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Ayyyy lmao.
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Ira Riese:
PHQ - Class is in Session - or it was

@BCTheEntity@Lugubrious@ProPro@yoshua171@Old Amsterdam

Calculus came a bit too naturally to Ira, through it was often in a confusing way. Her power helped a whole hell of a lot, giving her the formulas, the functions, and even sometimes answers. The problem was that it didn't come anywhere near textbook Calculus. Her passenger would tell her that if she switched the problem to base 64 this formula would work, but the why was constantly eluding her. Somehow the curves and wavelengths featured prominently in Calculus were an extension of her power, but it confused more then helped. These odd circumstances taught her to rely more on Decoy's teachings than what her power provided, though her power sometimes persisted in spite of her.

The last two weeks had been strange in the sense of a lack of anything high energy. Honestly, she felt like she was one of the few who enjoyed the new normal, boring lull. The young tinker had gotten more time to better explore her and her teammate's powers, though it was mostly Evelyn she had been talking to. Though Ira was often worried about reciprocaty in emotions. she definitely felt like they had become friends. Ira found her strange in certain ways, but the young Asian girl often agreed with the saying variety was the spice of life.

Exploring a new friendship wasn't the only type of exploration she had done; Ira had explored her power a bit more, applying it to trying to directly improve another parahuman's. She had interviewed Evelyn, half as a way to better get to know her and half to understand her very interesting power. The focus had been on the powers range, and the more Ira focused on it the stranger her own power's reaction. There had been countless ways to increase Evelyn's range, plenty more then what she had gone for. The idea behind her invention was a type of duality, the method focused on creating a link between two locations. The first part had to be within Evelyn's range, and the second on a destination. It had been quite difficult to make only the receiver draw energy, but it was a must for keeping the invention from being a burden on anyone but herself.

Honestly, in its inception she realized there could be a pretty obvious metaphorical implication in the type of direct linking and protection the device offered. She hoped, for her pride's sake, they would be ignored.

Decoy finished the lesson, noting that her teammates would arrive soon. Ira nodded, appreciating the time he took out of his day to teach her. How easily and how quickly they lapsed from Japanese to English, to even a hybrid of the two sometimes, greatly helped the young Tinker. The communication barrier that often impeded her learning was completely absent here. Ira stood up, stretching a bit, before moving to one side of the room. Out of the way, and hopefully not drawing too much attention, as she preferred.

The first to arrive was Lillian, the newest addition to the team. A young energetic girl that Ira found herself fond of, though they didn't talk enough for that to be obvious. She smiled at the girl, uttering a small greeting before refocusing on the nothing she had been focused on before. Alessa was next who greeted and was greeted in kind before Evelyn arrived. Ira tried to meet her eyes momentarily, before refocusing on what was turning out to be a very interesting ceiling.
Ira Riese:
PRT HQ - Interrogation Room


Originally, the plan had been to go in alone, but her teammates quickly volunteered to join her. As one after another volunteered, Ira looked more than a little confused. This was going to be hard to keep civilized, more a lynching then a interrogation in all but the literal sense. At the mention of her nullification device Ira nodded, smiling a bit. At Decoy’s compliment Ira reddened slightly, and stopped meeting her leader’s eyes. She had grabbed the suitcase sized device without thinking when they were being led through the halls and had left it outside of the observation room. Decoy and Protean led the Wards out of the room and towards the Para’s prison, and Ira picked the black box off the ground. She popped it open slightly as they walked, and adjusted a dial within before closing it again.

Protean pressed his hand against the hand scanner, and Ira adjusted her ear piece, turning it on momentarily to speak to her teammates in a hushed tone. "Intimidation will come later, but for now lets go for diplomacy,” She said, and secured her mask fully before leading the way into the small room. Ira-No, Epsilon. Epsilon stride forward confidently, keeping her eyes on Lovecraft with a gaze that spoke of cautious confidence. She pressed the start button, and the field radiated outward. Her small adjustment to the dial had made it not spread quite as far. Her first demonstration had been at it’s maximum distance, but now it barely reached the corners of the room they were in.

