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2 mos ago
Current the creature from the vegetable soup
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5 yrs ago
cdn.discordapp.com/attachme… literally me irl rn
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5 yrs ago
5 yrs ago
Yoooooooooooooooooo Cardcaptor Sakura is lit
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5 yrs ago
If you make the mistake to judge a man by his race you go through life with egg on your face.


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@Sho Minazuki probs won’t be able to make this one sorry : (
@Spike No, not really... Sorry, I don't have any yet. Once again, this is my first rp on here, and I'm still learning and figuring stuff out, soooo, yea..

Oh that's fine then. Mmm I'll just make my onw.

In [closed] 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Is there a character sheet?
When Vidia's friend turned away, Roger took a single step into the building. He was being paid to assassinate him. That was, of course stopped when Vidia slammed the door in his face. He stepped away from the door and swore under his breath. She was, of course, a ghoul too. He could smell it on her. He got on his bike and drove away. He'd try again later.
"Pizza Time." Roger grinned, handing over the box of pizza. "25$. Plus tip." He said, holding out his hand.
There was a ring at the doorbell to Vidia's office. A white-haired man in a pizza uniform was there, holding a box with a piping-hot pepperoni pizza.

I'll join. I'll make a dimension-scientist who uses magitech and has a hyperspace vacuum cleaner.
@Sho Minazuki Looks rad. I liked the GBA Fire Emblem games a lot but never played the other. Is the Lord spot still open or does your character take that? I'm interested in a somewhat morally-ambiguous lord who uses dark magic.
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