so tight. That, and I'm usually in favor of multiple vocalists. With the woman's voice in particular getting some subtle time to shine. (Being that it's a bit soft compared to the music.) However, her "aaah" that goes on for nearly thirty seconds is unexpected I grant, but it that might be my least favorite part of the song? Because sure, it's pretty and all, but it seems like the song would build intensity from there. Yet it goes for a period of quiet ambiance, which the impact of ("Oh, that sounds nice.") starts to wear on me 5,10, maybe 15 seconds in. Admittedly, instrumental ambiance is often a hard sell for my personal taste. And when she does start singing, I think it fits better. So I wonder if the song would've been improved with more vocals versus her extended "aaah". But I enjoyed it. 7.75/10

@Ghost Note I always appreciate finding artists that go relatively unnoticed on youtube.

Electronica always feels like the most difficult genre to judge fairly. But I threw on my good headphones for this one, to try to make sure I got the intended experience. And I listened to it twice. Because I couldn't find the lyrics and I wanted to try to understand them better.

There's something going on here that I like. The chorus feels a bit melancholic, and the backing vocals (The "Ahhhs") go well at filling the space of the track. Might be a decent piece of background music for multitasking. But it's funny that the band literally named the album "Content", since that's kind of what it feels like overall? Went in one ear and out the other, without an opinion either way. But it reminds me of 'Marshmellow's, Happier' a bit? Precisely because I think the "drop" part is kind of a nothing? (In that I greatly prefer my bass/synth to kick me in the teeth musically.) Maybe even generically upbeat/chill sounding, which is in contrast to the lyrics which seem like they're trying a little harder? 5/10

I'll be interested to hear what someone thinks of this one. (It's Hip-Hop/Bass House music. So, you've been warned.)
Kate Beckham
Kate finished chugging the last of her ‘Night Owl’ energy drink. “I can’t believe there’s a goddamn dragon sitting on my bedroom floor.” She groaned internally, continuing to watch Dracomon blissfully munching on clawfuls of ghost peppers. Noticing he already ate half of what was given to him in the large plastic storage bag, once filled to the brim with them a few minutes ago. Only to finally pause his consumption and let out a contented sigh — the sweltering heat of which could be felt from where Kate sat and fanned her face. “I think you’ve had enough.” She muttered under her breath, before setting the emptied can next to the other caffeinated beverages that were scattered across her computer desk. Causing him to stand up after he was done licking the juice off of his claws, approaching as she turned around to look at her screen to see ‘Digimon Tamers 2.0’ had fully downloaded. As her knee accidentally bumped the desk and knocked off a depleted liter bottle of cola by her feet. Making Kate bend over in her office chair to pick it up for the third and final time, unknowingly underhand tossing it above Dracomon’s head and having it land successfully in the nearby bin.

“Thank you, Kate.” Ouro said, looking at her with a satisfied smile. “Without food, I was going to devolve soon.”

“I don’t know what that means-” She stated bluntly, facing him and leaning backward. “But you’re welcome, Ouro.” She added casually, observing his wings twitching with delight at his nickname. Realizing that she wouldn’t be able to keep herself from asking what was on her mind. “So, what planet did you come from exactly?”

Ouro frowned at the question and pensively scratched the back of his head. “Huh. I guess you’re not a digimon at all.” He uttered, pointing at the closed door. “Does that mean the growling thing out there isn’t one either?”

“Wait, digimon? This dumb game my friends are playing?” Kate realized, then interrupted by the sound of dog paws scratching outside her door. Prompting her to stand up to go open the door ever-so-slightly. Wearily sighing and petting Roger’s head, who had followed the pair upstairs and was told to stay put, was now giving Ouro a death glare. “I’m fine. And he’s not stealing your top spot.” She assured in a hushed tone, quietly shutting the door. “And if this creature wanted to harm me...he could’ve.”