”Two heroes almost died at the hand of your fellow thugs, who abandoned you the moment you became any semblance of a liability. I think we’d all appreciate it if you cooperated,” She said, her voice steady. Epsilon didn’t even mention the device, though she hoped the fear associated with losing access to his power would be helpful in convincing him.

Zach Kozel:
SpFarce's Apartment


After explaining what they had found out, a bright light shone out of their body as they switched places. Suddenly, the young woman they had met first present, but this time with substantially less clothes. A flush spread across Zach’s face, and he lowered his eyes momentarily before he realized she didn’t care.

Judah asked if Gaia could put on more layers, and Zach went finished his pizza happily. Gaia then made a cryptic statement relating to Dunn getting shot, which seemed pretty morbid. Zach nodded, before speaking up. ”Are we going to head out tonight then?” He seemed unsure, but would definitely be down for a good frontal assault on a villain’s hideout.
James Scott:
Denver nightclub


The girl (not woman, definitely girl) reacted poorly to what James said, and he could understand that. Before the waitress could leave, he gestured at her and whispered his order in her ear. He slipped a bill out of his pocket, and placed it in her hand. James thought for a second looking at little red, and then said another thing to the waitress before sitting down next to Lance. He didn't want to crowd the girl by trapping her. Lance had said she wasn't a mark and that was enough. Still, it was impressive that the girl managed to get in here.

"Call me paranoid, but I ask Lance that about anyone he talks to. The man hangs out with strange folk." He said, winking at the girl. His smile was warm and genuine, as he shifted to looking out at the dance floor. The waitress returned with two tall orange glasses, setting one in front of James and one in front of the young girl. "Whip cream vodka and sunny D" James said, more to the young girl then Lance. It was all he ever got after all. "I'm James by the way. Nice to meet you Little Red. If you sneak in here again I'll be supremely impressed."

Zach Kozel:
SpFarce's Apartment


Zach came in quickly, smiling warmly at the reception. He accepted Dunn's hospitality, and grabbed himself a slice of the pineapple pizza. Half of the twins started explaining why he had called them up, and the scouting he had done. He mentioned a name, Patriarch, and it sounded very familiar. Patriarch, Patriarch, Patriarch, why did he think he knew that name? Zach shook his head, and went to get another slice of pizza, having already scarfed down the first. It would be easy to infer he hadn't been eating well, and that wasn't too far off base. After getting the next slice he came back and shrugged, frowning.

"That name sounds really familiar but I just can't place it. I'm guessing he's a leading reason this city is rotting?" He asked, resorting to his pompous language at being slightly agitated at the thought.
Ira Riese:
PRT HQ - Interrogation Room


Protean lead the group calmly, with an expression that was hard to read. Eventually Ira fell to the back of the group, looking a bit crestfallen, a disappointing addition to her relatively antisocial nature. They arrived at a room used to interrogate various unsavory figures in the midst of an argument between the director and Decoy. After a bit the director explained what the current state of affairs was, giving just enough details to make Ira feel informed. Protean interjected at a part to add relevant information that some of the Wards may not have known offhand.

As the director finished, a young person entered the far side of the room, with quite a bit of ambiguity surrounding their gender among other parts of their identity. They flirted, and it almost seemed defensive to Ira, the kind of thing you'd do to hide real fear. At least, that was Ira's best guess.

The director noted that they were working under the assumption they were a shifter. Shifters, right, they could change their physical from. Everything from turning into animals, to replicating someone else's appearance. The directer also seemed offended by the use of the name Lovecraft, which seemed a bit strange to Ira. Then again, she had no idea who or what Lovecraft was. A small conversation about assets unknown commenced between Protean and the Director, speaking of someone who had been hiding in a bomb shelter.

The young tinker hung on every word spoken, characteristically absorbed in anything relating to the Protecterate or more specifically powers. Then the director mentioned a lie detecting software, and Ira almost lost control. She wanted so badly to ask how it worked, what it used as a baseline, how quickly it could be calibrated, and every other relevant question under the sun. Ira seemed to be visibly strained, wanting very badly to speak up. When Protean suggested they individually interrogate the villain, Ira's hand shot up, and her mouth opened to speak. "I'll go first! I mean I'll try if that's fine with you," She said, bouncing up and down in place with excitement. Her derangement was getting the best of her.

