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    1. Spiffy 7 yrs ago
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@ProPro They are not secret. I will have your all post them right after I have you add one thing I forgot to them. Relationships: Just add the people who were important in the cs to your character and a brief description. Place it immediately before goods/gear. After that..we may begin! @Banana@Skwint@Eklispe
I have just pm'd the last CS to @Skwint. He will let me know if any changes should be made and we may begin our adventures! Hurrah!!
@ProPro You will be each starting where you left off at the end of your cs's. I will make the starting post which will get the ball rolling from where it ended to where you will go. I dislike forced character interaction and would prefer a more natural connection of your characters.

Currently I am in between jobs since Taco Bell is not hiring seasonal work. I will be doing some searching, but in my time away from that I will be working on your cs @Skwint

@ProPro's is finished. Moving on to @Skwint It looks like we had a player go AWOL. I will be looking for a replacement. We can still start this thing with four PC's. I'm eager to get going on it. @Eklispe@Banana
Captain Cedric D. Boone - Krabbe Battle! IX

Cedric watched in great satisfaction as his explosive shot made its' mark on their dangerous foe. He laughed bawdily, "Bawhahahahaha! And there's more where that came from!" Saban tumbled off the Rum Runner, but used a clever trick to make his way towards the King Krab. Boone held his side to apply pressure and alleviate the bleeding from his gunshot wound.

He made a mental note of the situation, hearing the words of John Krabbe. Working together would be the best option in their situation.."EVERYONE, EXCEPT DIRK!! PREPARE TO BOARD THE KING KRAB! FOCUS ON FIGHTING THAT MONSTROUSITY!!"

Then their captain glanced at Dirk stating, "Our capable helmsman will steer us in close enough to board. Isn't that right Mr. Messir?"
Telios & Koritomo-san


The Battle for Love

Telios flew over the lands of the new war god Koritomo. It was strange visiting with the daughter of the lead usurper. Telios hated the former war for killing his father Ephra, but his daughter seemed very reasonable and attractive. His former attachment to the goddess of nature ended after he found out she had been sleeping around with anyone and anything. Enough was enough! This time he was aiming to court Koritomo as well as have his first born son Telos prepared for battle. They would undoubtedly need an ally in their fight like Koritomo. More importantly then that though, Telios wanted a partner that would stick with him through the good and bad times. He also wanted somebody to love other then his son.

Some time later, Telios arrived with 10 large, ready for war Griffins, as well as a single phoenix made of pure sunlight. It required no food, just the light from the sun. He dropped his gifts off at the stables with an attendant, besides the phoenix, who seemed more then a little surprised at the large beasts. Telios spoke to the boy with a hefty deep voice in his 14 foot frame, "They have been trained, have no fear." Then he waved at them to proceed. The Griffins trotted forward to the boy. "You have a new master now." Telios said. Then he headed toward the desired meeting area. He realized finally, that he was a little large for the facilities and shrank his form to that of a large man, about 7 ft tall. Heading inside he knelt at the table provided outside the war room.

A woman stood pouring over a rather large map, Silver-blonde hair pulled back in a half bun ponytail, blue-violet eyes scanning over territories within her own lands. Small figurines of varying creatures were positioned throughout, some were far more clustered while others were spread far more out. A variety of Candles were spread about, adding further illumination to the streaks of sunlight that were pouring in through the windows within her War room. When she was not in here, usually she took to the city to see how her people were doing, but this morning she was expecting far too many people to arrive for her to even bother leaving the confines of her castle.This morning, she recalled that Telios, the God of the Sun, was intending on visiting his Son though he had expressed interest in seeing her as well. It was a strange thing, but she did not bother questioning it at the moment as it very well could be something as simple as discussing their alliance thanks to her agreement to train the boy he had sent to her. Lifting her eyes from the map before her, she spotted a shadowed figure on the other side of the door, the rice paper doing nothing to hide their presence. ”You may enter,” she stated before they even had the chance to knock, the only ones who ever dared bother her when she was busy planning out attacks on the enemies within her lands were her attendants, it was likely someone had arrived. “Koritomo-sama, one of your guests have arrived, I have him waiting in the sitting room,” a young man said after sliding open the door. “Ah, it seems Telios-san has arrived earlier than I expected him too,” she muttered to herself, giving the attendant a small wave of her hand in a dismissive manner, ”Please let him know that I will be there in a moment.” There was a soft clicking sound as she tapped one of her metal ‘claws’ on the table before she let out a sigh and headed for the door that the Attendant had left in a hurry to do as was bid of him. Smoothing out her Kimono, she left the room, sliding the door closed behind her before walking through the maze of halls and arriving at the sitting room. While she did have her Daisho at her side, she knew Telios was not there to harm her and made a point of removing it and placing it on a stand she had off to the side. ”Good morning Telios-san,” she said as she turned with a smile to greet her fellow God.

"Good morning, Koritomo..-san," he said a little awkwardly as he stood up, not used to the "san" part, "I wanted to visit with you today and discuss the future..Wouldn't you come for a ride in my chariot as we..discuss..?" As he finished, the bright yellow phoenix flew over to Koritomo, did a couple of spirals in the air and landed on her shoulder. It was a beautiful creature and shone brilliantly in the room.

