Avatar of The Grey Dust


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20 hrs ago
Current "These ribs are tasty, they are tender and fall off the bone, where do you get the meat from Dr. Lecter?" - "Local Farmers."
2 days ago
Chainmail is the best armor for clerics, leather is the best armor for rogues. One is protective holiness, the other is made of hide.
3 days ago
Never get into a kickboxing match in Bangkok, they always tie.
4 days ago
If you want a get a Smoking Hot Body for the Summer, don't go to the gym, go to the crematorium.
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7 days ago
Time Travel was invented Yesterday. We're in the Future Now, Today, and if you think that's impressive, just wait until Tomorrow.
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May I reserve a Neurology Night-Float?
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Zhystkrexas has made his plan.

The greatest lie of them all. The favored whisper of an empty promise uttered by false lips. Echoed by the blind and deaf, who saw not beyond the veil of deception, and heard not the caution of those before them. It was the wicked venom, the most poisonous draught to quaff, for in moments such fervor and ecstasy would seize the mind. Dulling the senses by the euphoria that was the fool's bargain, a life of suffering meant a divine reward for surely the gods had a plan. For by faith there was a meaning to the torment, a reason to live on and endure the hardships in life praising the gods for all their glory. There was the serpent's lie, that the gods in fact cared. Come winter's end, the heartless immortals remained as cold as the frozen rivers and silent as the snow-hushed hills. The rare game and blighted crop, the famine which spread like fire, death reaped the baleful harvest. Yet still, the spirit of faith clung on to the bitter end. Still life struggles, squirming, groveling before the shrines of their perfect idols offering what little could be spared. Food and sacrifices, prayers of hope and faith, pleas and deals of desperation. But man could not dine on their unanswered prayers.

But he can. Seated upon his high throne Zhystkrexas the Lord of Hunger clamped his jaws into the ruby apple held in his hand. A salivating tongue glided across his glistening teeth, collecting the juices from the crisp flesh. His hunger insatiable, his stomach an endless pit, teeth as sharp as his tongue was smooth, and among the essentials he was the necessary evil of being. Born from the first want; Zhystkrexas was hunger, a desire for something more, the impetus of a drive. Without him, all would stagnate, there would be no will to eat nor drink, no desire to fornicate and breed, no motivation to aspire for anything more than what was given by the graces of the gods. But by his hand, the terrible things that consumed them, pushed into excess until they too could no longer sate their desires, turning want into need. With each bite, the brand of teeth across the apple, He turned the world into the reflection of what Zhystkrexas was: All-Consuming Hunger.

His celestial throne within the second circle befitted his title, stylized by the regalia of his hidden horror. A gilding of gold across the skeletal remains of some great beast, bones gnawed at and brushed with a vainglorious luster as if to conceal the barbaric truth with refined art. There unknown creature's opened skull became a bowl for the apples, serving the ravenous lord his meal such that he may continually eat despite the gathering of gods. As was his nature, which tormented his existence, twisting his mind into not ruling of his dominion, but letting it rule over him. There was once a time where he regulated and moderated the hunger, but now the Zhystkrexas that sat before the rest of them was a perversion of his original self. It was inevitable that the role consumed him, and now perhaps he longed to make the others suffer the same as misery desires company most. It was his influence that tainted the court, and now he sought to plant the seeds to devour the fruits of his patient labour. A new era demanded a new pantheon.

And once planted, he may return to sowing his design in the mortal plane. Favours and allies to claim by the pacts made upon this council floor with his fellow immortals. Then he shall come to the mortals like a messiah to the broken, savior of their lives to bless them with a bounty to feed their hungry mouths. And by the gnashing of teeth, tongues shall confess to the praises of Zhystkrexas, and offer themselves to him like flies to honey by faith. It was his modus operandi: to alleviate the very suffering he created. For the ancient demon-god knew that honey did far better than vinegar to gather flies, but none more so than rotting meat. They would devour it all the same, and poison themselves so willing.

See what faith he can bestow up you?

It appears we aren't so much Gods as Demigods in most cases.