James Scott:
Denver Streets and later a Denver nightclub


The city absorbed Jaunt, his brisk pace mixed with precise teleports, bringing him to his home quickly. The last jump, from the denser city, to his suburban home was a very long one. He collapsed to his knees, partially in shock from how painful it was. Standing back up was a slow, arduous movement, especially with all the body armor he was wearing. Jaunt was standing in a room that used to be a spare bedroom. He took off his gas mask first, unstringing it and placing it on the bed carefully. Next was his helmet, which he put next to the gas mask. Every piece of armor was put on and taken off in a specific way. When put on in the correct order, it provided maximum protection to a large variety of attacks.

Soon the entire costume lay on the bed, along with his phone and his various weaponry. The look in that woman's eyes flashed through his head again, the cold calculating nature of them. He almost died. Christ, and he thought he was losing his humanity, but nothing like that. A breath James didn't know he was holding escaped his lips, and he moved to open the closet. A rifle safe rested on the right hand corner of the closet, and Jaunt entered the 6 digit combination quickly. He swung open the empty safe, and slowly stored his costume within. He picked up his- no, Jaunt's cellphone. He sent a message to Lance, his only contact in Patriach's group, that was short and sweet. It explained his phone was compromised in a couple words. The implied meaning was that they would have to meet up and exchange new numbers within the next three days.

Now the phone was useless. He threw it onto the bed behind him, and looked back at his closet. James closed the safe, and picked a white t-shirt off of the hanger, slipping it on over his head, along with a pair of black pants. He had about thirty of that exact same outfit spread across his closet. Buying clothes was such a headache that James didn't do it anymore. One type of shirt, and one type of pants fit him just fine. He slipped his wallet off his dresser and into his back pocket, and grabbed the compromised phone off the bed.

The door to the guest bedroom opened with a loud squeak as the tall black man stepped out into the hallway. His heart ached a bit, just being in this place. A remnant of a different time and a different man. He had been less jaded. He walked to the living room, picking his keys off of the dining room table as he passed. Everywhere he looked, memories of his wife littered this house. It now lay undisturbed, the only thing having changed was the movement of all his things to the guest bedroom. James couldn't even sleep in his own damn room. Everything still smelled like her.

James unlocked and opened the front door, locking it again before closing it behind him. He opened the garage with his keys, moving past his wife's Subaru straight to his motorcycle. Christina had chided him so often for buying. There was an empty spot where he used to park his police cruiser, though it was clearly absent. He picked his motorcycle helmet off the workbench next to it, and strapped it on out of habit. The one condition for him buying it was to always wear a helmet, and so he did.

Within minutes he was at the nightclub that Lance and he almost always met up at. He would have to come here at least once for the next two days to try to catch Lance, unless the man wasn't busy today. He slipped the helmet off his head, and took the compromised phone out of his pocket. As long as it didn't have a battery it couldn't be tracked. He slipped the back cover of the blackberry off, and put its battery in his pocket before tossing it in the trashcan.

James moved past the bouncer with a nod, happy that he was on such good terms with the staff of the nightclub that he could skip the long line. As he entered the club, he eyed the VIP area above the right side of the club. As he looked for Lance above, his eye caught movement below his eye line. There Lance was, talking to a very young girl with red hair and a green hoodie.

Anyone who got in James way was swiftly pushed aside as he approached the two, eying the girl's grey purse. It was bulging, though that wasn't too strange. Still for Lance to confront her. . . Was she a cape? James spoke up as he reached the table at the same time as a waitress who was refilling Lance's drink. "Little young for you Lance? Found a mark? He asked, putting emphasis on their keyword for Parahumans when texting. James had to assume that Lance had already been here. Hell he probably hadn't even seen the text yet.

Zach Kozel:
Washing dishes, and later SpFarce's Apartment


The text dinged on Zach's phone just as he finished his day job. He pretty quickly figured out that the Twins had sent the text, and headed to the address. He arrived a bit late because he walked the entire way, choosing not to use public transportation out of paranoia. The streets around the apartment weren't very busy so he acted as naturally as possible as he approached the door.

