Avatar of SouffleGirl123


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Cheers to 3000 days on the guild. I love you all 3000
1 yr ago
Y'all ever write something and just be shook about what you wrote? Cus damn it turns out I can write sometimes
1 yr ago
I drink water now, like lots of water. The only reason it hasn't made me too powerful is because I always have to pee now and idk if that payoff is fair tbh
2 yrs ago
No one remembers when corn kid said 'not everyone has to love it for it to be the best' and that quote hits deep
5 yrs ago
Never did I think I'd be avoiding my roommates to avoid getting asked why there was a fake wedding in the lounge room but here we are, thanks DnD


Most Recent Posts

Hey! You have room for more or a bit to full? I love the concept
You've piqued my interest
In OBLIVION 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
<Snipped quote by SouffleGirl123>

Yeah, also smart there will def be an influx of notifications

I expect no less haha.

Y'all enjoy! Sad I couldn't join (but 100% understandable! Props to you Salsa for doing the hard thing :D) but will see you all around and maybe back here in the near future :)
In OBLIVION 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Salsa Verde Easy, will you DM or tag us if you need a spot filled? Might unsubscribe so my notifs don't get spammed haha
Dude not necessarily a cringey OC but a cringey thing young RPer me did with a certain character (in my defense I was like 12 haha) is whenever someone would do something crappy to my character she'd run off and sing an original song I wrote like a damn musical. I'd always write in brackets at the end of the post 'Yeah, I wrote that' as if they were actually cohesive lyrics and not cringey writings of a 12 year old bahahahaha. Moshi Monsters RP forum was a weird time in my life
In OBLIVION 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

In OBLIVION 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I'm looking at object manipulation/transmutation:)
I'm nearly finished my CS, Will have it up at some point today most likely
In Connect 4 2 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum

In OBLIVION 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Salsa Verde Did you want our CS colours as black to to change them to our dialogue colour?
Lily Freya Jones

Name: Lily Freya Jones

  • Lil

Gender: Female
Age: 23

Magic use

Schools: Necromancy
Key spells
  • Cause fear
  • Animate dead
  • Inflict wounds

Lily is an outspoken and spunky young woman. Her language of choice is sarcasm and she, very visibly, won't put up with 'stupid people and stupid questions' (as stated by Lily herself). Lily is very sensitive and feels things very deeply and because of such has big feelings and big reactions to even the smallest of things. Lily will quickly resort to vengeful, anger and emotional outbursts, less out of calculated moves but more so out of natural instincts and a lack of self control.

Lily does actually care for the people around her quite a bit but she tends to hold everyone at an arm's length. Although she is brash by nature she does tend to come across as more cold and callous than natural for her as she's afraid to let people in.

Lily lived a rather average life- par her magical ability. In school she was the quiet kid in the corner of the room occasionally giving snarky remarks and was quite alone- not that she minded. She's rather spend her time with the company of her books or MP3 player than people. In her magical life she had relatively decent connections with the other children of the witches and warlocks. Her parent were both in the fields of necromancy and due to this Lily took an affinity to such.

In her later high school years Lily gained a small group of close friends within which she found a best friend in Maddy King (non-magical human) and a future boyfriend in Kyle Nguyen- a budding witch who'd moved from a coven in Minnesota. Her life just cruised on- she did well enough in school and nothing truly major happened in her childhood.

After graduating Lily decided to just work for a few years, enjoy her youth and build up some saving so she could live comfortably while she studied. She wasn't certain what she wanted to do and she wasn't in any rush to start her future. She worked at a bar for a few years before temporarily relocating to Phoenix to study design. At the mid-year break she returned to Tanner for the holidays but arrived a day early to surprise Kyle to find him making out with Maddy. Lily berated them in a fit of rage and hurriedly left the scene. Later that day she invited Maddy to 'talk it through' but Maddy arrived at the location to find the corpse of her dad attempting to attack her (as controlled by Lily).

It didn't take long for words of the incident to spread and although the rest of the non-magi thought the woman to be crazy the magically inclined knew what was happening, and it was pretty obvious who the culprit was. It wasn't long for the 'magical clean up crew' to come after Lily and she was quick to grab her friends who were also being hunted and hightailing out of the town.
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