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Current If it’s out of your hands, then it deserves freedom from your mind too.


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Glad to see your interest, also good to see you again mate.
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A Brief Look At "The Last Hope":
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The premise is simple, but the details and ideas I have for this are going to get a little elaborate—So stick around before you judge this to be another "same old story". This is intended to be both a story about colonization, and fixing the aftermath of a ruined and destroyed earth. A mutagen ravages the world, affecting animal and plant life in strange ways. Animals began to rapidly mutate, gaining strange and unpredictable abilities. So too did the plant life, as plants mutated, becoming strange, and deadly. It wasn't long before the mutagen's influence overwhelmed the world's capacity to defend against it, and unfortunately, time ran out for us. Our last ditch effort was to send people into a sort of half-cocked, jury-rigged cryosleep and let them sleep until things got better, or the A.I figured out a solution. Well let me tell you, people are going to be waking up a little early, and quite unhappy. Also, in our efforts to reverse the effects of the mutagen we managed to: Kill 90% of the world's population, inflict disease on the rest of them, create permanent winter, cripple our electronic capabilities via rogue a.i, contaminate literally all of the water, and create extreme weather anomalies.
We're great, aren't we? Not all is bad however, we did make breakthroughs in nanotechnology, which is the only reason anybody has survived thus far anyways. Did it really help us in the end? No, not really, but it has prolonged the eventual extinction of the human race. And now it becomes the problem of our characters to basically solve all of this as they plummet through the atmosphere ten years later. Things to do; Establish a colony and defend it against a planet that will literally try to kill you at every turn, defeat the rogue a.i and its army, exterminate or cure the animals, who knows what to do with the fucking killer plants, end perma-winter, fix the weather, purify the water, and for the love of god somebody reinvent alcohol because you are going to need a drink.


Mutated Animal teaser:


Thanks for popping by, as you can see the interest check is unfinished. A few reasons for that: One, I want to gather some interest to spur me on and make sure I actually have a base interested in this. Two, the best time to integrate ideas and thoughts is during the construction phase, so if you're very interested, feel free to throw in your two cents for world and plot construction. Here's a couple of ideas and world stuff I have, though I won't list everything:

(Feedback and Ideas are welcome and desired.)

Roleplaying Mechanics:
[1](Feedback Encouraged, this is merely a thought an idea I may or may not implement at the moment)
- I had an idea of a sort of "events" system: Roughly, at some point I would PM you with a decision between one, two, or three things for your character, wherein you would reply with a choice (which could definitely be to ignore the event), and I will give you a consequence to this choice. It feels like an interesting way to keep things fresh and interesting, with the addition of keeping writers from getting too comfortable (As we so often get.)

Story Stuff:

Neuromancy: Basically where "powers" comes in. Short hand: Nanotech + Mutagen gives people the potential to interface with the world on an atomic level. For instance, take somebody who can spew flames from their hands. What it looks like: Fire spraying from hands. What it actually is based on my pseudo-science: Subconscious creation of a controlled, chemical-reaction producing flame. I could use a lot of fancy words to explain this to you, but I'm looking for "simple, quasi realism", nothing has to be perfect here and I want people to understand the basic principles, rather than receiving a crash course on exothermic reactions. We'll be balancing this with drawbacks and weaknesses. For example: Too much use of the fire-powers could cause said character to oh.. what's the equivalent.. combust into a ball of hellfire made of hatred, regret, and the fury of every cat that has ever gotten wet, etc.

Nanosoldier: Literally just think of a soldier with cool gear and implants. Run faster, shoot better, "Jump Good" - Monkey Man.

Neuro implants (for the Neuromancers) and Nano implants are incompatible and will kill the host.

I will update this thread as more ideas come to me, or you come up with cool stuff. Also, i'm leaning more towards ballistic weapons instead of lasers.

P.s, only now do I realize my formatting is broken for mobile devices, "I can fix that" - Handyman from Holes
I'll be dropping from this for my own reasons. Thank you for the chance though.
Kilasu Evara

A flurry of snow whipped across Ki's body, causing her long overcoat to twist and whip around her. However, she did not feel the cold as others would — A rather simple trick of meditation, and force of will. She was well covered, if not overly so, and the combination of her headwrap and goggles did a decent enough job of shielding her face. Ki pressed on at a light jog, though in snow as deep as this it was more of an awkward, lunging gait. It had briefly occurred to her, once, that she could use a barrier to push away the snow, but she wasn't really one to squander her energy, especially on frivolities. The majesty that was Dall quickly rose up before her, as pristine as the snow itself, if with a little more shine. The tall spires and thick towers soared overhead, and Ki idly wondered what mystical force held them aloft so high and prevented them from simply crumbling to the ground. A few moments later, Ki came upon a pair of guards huddled beneath the portcullis.

"Oi, who goes their mate? I can't see piss through this," one of them shouted, Ki thought it might have been the slightly shorted one.

"You couldn't see piss through a window you blind bugger," the other laughed, though he joined his comrade in a show of arms as they stepped into Ki's path.