He knocked quickly on the apartment door, his face visible through the peephole as he made sure no one was watching him. As he waited, a pizza guy walked up behind him, and gave him a friendly smile. He motioned to the soda, and explained how he had forgotten to grab it when delivering the pizza. Zach's mouth watered at the thought of pizza, and he knocked again, a bit faster this time.
Ira Riese:

Epsilon waited tensely, ready to fight back the second the Minotaur wanted to begin the pugilistic engagement. That didn't come though, and Protean instead declared they failed. Although it took a while to end, Epsilon was suddenly very worried that the reason they failed was because she didn't know what a Minotaur was. To be fair, she remembered very little of her schooling, mainly because of how poorly she did. The public school she went to wasn't prepared to handle the sudden surge of Japanese students immigrating to America, and at the time she hadn't even started learning English.

To her surprise her team didn't really seem disappointment in her, but it could've been that they were being nice. As she rejoined her compatriots, and Protean finished talking about the reward for finding out what they did wrong, Decoy's voice came on over the radio. He declared there was a serious situation in progress. She eyed her teammates carefully, looking for Alessa to guide them through this one. At times she felt a bit too much like a follower. She reflected on the fact that her schooling would begin again soon, but this time her teacher would be Decoy. She was ecstatic at the thought, hardly able to remember the last time she was taught by someone also fluent in Japanese. Any language confusion could immediately be cleared up, if their lessons were even in English.
Ira Riese:

As Protean jumped over the two of them, Ira side stepped him as best she could, keeping to a sprint while Alessa kicked Protean in the snout. Ira's eyes widened, but she focused on running instead. Suddenly Protean announced three riddles, and Ira felt like she was being targeted. She didn't understand the intricacies of the English language quite well enough to solve riddles. Hell, she was bad at Japanese riddles, as problem solving like that wasn't her forte.

Her three teammates quickly announced the answers to the riddles, one after the other. Two of them made absolutely no sense to her, but the nickel one was reasonable enough. A play on phrasing, as far as she could tell. Protean announced she could stop running, and it took all Ira's strength to not collapse then and there. She turned as Protean began to change, bubbling and broiling until it was in the shape of a. . . Part bull part human? It seemed almost like an Ushi-oni but more human than bull. Regardless, it was quite intimidating. It seemed very familiar, like it was from an ancient culture.

Ira eyed Protean carefully as it announced that they were going to box. "What are you supposed to be? Not an Ushi-oni I'm guessing, unless Decoy had input. A Lamassu?" She said, uncertain. She was half hoping it would distract Protean long enough for her to catch her breath a little bit. Right now she desperately wished she had a more combat oriented power.
Sorry about the delay everyone, finals are next week and I've had to cram like crazy. I'll try to post for Epsilon within the next two days, but I don't know for sure when I'll get the free time to do so. If push comes to shove I'll talk to Pro and let him decide her reaction. I definitely don't want to leave the RP so I'll try my best to get the post up.
Denver Streets

The burly man looked up from his phone to see the strange girl, that almost died, staring at him. He met her gaze for a second, before shifting it over to the creature which had been swimming through the air. The creature spoke a bit, and Jaunt remained interested right up until the point that it turned into a human. It was not an Endbringer, and was probably not worth his time. He doubted he would ever be put into a situation where he'd have to fight it, at least for the moment. He would might have to do reconnaissance on these 'Minutemen' after all, if they had such a big (heh) player on their team,

As the situation wound down, Jaunt suddenly heard the the girl in the domino mask start speaking for the second time. She sounded less monotone, (maybe she was less nervous?) but that wasn't the only thing. She claimed that he had been holding out on them. Before he could ask her to elaborate, she did. She explained the bounty he had just received in great detail, even citing who had given it to him. His eyes locked onto each person on the roof in turn, before deciding the best option was to leave.

