Avatar of Smystar99


Recent Statuses

5 mos ago
Current Every once in awhile I come back after having a failed rp and seeing so many familiar usernames reminds me of how many of us have been here for years. It's like coming back to your hometown lol
10 mos ago
Being back to roleplaying after three years honestly feels so cathartic. Writing really is so therapeutic, I'm having so much fun lol
1 yr ago
Considering coming back to RPG and I come back to ads all over the site, AHH
2 yrs ago
Life really said I'm kidnapping you for nearly 2 years huh, I'm so sorry to all my rp partners for suddenly just disappearing for 2 years.
3 yrs ago
All partners and groups I`m in, sorry for being so absent, in the new year I`ll be getting out more posts for everyone ^^ I`ll be MIA for the next few days however, Happy New Year <3


☕About Me☕
Hello to whoever is reading this, I hope you are well and if you aren't hang in there, it'll get better ^^
You can call me Star or Fox if you'd like, I have gone by many names throughout the last forever of the internet. My username no longer really fits me but I have an identity crisis every time I try to think of a new one so it stays for now.
I`m a college student studying accounting, I also have a degree in media and design (animation, photo editing, graphics, marketing, exc). This year has kinda thrown me every which way so much of my time is all over but I try to write as much as I can. I do have a full time job on top of school.
☕I`m a bit of a coffee addict.
♀I`m female and I prefer she/her pronouns. I also prefer to write female characters in a FxM setting.
🌟I`ve been roleplaying for over a decade now.
⏳ I try to get posts out as fast as I can but my life is a bit chaotic, and I don't think it`ll slow down anytime soon. It makes it hard to respond straight away. Usually you may see a while between my posts, I do the best I can just as I expect from the people I write with. So please be patient with me, I really enjoy writing with people.
❤Romance in roleplays is nice but instant romance is unrealistic and most of the time really boring. I like it when characters gradually fall in love, it makes their relationship interesting.
👌I'm a very happy-go-lucky kind of person and very uncensored, I will cut through the bullshit, especially if it's late. I'm also a kluts, I trip over flat ground quite literally. My roleplaying style is much the same way, I write how I perceive situations. Making great literary choices is a top priority, but we're all human, it's not always going to be perfect. My responses will be as interesting and as thought out as I can make them though.

P.s. I exclusively fade to black.

I hope to write with you soon, don`t be afraid to send me a message ^^

Most Recent Posts

"Well if I`m going to be here as long as I expect us today it shouldn`t be that bad." Sky said as she walked back over to him. "I appreciate that. It shouldn`t be too much stuff honestly. This place is bigger than my current one. Not sure how I actually feel about that honestly." It was a lot of change in an instant. The mental part of this was already setting in. The physical, well she still had a second before she was living here for who knows how long.

"Do you think it will hurt? The animus I mean." Thought whirled in her mind like a tornado on the subject. They were going to be put into a machine and have their thoughts and genetic code read, it didn`t sound painless. "It is rather intimidating. We`ll be reliving a different age. A time we can only imagine will be at our finger tips, it`s such a strange concept." The silver haired woman walked up to the windows. "I can`t help but wonder if it`s going to hurt. They don`t seem completely confident it`s safe, yet here we are."

She`s never even been to Italy and now she`ll relive a life so long ago right in the middle of Sicily. It was strange to think about. How long would they be in these machines? Would a few days in there be minutes in their present world? What of Sol? What kind of person was her ancestor? Was she like her in any way? So many questions, so many answers to find. The pain was certainly a factor in what it might be, but it was exciting. The life of Sol had an importance just as Luca`s ancestor did as well. They probably wouldn`t be able to talk about their ancestors. Everything was to be kept a secret. "It`s the excitement that outweighs the negative I think."

In all honesty she almost couldn`t wait to find all of it out.
He`s been here awhile then, there must be something great about this place if he`s stayed here over three years. It hurt her to know the pain she put him through. No one deserved the pain that he had gotten. The houses they were going to be living in seemed a bit bland. She`d certainly have to spice the hell out of this place. As much as they`d allow her to do she`d customize it to her liking. With a laugh she walked through the living room of the house into the open floor kitchen. "Oh come now, we both know I`ve always been a bit mad."