“You’re really nice, aren’t you?” Ouro said, gazing curiously at the monitor's glow. Having her turn to witness a surreal display of the same heavily detailed model similar to his likeness, slowly rotating clockwise. Drawing her focus to the scrolling lore text at the side, describing a ‘Dracomon’. However, reading some of the information made her feel oddly guilty, like she was invading his privacy. Yet he appeared unbothered, showing her a cheeky grin and explaining himself further. “For keeping me here with you I mean — so nobody else will be scared of me. Even if you’re uncertain about me yourself.” Ouro surmised, sounding far more mature than anything that preceded it.

“...He’s a lot smarter than I gave him credit for. But I suppose he’s actually meant to be the wisest and strongest of his type.” She thought, practically rendered speechless. Suddenly feeling goosebumps running down her arm, as his claws outstretched and wiggled tauntingly in her direction.

“Hehe. I don’t blame you for being intimidated by claws as sharp as mine.” He asserted proudly.

“Please stop that.” Kate urged with a shifted gaze and crossed arms. As Ouro swiftly froze in place and blinked in bewilderment. While his head then tilted with a concerned stare, watching her sit on the bed and massage her forehead. Both overhearing her phone vibrating on the table. “Ugh. Caffeine headache.”

“I'm sorry — I was trying to get along.” He replied, hanging his head low.

“It’s not you.” She corrected with a sigh, laying down and looking up at her ceiling. “I’m just tired-" She began, pulling her big fluffy pillow closer to cover her eyes. “...and overwhelmed.”

"Oh. So you need rest then, yes?" He inquired with an eager grin, soon taking a prideful stance. "Well, you have nothing to fear with a dragon of my caliber being here to protect you while you're in a weak and helpless state." He offered, receiving a sudden pillow to the face.

Asher Shaw
The father’s ‘sleep talking’ made Asher’s night a bit unsettling. Not helping that he half expected to discover the house burning in his wake. Though fortunately, his eyes would be rubbed open to see the fireball slumbering in the exact spot it was before. So he carefully sat up from his side to stare at the sunlight peeking through his window blinds. “Okay. So what am I supposed to do now?” Asher pondered, as he stood and crept toward his door. Quietly opening it up to stick his head out and look into the hallway, not hearing a peep. “Dad’s probably out looking for work...” He assumed. Unbeknownst to him, that one eye of Demimeramon’s briefly peaked open, only to shut again once Asher turned around after he thought of an idea. “Is it riskier to leave or carry him into the living room with me?” Asher questioned, wiping the sweat of his forehead. Noticing the temperature of his room was much warmer than it was yesterday, while slowly approaching closer and reaching out to wrap up that source of heat in the blanket underneath. However, his careful consideration would still prove careless, as Demimeramon’s flame burst slightly and nearly singed the tips of his recoiling fingers. Unexpectedly finding his ass hitting the ground with a heavy thud, as the digimon lunged straight into his chest. “Woah, chill, I’m not going to harm you.” Asher quickly informed in a calm manner, with both his hands motioning to stop. But the Demimeramon’s aggressiveness didn’t cease — gripping the teen’s knees with its fiery hands.

“I don’t care if you’re a threat or not. Don’t move or you’ll be set ablaze.” Demimeramon warned, testing the limits of the boy’s composure.

“O-okay.” Asher uttered. “I know they’re usually aggressive — but he’s not meant to be so strong...”

“Now, you have two options. Become my slave, who will answer my questions and follow my orders. Or be destroyed and have your data absorbed by your conqueror.” He explained, sounding sincere in his hostility.

“A slave it is.” Asher sighed, observing at its doubtful glare. “Perhaps, it’s better to play along until he cools off.”

“Very well. Then start by telling me where I am, and why you brought me here?” He interrogated.

Asher swallowed and cleared his throat. “You fell from our sky...and you were hurt. So I — um. Took you into my home to keep you warm-”

Watching the Demimeramon’s temper shimmering down as he released his hold. “Then provide me whatever sustenance you’re able to. And I’ll be on my way.” He replied, in a conciliatory tone. Causing Asher to exhale in relief and cautiously stand upright, grateful that he merely bruised his ego.