He closed his eyes and concentrated on two points consecutively. One spot directly in front of the girl in the domino mask, and the next spot the center of the building that Furnace and Sonika had been fighting on before. His power pushed back a bit, before conceding and placing him in front of Celia for a quarter of a second and then placing him on the roof. A very slight sting of disapproval was ushered from his legs, but he ignored it. His feet took him farther forward, to the opposite side of the roof from where the 'heroes' had been gathered. He stared at a dark alley that was barely visible, yet still distinguishable as empty. A moment later he was there, and he continued walking. Now would be the time to lay low for a little bit, before actually hunting for the girl. It wasn't really worth the risk to have a whole gang of superheroes chasing him while he tried to make payday come early.
Ira Riese:

The young Asian Ward smiled thankfully at Alessa, nodding in response to the assertion. "Ya, I'm definitely fine with-" Before she could finish Protean interrupted her with a warning about those who ran too slowly. Ira looked behind her out of reflex, before her head snapped forward. Alessa pulled her forward, reacting faster than Ira to the creature. The image of part wolf part human was burned behind her eyes, and definitely encouraged her to match Alessa's pace. Her breath was coming out in painful gasps, but all she felt was the blood pumping in her head. Adrenaline dulled her senses, just encouraging her to run and avoid thinking. Soft cursed were mumbled, her eyes locked on the hand that was being held by Alessa. She closed her eyes for a second, remembering the simulated life and death situation they were in. Now was not the time to worry about relationship shit.
Ira Riese:

Ira's eyes locked onto the gorgeous Evelyn's, but at first she didn't understand. An explanation of its usage in combat died in her throat as she connected the dots. Tears forced their ways into her eyes as she covered her mouth. She had been so busy distracting herself that she hadn't even realized what this machine could do for Sonar. The stunning Alessa walked over to her, and as Ira placed her hand on the table her teammate kissed her. It was a peck, friendly, but it was still unexpected. Ira stumbled back a bit, sitting down carefully in the wheeled chair she had been sat in before. Alessa moved on to kiss Evelyn, as Ira tried to steady herself. She was just grateful, she didn't mean to violate your boundaries and you know it. Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry. It didn't help that Ira was already about to cry from the news that she could help Sonar.

As Ira tried her best to stay composed as a voice came on over the intercom overhead. Decoy announced that they would have access to the confidential information regarding Sonar's training with Hero. The mixture of emotions flooding Ira probably couldn't be more convoluted right now. She was excited, anxious, scared, hopeful, and so many other things. As her teammates began to trickle out, Ira walked to her room in a haze. She stared up at the ceiling from her bed for what seemed like hours before falling asleep.

At around 5:40 am Ira woke up to the sound of her alarm blaring. She instantly smacked the snooze button, falling back asleep within seconds. At around 5:48 am Ira woke once again to the sound of her alarm blaring. She slowly opened her eyes to glare at the infernal machine. She reached over to turn it off, and slowly sat up. Unsteady she stood up, and walked to her shower.

About twenty minutes later she exited the bathroom, and quickly put on her costume. She clipped the mask to her belt, deciding she'd set it down somewhere in the gymnasium so it would be accessible but wouldn't swing everywhere while running. Once 6:20 had rolled around, Ira had a small breakfast bar while watching TV. The young Asian girl walked to the gymnasium, and smiled at her teammates. She was a bit more cheerful today now that things were looking up for the group, though she did note Dean's absence. Her mood was more than a little disturbed by Protean's announcement that Dean had resigned from the Wards. He read out the note, and now with a full nights rest behind her, Ira managed to stay composed throughout, despite the emotional shock.

As the senior hero finished he gave them some time before suggesting they double down on their work ethic to keep the streets safe. That was always the intention, at least for Ira. She set down her mask down near Protean and began jogging with her teammates. Five laps felt like miles upon miles, and the fact that she had trouble pacing herself didn't help. She would probably be in the back of the group for most of the run. Surprisingly enough Alessa dropped back to talk to her, though Ira stayed silent throughout. At the offer of second in command, at first Ira hesitated. If she had been offered the job before Dean had left, she would have instantly said no and suggested their now former teammate. As it stood however, the options were limited. Sonar was not an option, and Elliot was-So it was between her and Evelyn, the newest member of the team. Ira didn't know how to accept the compliments she was given, though she she rid flush a bit, and it wasn't just from the exercise. "Yeah I'd be fine with taking over that position, but I don't know if I'd want it permanently. If someone else seems to be a better match afterwards, could I step down?" Ira asked cautiously. Her breath was unsteady as they finished the first lap together at the young Asian girl's pace, which was surely different from Alessa's normal pace.
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