Ki slowed to a halt and raised her hands slightly, "No harm goodmen, I'm a traveler on King's errand."

"King's errand eh? Then I suh'pose you have the proper documentation then?" The shorter man queried with a hand outstretched.

"I do," Ki confirmed as she rummaged in her bag, "are you this friendly to all your visitors?"

"Jus' the ones who stumble through the snow like a drunken horse," he replied.

"Ah.. well.. fair enough," Ki said, passing a rolled piece of parchment to the man. He unrolled it, and with eyes squinted nearly shut he put it up to his face. After an awkwardly long strong of time he snorted, and passed it back.

"Seems good, jus' don't go causing trouble eh?"

"Trouble?" Ki said in disbelief, "I would never."

She gave a polite nod to the second guardsmen as she passed by into the city. She was in the lower quarters, though she didn't quite know the exactly terminology here—She'd only been to Dall a handful of times, usually in passing. Still, the streets here were slick with frost, and the denizens seemed to be cut from a rougher cloth. Ki was no prude, as she did not discriminate against a man by the way he dressed, but she definitely remembered enjoying some choice moments with the upper folk. If she hadn't of come strictly on business, she would likely have reunited with an old acquaintance.. or two. Speaking of business, she wished she could discover what sort of magic the messengers of Dall had used to even find her: She was literally in a cave, in the wilderness, hundreds of miles from Dall.
She was in the midst of this thought, strolling through the lower quarters in the midst of a crowd when a whip cracked through the air above her. She glanced around and came eye-to-eye with the gap toothed scowl of a carriage driver. He didn't yell at her to move, but simply cracked his whip at her again as his horse-team cantered towards her. Ki stepped aside and caught a glimmer of a woman within, though she saw naught but a hardy looking cloak, and a stray lock of hair the color of wheat glowing in the sun. 'Now that looks like my kind of company,' Ki thought with an inward sigh.
"To business then," She said ,to nobody in particular, as she made her way towards the massive fortress that served as the King's palace. Her route to the gates was rather boring and uneventful, aside from giving food to a few street urchins and what remained of her bread to a rather downtrodden homeless man. Another thing that was easy to ignore was the hunger slowly crawling its way into her belly. She'd find something to eat, eventually. Perhaps the steward would greet them with a feast, maybe the King himself even. Ki found her mind wandering again, particularly on if the King was as handsome as some of the foreign rumors foretold. She'd never met the man himself, but he, or perhaps his associates, were quite aware of her powers.
She passed a bar on her way towards the palace, and her mind quietly drifted towards the thought of a hot meal, a strong drink, and a soft bed. The shrieking that was coming from within quickly deterred her of the thought, and she turned her mind back towards thoughts of the castle where her imagination brewed up grand ideas of food and sleep. Ki may have been a creature of the wilderness, but what kind of self-respecting woman would turn down a rose petal bath? And one could hardly stay at a palace without gambling with the servants for gossip. Such thoughts circulated in her mind as she walked steadily towards the castle, and before she knew it, she had arrived at the gates. She produced her documentation, and was quickly ushered inside to some sort of hall. A hall that could likely fit her entire sect of tribe members, and possibly their extended family.
Unfortunately, there wasn't much happening within, and there was only one other person aside from herself, and Ki severely doubted the King had employed a servant wielding a broom on this mission. Ki chuckled quietly, imaging the serving maid would rush into battle shouting something along the lines of 'I'm going to clean up evil'. Figuring there was nothing to do than to wait, Ki shrugged off her coat, unwound her head wrap, and pulled her goggles up onto her forehead. She sat herself against a column, lotus style, and let herself sink into her thoughts. She was still aware of the world around her, of the colonnade running the length of the hall and the gentle swishing sounds of the servants broom. It was more that she was simply ignoring everything and pushing it away from the forefront of her perception, allowing to to react while focusing on her own thoughts, and her unsuccessful experiments.
Hmm, also interested. Also for clarification I know 0 about this setting, but I will research.

Edit: Browsing around, I saw some of the enemies from the rpg project. Tell me you'll be including those because they are fucking disgusting and awesome.

Also @Whoami, you may want to cover the exposed picture up there, guild rules prohibit any sort of mature imagery in that regard.

ASLO, ALSO: English PDF of what I assume is "the book"
http://files.homoeoteleuton.com/Degenesis/DegenesisCCRelease.pdf For research.

WARNING It's like 347 pages.
@PrettyWings Her abilities are a bit obscure, what kinds of wards/spells can she cast other than healing? And what kind of magical properties on her sword? Just curious.

<Snipped quote by Forgiveness>

Are you being a butt again?? Do I need to start sending lesbi-gifs again??!!?

Yes 😍
Yeah, I've almost run out of necromancer fan fiction to write.

Just start writing your sexy fan fiction about all the women
Marble metaphors mmmm 😉

Where is the gay man serving the king...

Oh, he's "serving" him alright
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