“I’ll show you the way-” Asher said, recognizing Demimeramon was beginning to wobble in the air. Reflexively stepping forward to catch the digimon in mid-fall, the touch of which was mild in comparison to how it felt earlier. “I got ya.” He assured, keeping the obviously winded flame in his arms while it stubbornly squirmed. “Quit it. You’re needlessly exhausting your energy.” Asher scolded firmly, switching to a more empathetic tone. “I’m your slave, remember? So let me help you...okay?”

He huffed and pouted, shifting his gaze away. “Like I can even stop you in this pitiful form.” He muttered sheepishly, being carried out of the room and into the hallway. “Why would you help me if you have nothing to gain?”

“Because that’s what good leaders do.” Asher answered, keeping his eye on the Demimeramon, who glanced up at him. “But maybe we could start by becoming allies who don’t attack each other?”

“I fight alone. So no one else gets in my way.” He scoffed dismissively, observing the cluttered mess of the house. “Your home is a dump.” He commented, as Asher cracked a smile.

“You don’t need to fight for, or with me. But I’m asking if you could refrain from attacking me or anyone else who comes into my place the moment I feed you.” He requested, as it was strange to hear the extended silence that followed. Asher sighed heavily, as he arrived in the kitchen. “I don’t know what happened to you, little guy. But nobody's out to get you in my world.” Asher noted, walking up to find something in the snack cupboard, and setting Demimeramon down on the countertop.

“Well I have no interest in staying in this world any longer than I have to.” He countered. “But if you give me some food. I’ll spare you from my fiery wrath. You have my word.”

“Comforting.” Asher retorted, grabbing a fresh bag of ketchup flavored potato chips and opening the bag up. The smell of it clearly catching his interest, as Asher set the bag next to him. “Here, try these.”

As the Demimeramon curiously reached in and crammed one in his mouth. Suddenly, his eyes glistened with awe. Soon diving headfirst into the bag and ferociously devouring everything within, causing the creature to glow and change back into a Vorvomon. A process far quicker and less flashy than the game would be when 'digivolutions' happened — though it made more sense practically. But it was still amazing for Asher to witness, despite not knowing what to expect, as the bag dropped from Vorvomon’s elated face. “I’ve changed my mind! If you give me more of those — you’ve got yourself an ally!” He proclaimed with a vibrant energy. Causing Asher to pause and process the complete reversal of the digimon's attitude, before rubbing the back of his neck and reaching up to grab the second bag.

“I certainly hope so...this is my last snack.”

Izabel Ivanowski
It was fortunate that Izabel was the only soul to be rudely awakened by the sound of something violently tumbling down the basement stairs, followed by bashful weeping that her hurried effort to get up off the couch would realize it was originating from a teary-eyed bird ball. An orange Chicchimon, which was Muchomon’s in-training form, if she wasn’t mistaken with her terminology.

“What were you even doing?” Izabel asked gently, scooping his lightweight body off the ground. Looking up at the door for a moment, but not hearing anybody else making a peep upstairs, as she sighed afterward.

“I’m sorry.” He sniffled. “I promised to leave after it stopped raining so I-” He explained, trying to stop himself from crying like a baby. “I wouldn’t be a bother…”

She closed her eyes and shook her head a bit. As she carried him over, and set Chichimon into one of the beanbag chairs. “It would’ve been much worse if somebody heard you and came downstairs.” She chided, watching him stare at her remorsefully at her stinging truth. “It’s okay. It was just a mistake. I’m not mad at you.” She quickly reassured, seeing him blink and continue to look upset.

“Um...I forgot your name-” He admitted shamefully.

“Izabel.” She reminded him without seeming to mind, immediately brightening up his face with a big smile.

