Avatar of souleaterfan320


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<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

Really? Where are you from?

Mierno: If I had to guess, the Hellverse. Probably one of The Endless' minions*

???: ... not quite. I do not obey the False King. I follow my old ways. The law of the EDB.

Mierno: FREAKING FINALLY- wait, what?

???: yes. I used to be a soldier, in my previous life. Now? I live in limbo. Between live and death. A being with no name.


???: ...hmm?

Mierno: Limbo. A place between life and death. I'll refer to you as Limbo, if that's cool.

Limbo: that...will work. That is fine
Mierno: super lame. Jade seems to like it.
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

*My eyes light up and I gasp*
You can talk?? Wow! You're so cool!

???: ... I have spoken words since my birth. I come from a dark void. A desolate place... nof like this. This planet.m. its white 'snow',... beautiful...
<Snipped quote by Intrepid>

Why are you helping us again?

<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

Later. In person.

Ugh, fine. Also, shinjis mess found its way here again. Getting some Hellverse readings here at the cave a little ways from the base. Just found somd wierd monster that looks like it belongs in lovecraftian lore.
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

*Walks up to the creature*

*it takes notice of you*

....you aren't afraid...?
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

*Groans and then texts back*
Nope. Totally super dead.

Mierno: sarcasm, as always. Any other news?
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

*Claps once*
It's so cute!

Mierno: you think so, huh? Why dont ya go hug it?
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

It looked like a shadow.



I am not in the mood for this...
*fires the energy ball down the cavd hall, and something catches it, its beady eyes staring into it*

Mierno: *texts techi*

*you still alive?*
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>


*as we go, it begins to get darker and darker, until its almost too dark to see*

Mierno: one sec, ive got this.

*holds up my hand, and lightlike energy swirls in my hand. Allong the wall is a dark, menacing substance that retreats almost as quickly as it could be seen*

...did you catch that?

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