Koritomo brought her hand up and gently ran her fingers along the creature’s shining feathers. She had always envied Telios’s Phoenixes, but had never made mention of the fact simply because she had some beautiful creatures within her lands. ”It would be rude of me to refuse,” she replied with a small smile on her face, it was clear that she really did like the creature that had made her shoulder it’s perch, ”It has been some time since I have seen those lovely Griffins of your’s after all.” Telios smiled.

Though lovely wasn't the word he'd use to describe it, the god of war had the right to use the adjective of her choice. Telios began walking outdoors with Koritomo toward the stables where the griffins were being kept. He turned to his companion and said, "They are completely at your beck and call now."

Koritomo raised a brow, wondering why he had brought so many, and what exactly he had meant by them being at her beck and call. However, it did not take her very long to come to her own conclusion, which prompted her to turn to the Sun God with a curious look on her face. "A gift?" she questioned, "And if that is indeed the case I am afraid that I have nothing ready for you to reciprocate such a wonderful thing you have allowed me to have."

Telios shook his head and smiled, "No need! All I ask is that you take a ride with me in my chariot above your lands." Telios whistled and two pegasil dragging a golden sun chariot trotted towards them. He stepped inside. The chariot was much larger then his current 7ft frame inhabited. He laughed at the comical sight and reached his hand out to help Koritomo aboard.

The young Goddess accepted the help that was offered as she boarded the chariot, rather curious to know exactly what business he wished to discuss with her during the upcoming ride that would call for such an extravagant gift as the Griffins he had given to her. Out of the gods that currently existed, she was the most recent to be born, the daughter of War and life. Where her father had been the sword of war, she had taken up the mantle of shield thanks to her mother's influence. Her own honor drove her to protect those that needed it, and punish those who deserved it.

After Koritomo boarded, Telios took the reigns of the pegasil and bid them to ascend. They began running forward and flapping their large wings. After a few seconds they were airborne. A few minutes after that they were high in the sky, overlooking Koritomo's dwelling place. Pleased with his creature's Telios breathed in the fresh air and spoke to his companion, "Beautiful view, isn't it?" He waited for her to respond and continued, "The reason I wanted to talk with you is to pursue your hand..in marriage." He turned to her to see her response finishing, "There is no other woman on earth as beautiful as you are. Your skill with weapons, and war is unparalleled and I would be honored to call you my wife." Telios was a very upfront individual, he wasn't playing games and was dead serious about his intentions. Very bold in his approach.

There was nothing but silence for some time, Koritomo's expression a mask as her mind began to turn over the words that he had said to her. The idea that someone wanted her hand in marriage was a bit confusing to her, she was young, still well in the phase of proving to everyone that she was a Goddess of War to be trusted. There was also the fact that he had gone so far as to compliment her capabilities on the battlefield as well as her ability to handle her weapons, but she wasn't sure she was ready for marriage of any kind just yet. "You want me to marry you," she finally said, her voice shockingly even, "I must admit that I was not expecting you to ask such a thing, but I hope that you understand that I need some time to consider your request as it is not something to take lightly."

Telios listened intently to the god of war. He nodded as she described her feelings to the sun god. When finished he replied lightly, "I understand if you need some time to think about everything. You are a capable god and I support your position in the pantheon." They continued for another half hour enjoying the clouds and shining scenery. The phoenix flew about in perfect tranquility. It burst into flames high above the air putting on a show for the gods.

Afterward,they landed back on the ground. Telios got out and attempted to help Koritomo get down. He reached out to kiss her hand. Afterward, he said, "Thank you for coming with me. Think about what I said and I will be sure to visit with you again." He waited for her reply and asked about his son, "How is Telos' training coming along? Is he listening like I've told him?"

Koritomo accepted his help on the dismount and nodded her head in response to his question. "He is learning fast and well," she told the God, "You are welcome to go to the Bushi Dojo within the city to visit him as training begins at sunrise." The young Goddess was relieved that he had not attempted to pressure her any further and had accepted her response. The ride had been lovely and she was rather pleased that her day seemed to start out well enough, though she soon had to deal with some diplomatic things. "I can have an attendant lead you to the Dojo if you would like, I am afraid that I have other things I must attend to soon, new arrivals and such."

Telios agreed to her offer stating, "I would like that." He let the attendant take him to the dojo to watch his son fight. The phoenix stayed near Koritomo. It knew she was its' new master. Telios waved as he headed off. The day started off well. He was confident Koritomo would soon fall for him. After all, who could resist his pure light? Maybe Oao. The future looked promising.

Gamble for me. Also, sorry Satan not sorry.
Gabriel/Swarm - Minutemen "Headquarters"

Gabriel nodded to the apparent leader of the group and made way to take his leave remarking, "Thank you very much for looking into this for me. I'm sure we will be in touch." He took out a business card with his number and name on it Gabriel Hammond.

He stepped out side the door and out towards the car. He had an apparent grin on his face. Everything seemed to be going exactly as planned. "The Rockers will soon be taken out..then we will have our chance." He thought to his partners.
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