“Izzy! What a pretty sounding name.” He chirped, causing her to turn around to hide her reaction. Coming to a sudden realization that had her hastily walking toward the stairs.

“Wait here. I’ll be back.” She urged, rushing up the steps and out the door. Moving more cautiously when she noticed that most of the lights were on, as she made a beeline to her family’s garage. Noticing the van was gone and remembering how she was told about Koushiro’s dentist appointment. However, her laptop and accessories had disappeared from the car! “I bet Dad put 'em in my room.” She surmised, talking aloud to herself. Promptly running upstairs into her bedroom to confirm her suspicions. Finding a sticky note placed on her laptop, resting on the bed along with the rest of her stuff. Written in her father’s immaculate handwriting.

At the dentist with Koushiro for his routine cleaning. Mom’s probably still sleeping in our living room. So keep it down. We’ll be back with food!

I charged your laptop. Love you.

“Thanks dad.” She uttered, climbing up onto her bed and sitting with folded legs. Opening the laptop and logging on her game, typing in her username in seconds flat. Letting ‘The_Electromancer’ arrive into the main hub area where the majority of users first enter. Swiftly checking her inbox for messages and that certain something, gawking at ‘The Stream-Watcher’ present icon sparkling in the northwest corner of her screen. As she eagerly clicked on it several times, waiting for a colorful ribbon to be pulled away as it the box shines, soon flashing various pictures on her screen.

“What ya lookin at?”

“These are my rewards for viewing Digimon Tamers streams.” She answered absentmindedly. “I got a banner, an achievement medal, and-” She interrupted her fervor to do a double take, spotting a wide-smiling Chichimon on the carpet beside her bed. Having her nearly crash to the floor due to her swift roll off her mattress, rushing to close her bedroom door. As she turned to stare in utter disbelief at the naivety in his highly-spirited face. “I told you to wait didn’t I?” She questioned in her normal tone.

He paused awkwardly. “...you did?”

“Yes, you bird-brain.” She chided, which only seemed to make him happier, starting to bounce his body up and down with delight.

“You really are best Izzy! No one’s ever praised me for my brain before.” He chirped with a contagious amount of glee. Making Izabel unconsciously smile and shake her head, as she sat back down without spoiling it for him. Curiously peeking into the guild chatroom to see a pinned message created by ‘ApolloKnight’, one of the more active guild leaders.

@allmembers Good morning, my fellow guildmates. Please inform me if you’ve seen something strange yesterday. Something falling out of your sky perhaps...

“No way...” She uttered, finding herself starstruck. "Him too?"
@Heat And you say cheesy like it's a bad thing.

I know I've liked other Avatar songs more than this one. (A Statue Of The King for example. Far stronger vocally/instrumentally imo.) But I could potentially see the chorus becoming an ear worm/a grower to someone on repeated listens. (Or maybe it'll just get annoying.) Though on the first listen it almost felt like it was all chorus lyrically, and though I enjoy my cheese, it wasn't exactly a strong one in my opinion. It's the instrumental solo in the middle, and the acoustic section at the end that make me wish I enjoyed it more throughout. (Okay, I gave it 2nd full listen. And yeah, I still don't like the chorus/meat of the song all that much. Despite it being very similar to stuff I do usually like, it's a bit Alestorm-y.)

Mmm. It's above average, but I don't know if I'd listen to it for a third time. 5.75/10?

Bees,Hornets,Wasps are all evil. I know my mom is deathly allergic to them. And my luck doesn't fair much better if they're ever around.

(I might've already said this before, dunno.) But man, I wish my neck/back pain wasn't so regular and frequent. Because it just absolutely cripples my productivity. I can literally do nothing but massages the kinks out of my back for hours on end. And that's if it doesn't give me a migraine on top of it. And I've long since given up on trying to figure out how to prevent it. I guess I'll chalk it up to getting older sucks?
Banned for implying anyone cares about Sonic anymore. :P
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