Sky said as she looked back at him with a playful smirk before opening the cupboards to examine their depth. "This place is going to look completely different when I`m done with it. Too modern for comfort in my opinion. There`s something about modern designs that just feel so cold." She commented before turning from the stove to look at him. "Do you know if we`re allowed to drill into the walls?"

The idea of moving past everything for her was to act as normal as possible. This meant cutting through the bullshit, acting how crazy she actually was, except showing people that the chaos of her mind was organized. The madness brought upon exceptional ideas, stuff that was out of the box. When he had just met her she was quiet and withdrawn, never really using her voice on things she thought about. When they got close he saw how she really was, how loud she could be. That had changed over the years. She found her voice and used it, damn it if people didn`t like what she`d say.

"Have you already started living here or do you still live elsewhere?" He wasn`t the only one who wanted information on the other. It`s been a long time, she truly wanted to know him. This being said rushing anything found just end in failure.

I'll post when I get off work in a few hours~ ^^

Thanks, I appreciate it ^^


I`m a flipping geek in every shape and form and writing is no different. I get really hyped over a good storyline!
As long as you strive to improve I will never be mad and honestly you`re doing pretty damn well.

I`ve found music helps a lot in the process. I listen to it during work or when I`m just hanging out and I think over the story. It brings up ideas through lyrics and feelings the chords bring out. It can start to click things.

That`s awesome to hear! I`m glad you`ve been doing well. That graduation day is going to be one awesome day it sounds like!

I`ve been rough, not gonna lie. Been trying to get caught up on bills, I`m in the middle of a job change, getting college classes straight. Plus the car broke down the other days, but ya know. There`s a roof over my head, I`m fed, and I have wifi. There really isn`t anything to complain about. Just going through a rough patch, gotta hit the bottom sometimes to go back up~

Actually the plot points I had planned came back to me today as I thought over the plot! So I`m still super excited XD
There are some twists that I have planned for the Sol. Sky I have to think of some things to deepen her character. I just added that she was traveling for quite some time so that will help open up a lot more.

How has that all been going by the way? It`s been a super hot minute.
My apologies everyone but until further notice I think I`m going to have to withdraw from this. I`ve been going through a job change recently and things have been messy for months but decided now was a great time to get worse before they get better. There are a few roleplays that I have that are 1x1s and a lot more manageable, but this is a lot bigger and I don`t want you guys to have to wait on me. It`s hard to find time to catch up with all the posts since the collaboration. The characters are amazing and I`d love to come back when I have more time but for now I`m gonna have to go dormant.

I`m sorry! I thought I should let you all know.
"I'm really hoping the secretive part of it all will disappear soon now that we're signed on. It all is kind of exciting though. It's like being a secret agent or something." Sky said with a small grin at the thought. He said this company was good to him. It probably wouldn't be too bad then. The idea of seeing her ancestors life was pretty damn intriguing!

The music calmed her nerves a little as she rocked back and forth on the heels of her converse. This was all a lot to take in. As a child she'd never thought she'd basically sell herself away, then again she never thought she'd kiss someone she wasn't dating either. God, she had been an awful human being! No matter how hard things had been she shouldn't have done that. This being said the idiot should have just talked to her instead of writing a letter about what they were going to do now. If she had been able to just tell him back then, maybe things wouldn't have been so messed up. The past was the past though. It'd stay there until it could just be put behind them.

"I actually came here just to figure out if I would be coming on board. Currently I work with a computer company downtown as a inspector and coder. It feels a bit strange to give up a regular job for something like this. You`re probably going to think I`m nuts but something about all of this seems natural. There isn`t any sense of second thoughts that usually comes with such a change." She probably sounded crazy. The last couple months she had been living a stable life. She lived in a one bedroom apartment 15 minutes away from her job. It was a pretty nice place on the forth floor. The plants that littered the place, along with how she decorated it, made it feel like a comfortable fairytale escape. Every day she went to work and came home, occasionally going out with people. This being said she had moved away from here a year after they broke up. While taking online classes she traveled around the country and few times out of it. Sky met a lot of people along the way but for the most part she`s just been on her own.

It was going to be strange to be constantly around others again.

"How long have you been working here?" She asked looking over at him as the elevator doors slide open.
I'm still totally down!

My life got really busy too, the other day I noticed it was five months since this started and it honestly caught me off guard. It felt a bit shorter.

I'm up for continuing!
@TheDookieNut I`d be down to figure something out, I`ve been craving a slice of life recently myself~ ^^
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