"It is settled then! We camp here tonight." A nod at the rest of the group as the warrior woman reached into her bag of holding to withdraw a set of handaxes. Taking one in each hand with the obvious intent of murdering a nearby tree. A tilt of the neck to either side came with audible pops, a roll of her shoulders, all in preparation to be the lumberjack. All she needed now was to wear plaid flannel and grow a gristly beard, and with her body she'd convince anyone she was a frontiersman, emphasis on man. Fortunately her feminine curves reduced the stark visualization, if only mildly so as her wet over-the-shoulder hair. Walking past the breaking group the Valkyrie headed towards the treeline, similar to the Anna and Harridan albeit "Prepare the camp grounds, pitch your tents ladies, I'll go grab us some wood."

Settling into the forest, no enemies were in sight, save for the trees themselves. Selecting one among them to fall, Alex began her work, undisturbed by the falling leaves as the tree's rebuttal against her strokes. Unwavering strength with each blow, splitting the bark hack by hack, the might of her honed body shining through the workout. With nary a sweat broken, the forest lost a tree, crashing down amidst the thicket with a quaking thud. Yet the work was not quite done as the female lumberjack continued to butcher the verdant corpse, splitting apart the trunk into a manageable pillar of wood. Sap like blood oozed and splattered out the axe cuts chipped away into the pith. Until at last it was finished, and finally the muscular woman found herself perspiring, a single tree was more effort than the witch or zombies combined. Wiping her brow off before hoisting the massive totem over her shoulder with a grunt, a feat of strength beyond lesser men with a burden of close to quarter ton, the barbarian zealot marched back towards the campground, axes freshly dripping of sap but their magic nature kept their edges still keen.

Returning to camp about an hour after her departure, Alex found her shield-brother grazing on the grass of this strange world. The trees were not so different, nor evidently was the grass as the Unicorn glanced at the haul of wood the Valkyrie carried. She'll need to cut it down to campfire size, a single tree trunk was quite massive, although perhaps the spearmaiden had ideas to make furnishings such as a table for them share meal with. Though there was a distinct lack of ale or mead to go around, perhaps the merchant had some? If she returned they would have to trade certainly, coin was no good in the wilderness, food and drink were more important. The cat-kin seemed more interesting however, another devotee of the divines, sure Mila had mentioned something but there was something admirable about a faithful servant that Alex could admire.

"You follow the Raven Queen then? I have heard of her. She is no goddess of mine. But she seems to be similar to Hel, among the gods I serve." A conversation started as the human set to work on restructuring the great piece of wood with her single handaxe. Between the rhythmic sounds of wood being chopped, the casual conversation between strangers forced together, "Where I come from, the goddess Hel rules the dread afterlife for those who fall of disease and age. Valhalla and Freyja's Field are reserved for those who died in glorious battle. I pray that one day I may be worthy of entering the gates of Valhalla." An quick explanation of Alex's understanding of her pantheon's afterlife policies. There were complexities beyond them, but those were for those higher within the ranks to explain to the lowly folk such as her. Even a Templar could not fully explain the cosmos, but was it not the truest faith to believe in something that may not even be true? "We are both women of faith, and I wonder, if the gods have brought us here. But I am no priest or seer, so I must ask of you if my thoughts may be true."

A few pieces chucked into a growing pile, plucked clean and stamped down by Adal in preparation. He was the only man for Alex, for truly they knew each other well so much as for him to prepare a patch of bare earth for the campfire. Touching the pile with his horn the flames ignited. The many uses of druidcraft, the fire crackling soon enough, and the half-hewn long-hall table set a few feet before the burning flames. Taking a seat by the fire to warm and dry the remains of her damp clothes, her hair slowly curling back into a wild tangle as the Valkyrie motioned the Cat-cleric to sit by the warm inferno of Muspelheim and discuss her thoughts.
Probably about right. He does have to eat a bunch. I'd imagine he's forced to be continually eatting... Never stopping unless he starts to eat himself...

By nature Zhystkrexas is essential.

Hunger is a drive which motivates.
He is the necessary evil of the world.
Without an urge or impetus to want something more,
The world falls into a stagnation of stoicism.
Where nothing moves because there is no desire to move.
mortals would not eat nor drink nor breathe.
The very atoms would fail to react as they lose their atomic principles...
Causing all chemically reactions to cease to be governed by the simple need of electrons...

Edit: Of course without him the world is doomed to succumb into lawless chaos. And with him? All the same. The point is to satiate the insatiable such that he walks the fine line and keeps devouring but never quite swallowing his meals.
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