Avatar of souleaterfan320


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<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

*it does nothing to me*
You are a foooool to think that using my pooooower against meee will grant you victoryyyyy.

You're an idiot for thinking you can win, period.
*punches you with your energy and my energy combined in the face*
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

* my mouth splits as the beam reaches all three of you*

Shinji: Harmony.

*my sword shifts into the Wheel once again, and a green rune etches into the middle as it rotates, and it fires an equal blast into your blast, mixing w8th your energy and dissipating*
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

*my face moves with the blast, and I growl lowly, in a mocking tone*
Fitiiing that my own strengthhh hurtssss.


*absorbs as much as I can of the blast, then forms a shield of it on my arm, deflecting the rest of the blast back at you, but my arm becomes a little chared in the process*

Wow, thats a decent amount of heat.
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

*lifts my tail just before you reach it and smashes you with incredible speed*

*it smacks into me, knocking me back, but I dissapear from sight, aplearing in front of you, but in multiples. Each one of my visuals look slightly blurry*

Now there's 3 of me. Guess which ones the right one?

*all three withdraw a Wheel of Fate*

ARGUS-00, Danger Protocol.

*it forms into another sword, brimming with an ancient energy*

Lets go.

*all three dash at you, one at your right chin, one at your left eye, and one at your left neck. We all attempt to stab into you with our sowrds*
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

*slaps you away before you hit*
You are an annoying inssssect.

*catches your hand with two fingers, absorbing the impact energy and blasting it back into your face*

Says the fat lizard.
<Snipped quote by Nimda>

*nothing shows as I charge*

<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

*my body slightly jerks from the force, a mark is made from the impact, but I move without harm. Roaring as I grab you after the blast, swinging my tail at Shinji*

Mierno: *flips around as you go to grab me, punching your palm with a heavy blast*

I don't have the patience for you tough villains. Hurry up and die.

*dives toward you, rocking your jaw with a energized right hook*

Shinji: *narrowly dodges it, and draws out my Dimension Splitter sword, dashing toward your tail in an attempt to cut through it*
<Snipped quote by Fractured>

*Gets on all fours and charges towards you*

*mierno crashes in on top of you, pummeling you with a universe crushing energy blast*

Shinji: *floats above you in Endgame armor, firing highly explosive blasts at your tail*
*I charge into the rift, when I enter I leap off the ground into the pitch black darkness and disappear*

*Mierno and Shinji follow closely behind, stopping at the cliffside, waiting for the darkness to subside*
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

There is no need to be a hero here. If anything, that would hurt our progress. Focusing on Acnologia at all costs is important.

Mierno: I don't care about being a hero, I care about killing a threat as quickly as possible. Getting a little tired of these nigh-unkillable bad guys.
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

But your body will be exhausted, there is no problem to leave and come back.

Fair enough.
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